Daily cases dropped far below 1000 in NL over the past week, only 582 today, some hospitals closing covid sections. In a few days almost all measures will end, except for 5 feet distance (and only when that's not possible a mask is mandator, as well as in public transport ).
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5% of infections are Delta variant, 14 mil shots on 17 mil population. Experts as well as government consider it a realistic scenario the numbers will go up again affer the summer ends. 85% or so wants to get vaccinated so it’s hopefully not going to be as bad as it’s been. Cases are even relatively lower across the border in Germany but they are holding on to a few measures for now,
like masks.
Because of all the measures there have barely been any flu cases. That might not be the case next fall/winter. Especially with travelling restrictions being lifted. The EU in their endless lack of wisdom decided mandatory testing for travellers should be free. Something we opposed as it removes an incentive to get vaccinated (vaccine is free, 2 tests costs more than a flight to a Spanish beach).
Anyway, looks like we can stick our heads in the sand for a couple of months.