Pandemic 2020

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The info is out there, but you wont be getting it from the MSM.
Seems your Australian directive of the vaccine has disappeared just as I was going to reply. I did some research. It seems you are taking the word 'poison' to conclude the vaccine is a danger to us all. That is not quite what the act that the Standard falls under implies. Schedule 5 tells of how the 'Poison' is to be labeled and used.

I can not get below the table below to give my impression of what you were trying to imply with the picture. I got the impression that you were posting the picture with the word 'poison' being used as we do here in North America. Seems Australians use it another way. But that does not seem to bother you in twisting the meaning to something more nefarious than what Australians use. I just picked out some odd ones on schedule 5.


ACETIC ACID (excluding its salts and derivatives) in preparations containing more than 30 per cent of acetic acid (CH3COOH) except:
a) when included in Schedule 2 or 6; or
b) for therapeutic use.
ACETONE except in preparations containing 25 per cent or less of designated solvents.
ASPIRIN for the treatment of animals, in divided preparations when packed in blister or strip packaging or in a container with a child-resistant closure.
a) in food additives; or
b) in preparations containing 2 per cent or less of cinnamon bark oil.
CLOVE OIL for topical use in the mouth in a pack containing 5 mL or less of clove oil except in preparations containing 25 per cent or less of clove oil.

One I use all the time, CA glue.

CYANOACRYLATE ESTERS in contact adhesives except:
a) when labelled with the warning:
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Avoid contact with skin and eyes and avoid breathing vapour. Bonds on contact. Should fingers stick together apply a solvent such as acetone to contact areas then wash off with water. Do not use solvents near eyes or open wounds. In case of eye contact immediately flush with water

HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (excluding its salts and derivatives):
a) in hair dye preparations containing 12 per cent or less of hydrogen peroxide except in hair dyes containing 6 per cent or less of hydrogen peroxide


Poisons are not scheduled on the basis of a universal scale of toxicity. Although toxicity is one of the factors considered, and is itself a complex of factors, the decision to include a substance in a particular Schedule also takes into account many other criteria such as the purpose of use, potential for abuse, safety in use and the need for the substance.
This Standard lists poisons in ten Schedules according to the degree of control recommended to be exercised over their availability to the public.
Poisons for therapeutic use (medicines) are mostly included in Schedules 2, 3, 4 and 8 with progression through these Schedules signifying increasingly restrictive regulatory controls.
For some medicines and agricultural, domestic and industrial poisons, Schedules 5, 6 and 7 represent increasingly stricter container and labelling requirements with special regulatory controls over the availability of the poisons listed in Schedule 7. Products for domestic use must not include poisons listed in Schedule 7.

Poison” means any substance or preparation included in a Schedule to this Standard.

1.3 Primary packs and immediate containers
(1) The primary pack and immediate container of a poison must be labelled as follows:
a) with the signal word or words relating to the Schedule in which the poison is included and the purpose for which it is to be used, as shown in the following table:
SchedulePurposeSignal words required
2for any purposePHARMACY MEDICINE
5for any purposeCAUTION
6for any purposePOISON
7for any purposeDANGEROUS POISON
8for any purpose CONTROLLED DRUG

i) on the first line or lines of the main label; and
ii) in bold-face sans serif capital letters of uniform thickness; and
iii) in letters at least half the height of the largest letter or numeral on the label but need not be larger than:
A) 6 millimetres on labels for packages having a nominal capacity of 2 litres or less; or
B) 15 millimetres on labels for packages having a nominal capacity of more than 2 litres; and
iv) if the poison:
A) is a Schedule 5 poison, with nothing, other than a Class label as specified in the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail or a statement of the principal hazard of the poison, written on that line; or

Schedule 5Caution – Substances with a low potential for causing harm, the extent of which can be reduced through the use of appropriate packaging with simple warnings and safety directions on the label.
Schedule 6Poison – Substances with a moderate potential for causing harm, the extent of which can be reduced through the use of distinctive packaging with strong warnings and safety directions on the label.
Schedule 7Dangerous Poison – Substances with a high potential for causing harm at low exposure and which require special precautions during manufacture, handling or use. These poisons should be available only to specialised or authorised users who have the skills necessary to handle them safely. Special regulations restricting their availability, possession, storage or use may apply.
Schedule 8Controlled Drug – Substances which should be available for use but require restriction of manufacture, supply, distribution, possession and use to reduce abuse, misuse and physical or psychological dependence.
Schedule 9Prohibited Substance – Substances which may be abused or misused, the manufacture, possession, sale or use of which should be prohibited by law except when required for medical or scientific research, or for analytical, teaching or training purposes with approval of Commonwealth and/or State or Territory Health Authorities.
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Have a nice day ladies.

So you're trying to convey what you think is an intellectually superior position, but have somehow missed the irony of trying to make the men here feel feminine/gay by creating a negative connotation to the female gender, which if you're a man and are using "women" as a pejorative, would imply that you're also gay.
So you're trying to convey what you think is an intellectually superior position, but have somehow missed the irony of trying to make the men here feel feminine/gay by creating a negative connotation to the female gender, which if you're a man and are using "women" as a pejorative, would imply that you're also gay.
If I was a lady I probably could get it more. I feel ripped off.
Seems your Australian directive of the vaccine has disappeared just as I was going to reply. I did some research. It seems you are taking the word 'poison' to conclude the vaccine is a danger to us all. That is not quite what the act that the Standard falls under implies. Schedule 5 tells of how the 'Poison' is to be labeled and used.

I can not get below the table below to give my impression of what you were trying to imply with the picture. I got the impression that you were posting the picture with the word 'poison' being used as we do here in North America. Seems Australians use it another way. But that does not seem to bother you in twisting the meaning to something more nefarious than what Australians use. I just picked out some odd ones on schedule 5.


ACETIC ACID (excluding its salts and derivatives) in preparations containing more than 30 per cent of acetic acid (CH3COOH) except:
a) when included in Schedule 2 or 6; or
b) for therapeutic use.
ACETONE except in preparations containing 25 per cent or less of designated solvents.
ASPIRIN for the treatment of animals, in divided preparations when packed in blister or strip packaging or in a container with a child-resistant closure.
a) in food additives; or
b) in preparations containing 2 per cent or less of cinnamon bark oil.
CLOVE OIL for topical use in the mouth in a pack containing 5 mL or less of clove oil except in preparations containing 25 per cent or less of clove oil.

One I use all the time, CA glue.

CYANOACRYLATE ESTERS in contact adhesives except:
a) when labelled with the warning:
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Avoid contact with skin and eyes and avoid breathing vapour. Bonds on contact. Should fingers stick together apply a solvent such as acetone to contact areas then wash off with water. Do not use solvents near eyes or open wounds. In case of eye contact immediately flush with water

HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (excluding its salts and derivatives):
a) in hair dye preparations containing 12 per cent or less of hydrogen peroxide except in hair dyes containing 6 per cent or less of hydrogen peroxide


Poisons are not scheduled on the basis of a universal scale of toxicity. Although toxicity is one of the factors considered, and is itself a complex of factors, the decision to include a substance in a particular Schedule also takes into account many other criteria such as the purpose of use, potential for abuse, safety in use and the need for the substance.
This Standard lists poisons in ten Schedules according to the degree of control recommended to be exercised over their availability to the public.
Poisons for therapeutic use (medicines) are mostly included in Schedules 2, 3, 4 and 8 with progression through these Schedules signifying increasingly restrictive regulatory controls.
For some medicines and agricultural, domestic and industrial poisons, Schedules 5, 6 and 7 represent increasingly stricter container and labelling requirements with special regulatory controls over the availability of the poisons listed in Schedule 7. Products for domestic use must not include poisons listed in Schedule 7.

Poison” means any substance or preparation included in a Schedule to this Standard.

1.3 Primary packs and immediate containers
(1) The primary pack and immediate container of a poison must be labelled as follows:
a) with the signal word or words relating to the Schedule in which the poison is included and the purpose for which it is to be used, as shown in the following table:
SchedulePurposeSignal words required
2for any purposePHARMACY MEDICINE
5for any purposeCAUTION
6for any purposePOISON
7for any purposeDANGEROUS POISON
8for any purpose CONTROLLED DRUG

i) on the first line or lines of the main label; and
ii) in bold-face sans serif capital letters of uniform thickness; and
iii) in letters at least half the height of the largest letter or numeral on the label but need not be larger than:
A) 6 millimetres on labels for packages having a nominal capacity of 2 litres or less; or
B) 15 millimetres on labels for packages having a nominal capacity of more than 2 litres; and
iv) if the poison:
A) is a Schedule 5 poison, with nothing, other than a Class label as specified in the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail or a statement of the principal hazard of the poison, written on that line; or

Schedule 5Caution – Substances with a low potential for causing harm, the extent of which can be reduced through the use of appropriate packaging with simple warnings and safety directions on the label.
Schedule 6Poison – Substances with a moderate potential for causing harm, the extent of which can be reduced through the use of distinctive packaging with strong warnings and safety directions on the label.
Schedule 7Dangerous Poison – Substances with a high potential for causing harm at low exposure and which require special precautions during manufacture, handling or use. These poisons should be available only to specialised or authorised users who have the skills necessary to handle them safely. Special regulations restricting their availability, possession, storage or use may apply.
Schedule 8Controlled Drug – Substances which should be available for use but require restriction of manufacture, supply, distribution, possession and use to reduce abuse, misuse and physical or psychological dependence.
Schedule 9Prohibited Substance – Substances which may be abused or misused, the manufacture, possession, sale or use of which should be prohibited by law except when required for medical or scientific research, or for analytical, teaching or training purposes with approval of Commonwealth and/or State or Territory Health Authorities.

please do not use sodium chlorate as baking soda
He's a tRUmptard, how deranged do you need to be to worship a psycho like Stinky.

If you're straight up white trash, then all the white trash flags, aren't flags. It just looks normal. Some people don't find all caps punctuation-less chainmails about the government coming for your guns as being very funny, but of course...some of us do.

I would do a whole helluva lot more research before you get the jab if I were you. People are dropping dead all over the place from this jab.
Do you want to reprogram your genetic make-up?
Plenty of info on this out there if you look.
People drop dead all the time. Just to let you know, we all will.

It is not GENE therapy. It is dropping a small piece of a protein in your body so your imune system reacts to the invader. More than 2.39 billion people got the vaccine. Actually different ones. So you are saying that the vaccine splices itself into our DNA? What proof do you have?

"They do not affect or interact with our DNA in any way. mRNA never enters the nucleus of the cell, which is where our DNA (genetic material)"

The mRNA does get into cells, same as a virus, inside the cell the RNA strand is reproduced. Same like a Flu virus does every year. The Flu does not become part of our DNA.

Either you do not have much of a grasp on the virus and the vaccine or you are intentionally spinning threads. I thought you were the one telling others to do their research.
please do not use sodium chlorate as baking soda
Oops, I have a slow computer and sometimes it dose not copy what I want. Or rather I do not wait long enough for it. I have a faster computer next to it but it is my 'clean' machine. I use this one when I want to slum around and not have a digital fingerprint follow my identity around. Bad way of putting it but my brain is fried right now. I will fix the post.
The Delta variant is producing different COVID-19 symptoms than usual, researchers say (

The Delta variant is producing different COVID-19 symptoms than usual, researchers say

The COVID-19 strain fueling infections across the U.K. is linked to a different set of symptoms, including headache, sore throat, and runny nose, BBC reported on Monday. The Delta variant, which was first found in India, now accounts for 90 percent of U.K. cases.

Professor Tim Spector, leader of the Zoe COVID Symptom Study, said top symptoms since the start of May are "not the same as they were" previously. Instead of the traditional cough, fever, and loss of taste and smell, infected individuals are now complaining of headache, sore throat, and runny nose, with fever and cough coming in fourth and fifth, respectively. Loss of smell doesn't even make the top 10, The Guardian writes.

Spector added that the Delta variant seems to be working "slightly differently," and that possible COVID-19 infection could feel "just like a bad cold or some funny 'off' feeling." As the new strain is reportedly more contagious and more likely to lead to hospitalizations, Spector urged the two-thirds of the U.K. still vulnerable to symptomatic infection — likely younger adults waiting for vaccines — to stay home and get tested should they feel sick, per the Guardian.

The Delta variant now accounts for about 10 percent of cases in the U.S., The New York Times reports. The good news, however, is that data suggests "if you've been fully vaccinated, you remain protected, that the vaccines hold up." Read more at The New York Times and The Guardian.
Now thats ripe, coming from someone who brings nothing to the conversation but insults and slurs.
Oh hi,

I know you are really busy and probably forgot to answer an earlier question from me but being how facile you are with false beliefs and fake news, I'd appreciate if you could tell us all about Plasma Beings. plz.
Pfizer ready to make COVID vaccines for new variants, CEO says (

Pfizer ready to make COVID vaccines for new variants, CEO says

Pfizer's CEO is expressing confidence about the efficacy of his company's COVID-19 vaccine against the Delta variant, which was first discovered in India and has America's top scientists sounding the alarm.

"I feel quite comfortable that we cover it," Pfizer CEO and Chairman Albert Bourla told CBS News' Jan Crawford. "We will not need a special vaccine for it. The current vaccine should cover it."

The United States is about to reach 600,000 recorded coronavirus deaths, even with conditions dramatically improving thanks to widespread vaccination. Over the weekend, leaders from the world's seven wealthiest democracies committed to donating more than one billion vaccine doses to poorer countries over the next year. The U.S. is contributing about half of those doses through a partnership with Pfizer.

And Bourla believes Pfizer is ready to leap into action with new vaccines to protect against the possible variants within 100 days.

"We have surveillance systems in all the countries — all over the world —when a new variant emerges, immediately, we are testing how the current vaccine behaves compared to this variant," he said.

The Pfizer CEO said a need for booster shots to existing vaccines has not yet been determined, but studies were running to find out whether it was necessary.

But based on the data, he said Pfizer is anticipating people will need a booster shoot — essentially a third dose — within eight to 12 months of their second shot.

By fall, Pfizer also hopes to reformulate its COVID-19 vaccine so it will not require super cold storage, and it anticipates the vaccine will also be approved for children as young as five.

Bourla explained that the goal was herd immunity.

"When you reach herd immunity, you protect the others as well, and kids will play a significant part in doing that," he said.

Joining the U.S.-led effort to make vaccines more available, Pfizer has committed to donating a total of two billion doses over the next year and a half, most of them going to lower-income countries.

"I would like to think first and foremost because it is the right thing to do, but also setting aside the moral concerns, I think it is also very important for controlling globally the pandemic," Bourla said.

Despite the fastest-ever development of a vaccine, one of Bourla's biggest concerns is people's hesitancy to take it.

With vaccination rates slowing down, Bourla shared a message for those who are still reluctant.

"I try to explain to them that the decision to vaccinate or not is not only going to affect only your life," he said. "But unfortunately will affect the health of others and likely will affect the health of people you like and you love the most."

"When you try to explain that their fear could stand in the way of protecting their loved ones, I think this is the argument that mostly works."
Delta variant doubles risk of COVID hospitalisation - Scottish study (

Delta variant doubles risk of COVID hospitalization - Scottish study

LONDON (Reuters) -The Delta coronavirus variant doubles the risk of hospitalization compared with the previously dominant variant in Britain, but two doses of vaccine still provide strong protection, a Scottish study found on Monday.

The study said early evidence suggested the protection from vaccines against the Delta variant, first identified in India, might be lower than the effectiveness against the Alpha variant, first identified in Kent, southeast England.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to delay the ending of COVID-19 restrictions in England on Monday, following a rapid rise in cases of the Delta variant, which is also more transmissible than the Alpha variant.

The study, published in a research letter in the Lancet, looked at 19,543 community cases and 377 hospitalizations among 5.4 million people in Scotland, 7,723 cases and 134 hospitalizations of which were found to have the Delta variant.

Chris Robertson, Professor of Public Health Epidemiology, University of Strathclyde, said that adjusting for age and comorbidities, the Delta variant roughly doubled the risk of hospitalization, but vaccines still reduced that risk.

"If you test positive, then two doses of the vaccine or one dose for 28 days roughly reduces your risk of being admitted to hospital by 70%," he told reporters.

Two weeks after the second dose, Pfizer BioNTech's vaccine was found to have 79% protection against infection from the Delta variant, compared to 92% against the Alpha variant. For Oxford-AstraZeneca's vaccine, there was 60% protection against Delta compared with 73% for Alpha.

The researchers cautioned against using the data to compare the vaccines against each other due to differences in the cohorts which received each type of shot, and differences in how quickly immunity is developed with each shot.
Straight from the horses mouth.

Former Pfizer VP and Virologist, Dr. Michael Yeadon, is one of the most credentialed medical professionals speaking out about the dangers of the Covid19 vaccines.
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