Pandemic 2020

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Given how effective single doses of the mRNA and AZ vaccines appear to be, perhaps only those who are at risk should receive a second dose. I'll go with my 90% effective Pfizer single shot for a spell, as long as it keeps me out of the hospital or morgue. We are getting our back orders from the states now that they have eased up on export restrictions. So perhaps we should do a rethink on vaccinations, as long as we get enough for everyone to get a single dose and the vulnerable a second one. Maybe we might just wait for the improved booster shots. Americans need to realize though that exporting vaccines and many pharmaceuticals to Canada in the future will not be possible and will be excluded from any trade agreements, or those agreements will be terminated. Next time Canada will be part of the vaccine solution, not the vaccine shortage problem.

We are currently in the midst of a wave of covid infections and many places are near crises levels with most provinces locked down hard until vaccinated. If they are shitting on Canada over this, imagine what they are saying about the Americans!
WHO calls out Canada over COVID-19 vaccine inequity

The World Health Organization has called out richer countries, including Canada, for not helping international efforts toward COVID-19 vaccine equity, despite vaccinating their populations at a much faster rate than poorer countries.
Joe should draft Dr. Scott Atlas and send America's expert on herd immunity there immediately to help out in the hospitals. He can get to see his theory in action, since he never had the chance to in America. I wonder if Scotty got vaccinated or is he gonna go with the natural immunity?
He worked in Trump's Whitehouse. The hottest hot spot for the disease anywhere in the US at the time. Pretty sure he was vaccinated way ahead of everybody else. Or he got it. No way he's free from antibodies.

Fun fact: Did you know that when a hundred Stanford Medical School professors, most of whom experts in the field of epidemiology and viral diseases, released a letter signed by them to refute Scott Atlas's* statements about the epidemic ("Rise Up, Michigan and defy Meg Witmer"), they were threatened with a lawsuit by Atlas. The scrambled and found pro-bono legal support and after they refused, Scott did not follow through on his threats.

(*Scott is a neuro-radiologist and expert in health policy and at the time was on leave from Stanford's Hoover Institute)
Anybody with a brain knew it was here weeks ago. There have been non stop incoming flights from India up until yesterday.

Trust me, that variant is all over the U.S. right now.
A quarter of our province's infections are the UK variant. It would be no surprise if the others are here also.
A quarter of our province's infections are the UK variant. It would be no surprise if the others are here also.
Every variant in existence is in circulation in North America and has been for awhile, original, UK, Brazilian, Indian and others including some American creations. The UK variant is 70% more contagious and infects children more easily, kids are no longer immune from covid, if they ever were to begin with.

The good news is Health Canada approved the Pfizer vaccine for Kids 12 and up and many places figure they will be vaccinated by fall. If they can get vaccines approved down to age 7 by fall, it will protect kids, make school openings much easier and help working families a lot.
SALEM — Oregon health officials say at least 74 people linked to a church in Salem have contracted COVID-19.

"The church’s website and Facebook page indicates in-person services and events continue to be held there, including Mother’s Day services scheduled for Sunday."

"Last year, People’s Church joined nine other Oregon churches in a legal effort to overturn Gov. Kate Brown’s COVID-19 restrictions. The complaint, filed by California-based Pacific Justice Institute, argued that restrictions on churches violate constitutional protections for religious freedom."

"According to the church’s Facebook page, lead pastor Scott Erickson and his wife, Bonnie, both were hospitalized with COVID-19 last month."

Every variant in existence is in circulation in North America and has been for awhile, original, UK, Brazilian, Indian and others including some American creations. The UK variant is 70% more contagious and infects children more easily, kids are no longer immune from covid, if they ever were to begin with.

The good news is Health Canada approved the Pfizer vaccine for Kids 12 and up and many places figure they will be vaccinated by fall. If they can get vaccines approved down to age 7 by fall, it will protect kids, make school openings much easier and help working families a lot.
Around here they are pre-registering children between 12 - 16 so it may be sooner than fall.
So I decided it's all a conspiracy...but not in the way you would think. It's all an elaborate plot to make kids ears stick out weird. Keep those masks on applying gentle pressure pulling the ears forward and nobody will notice. It's a gradual shift, like braces, but watch out, could be permanent.

So I decided it's all a conspiracy...but not in the way you would think. It's all an elaborate plot to make kids ears stick out weird. Keep those masks on applying gentle pressure pulling the ears forward and nobody will notice. It's a gradual shift, like braces, but watch out, could be permanent.

The Obama ears conspiracy! If you include that "fact" it will really take off and compete with Qanon! :lol:
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