You literally bring nothing to the conversation.
Hi, welcome to our little sandbox. Sure, if you bring some credible information we will look at it. But keep in mind we have been at this covid thing for a long time. The politics around it also. No, the vaccines are not perfect, no vaccine is 100% perfect for everyone.
Keeping that in mind it is a case of the lesser of evils. How many people died as a result of covid? The biggest killer of people is pnemonia cause by the virus. But if on a death certificate the cause is listed as pneumonia due to covid the death is not a covid death to some (not mentioning any names, I am being kind). The same goes for blood clotting, the covid virus mucks up the blood and you get strokes, organs shutting down due to restricted blood flow. There is a whole host of issues caused by the virus. One year in and they are still learning.
So when a new person comes here and posts less than credible information backing up a minimalist argument we see it as just another troll or misguided Trump-QAnon Southern Baptist. Or a Russian facsimile. Keep in mind we have seen many come and go. What really is confusing is your purpose to drop in and say hi. We take it that a Russian (or those in their employ) just want to bring the West down to Russia's level. Indirectly the Southern Baptists want the same thing. Narrow minds to the point where others are even dumber than they are (there are some knowledgeable and compassionate SB's, I am not including them in here).
So, bringing something to the conversation. We have seen your kind before and none lasted long. This is due to them being so easily to expose. It is not even fun sport anymore. So we tend to be dismissive, basically why bother?