Pandemic 2020

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I can't be responsible for anyone elses life or choices beyond my home. Call it a death cult ? I retort to the fear of death cult. We all die no matter what you do, it's the only thing promised, stop playing god.

Read some history, they used to bury unwanted children in tribes, now we vacuum them out and incinerate them......I suppose were much better off that way eh? Instead of axing the infirm at the back of the pack and leaving them to the soil, we ship grandma to a nursing home and visit once a month and get mad when she has shit in her pants because the nurse doesn't treat her "the way you would" oh how we have elevated ourselves into righteousness .

Noones right or wrong it's just who the majority is and I'll admit, the majority has spoken so come murder me for not taking your vaccine....I mean death is the only right for infidels. Unless their infidels are different from yours, of course than you can kill them as a savior to their "victims". Oh America, the land of fighting for others rights, we have such a great history of respecting other people's rights if you look back on humanity, don't we? What group of righteous individuals that care for everyone equally are you referring too? What cave are they hiding in?

white knights with no more credibility on the subject than the people your arguing with. I say this because comprehension is the deciding factor between understanding science and not, merely regurgitating information does nothing. Doctors recommended alcohol and oxycontin as treatments within the last 100 years.

Forget lemmings, were fixing to evolve into salmon with the intelligence available here.

I can't imagine living the narrow minded life you have, settle it with a referendum vote and get into your beloved democracy, if the majority votes for mandated vaccines than so be it. Otherwise your spouting off like a broken water main and Pfizer wouldn't let any of this toxic shit even play in a commercial.

Bring it on bitches. I believe your vaccine works, and I don't think there's a conspiracy, just a willfully ignorant mass of individuals seizing opportunities to redirect their own agendas and playing fast and loose with the very divisive narrative at stake.

at the least my biggest concern is the populations will to impose things into my body against my will because it serves them better, this right to my body's autonomy is what protects you from rape and slavery.

They came for the people with glasses, I had none. They came for the people with different skin. I wasn't one of them. They came for the people with red hair, Phew. But what do you do when theirs noone to fight for you and they come for you? And I don't mean the doctors, I mean you pro Vax fuckin schmucks with a toxic narrative.

Please if there's an epidemiologist in the forum's explain the need for vaccinating healthy people, only immune compromised folks or otherwise vulnerable would be candidates, if I get the virus and build an immunity I am just as protected and if you argue this with, "well you will take up ICU space". than let's stop extreme sports get rid of booze and stop grow ops because, the sports use ICUs for dumb stunts, alcohol kills everyday, and your grow op could burn my house down. Haven't you considered your own impact?! How dare you think your medicine is more important than my safety. The fuckin narrative changes but the mindset remains, how do you suppose Hitler got the support he did? He wasn't a one man Army. This all treads dangerous water and allowing people freedom of choice is much simpler.

Do you want a dictatorship? Cause this is how you get a dictatorship.
We've always had morons Canuck, it's only lately they've had the internet and we've heard from them. It can be hard to take with a fellow's morning coffee and puff though, a great way to jump start yer day and open yer eyes!

We are witnessing and new natural phenomena, Darwinian self selection, the closest thing to it is the myth of lemmings running off a cliff.
If only that were the case. Unfortunately their ignorance and stupidity is going to bring us all down.

I wouldn’t be glib about being fully vaccinated. The way things are going, that’s not gonna mean shit 6 months from now.
I can't be responsible for anyone elses life or choices beyond my home. Call it a death cult ? I retort to the fear of death cult. We all die no matter what you do, it's the only thing promised, stop playing god.

Read some history, they used to bury unwanted children in tribes, now we vacuum them out and incinerate them......I suppose were much better off that way eh? Instead of axing the infirm at the back of the pack and leaving them to the soil, we ship grandma to a nursing home and visit once a month and get mad when she has shit in her pants because the nurse doesn't treat her "the way you would" oh how we have elevated ourselves into righteousness .

Noones right or wrong it's just who the majority is and I'll admit, the majority has spoken so come murder me for not taking your vaccine....I mean death is the only right for infidels. Unless their infidels are different from yours, of course than you can kill them as a savior to their "victims". Oh America, the land of fighting for others rights, we have such a great history of respecting other people's rights if you look back on humanity, don't we? What group of righteous individuals that care for everyone equally are you referring too? What cave are they hiding in?

white knights with no more credibility on the subject than the people your arguing with. I say this because comprehension is the deciding factor between understanding science and not, merely regurgitating information does nothing. Doctors recommended alcohol and oxycontin as treatments within the last 100 years.

Forget lemmings, were fixing to evolve into salmon with the intelligence available here.

I can't imagine living the narrow minded life you have, settle it with a referendum vote and get into your beloved democracy, if the majority votes for mandated vaccines than so be it. Otherwise your spouting off like a broken water main and Pfizer wouldn't let any of this toxic shit even play in a commercial.

Bring it on bitches. I believe your vaccine works, and I don't think there's a conspiracy, just a willfully ignorant mass of individuals seizing opportunities to redirect their own agendas and playing fast and loose with the very divisive narrative at stake.

at the least my biggest concern is the populations will to impose things into my body against my will because it serves them better, this right to my body's autonomy is what protects you from rape and slavery.

They came for the people with glasses, I had none. They came for the people with different skin. I wasn't one of them. They came for the people with red hair, Phew. But what do you do when theirs noone to fight for you and they come for you? And I don't mean the doctors, I mean you pro Vax fuckin schmucks with a toxic narrative.

Please if there's an epidemiologist in the forum's explain the need for vaccinating healthy people, only immune compromised folks or otherwise vulnerable would be candidates, if I get the virus and build an immunity I am just as protected and if you argue this with, "well you will take up ICU space". than let's stop extreme sports get rid of booze and stop grow ops because, the sports use ICUs for dumb stunts, alcohol kills everyday, and your grow op could burn my house down. Haven't you considered your own impact?! How dare you think your medicine is more important than my safety. The fuckin narrative changes but the mindset remains, how do you suppose Hitler got the support he did? He wasn't a one man Army. This all treads dangerous water and allowing people freedom of choice is much simpler.

Do you want a dictatorship? Cause this is how you get a dictatorship.
It's not just about you, others have rights too, including the collective rights of the community. You don't have the "right" to infect others (masks for vaccinated too) or burden the overwhelmed healthcare system.

A 70 year old vaxxed person in good health will do better against delta covid than most 20 year old's, this is reflected in the hospitalization statistics. Delta is gonna be a real redneck killer and fucker alright, a map the south is lite up like a Christmas tree, the covid hospitalization rate in almost lock step with the vaxx rate.
I can't be responsible for anyone elses life or choices beyond my home. Call it a death cult ? I retort to the fear of death cult. We all die no matter what you do, it's the only thing promised, stop playing god.

Read some history, they used to bury unwanted children in tribes, now we vacuum them out and incinerate them......I suppose were much better off that way eh? Instead of axing the infirm at the back of the pack and leaving them to the soil, we ship grandma to a nursing home and visit once a month and get mad when she has shit in her pants because the nurse doesn't treat her "the way you would" oh how we have elevated ourselves into righteousness .

Noones right or wrong it's just who the majority is and I'll admit, the majority has spoken so come murder me for not taking your vaccine....I mean death is the only right for infidels. Unless their infidels are different from yours, of course than you can kill them as a savior to their "victims". Oh America, the land of fighting for others rights, we have such a great history of respecting other people's rights if you look back on humanity, don't we? What group of righteous individuals that care for everyone equally are you referring too? What cave are they hiding in?

white knights with no more credibility on the subject than the people your arguing with. I say this because comprehension is the deciding factor between understanding science and not, merely regurgitating information does nothing. Doctors recommended alcohol and oxycontin as treatments within the last 100 years.

Forget lemmings, were fixing to evolve into salmon with the intelligence available here.

I can't imagine living the narrow minded life you have, settle it with a referendum vote and get into your beloved democracy, if the majority votes for mandated vaccines than so be it. Otherwise your spouting off like a broken water main and Pfizer wouldn't let any of this toxic shit even play in a commercial.

Bring it on bitches. I believe your vaccine works, and I don't think there's a conspiracy, just a willfully ignorant mass of individuals seizing opportunities to redirect their own agendas and playing fast and loose with the very divisive narrative at stake.

at the least my biggest concern is the populations will to impose things into my body against my will because it serves them better, this right to my body's autonomy is what protects you from rape and slavery.

They came for the people with glasses, I had none. They came for the people with different skin. I wasn't one of them. They came for the people with red hair, Phew. But what do you do when theirs noone to fight for you and they come for you? And I don't mean the doctors, I mean you pro Vax fuckin schmucks with a toxic narrative.

Please if there's an epidemiologist in the forum's explain the need for vaccinating healthy people, only immune compromised folks or otherwise vulnerable would be candidates, if I get the virus and build an immunity I am just as protected and if you argue this with, "well you will take up ICU space". than let's stop extreme sports get rid of booze and stop grow ops because, the sports use ICUs for dumb stunts, alcohol kills everyday, and your grow op could burn my house down. Haven't you considered your own impact?! How dare you think your medicine is more important than my safety. The fuckin narrative changes but the mindset remains, how do you suppose Hitler got the support he did? He wasn't a one man Army. This all treads dangerous water and allowing people freedom of choice is much simpler.

Do you want a dictatorship? Cause this is how you get a dictatorship.
This shit, right here, confirms In my mind, why we are fucked.

Ignorant, brain dead, pieces of shit like this dumbass motherfucker are going to bring us all down.
A 70 year old vaxxed person will do better against delta covid than and unvaxxed 20 year old, this is reflected in the hospitalization statistics.

You lost, blah blah ..
Lost what buddy? Got my keys and wallet here, my lighter.. so anyway, on pages 13-14 you can compare delta cases and deaths among the 2-jabbed as compared to novaxxed.

If only that were the case. Unfortunately their ignorance and stupidity is going to bring us all down.

I wouldn’t be glib about being fully vaccinated. The way things are going, that’s not gonna mean shit 6 months from now.
I recognize the danger and it's why I'm using the stick of ridicule. I still think covid has limited mutagenic potential, but what it does have is plenty bad enough. I think even if a future variant evades the vaccines, it won't do so completely and the cases will likely be similar to delta breakthrough cases, though greater in number and severity. It's contagiousness, not virulence that wins Darwin's race and Delta is a tough competitor for Epsilon apparently.

The main thing is we now have breathing space, tools, a greater understanding and are into the scientific pay off period for vaccines and treatments. Modified vaccine boosters have been developed and much better broad spectrum antibody therapies are in trials. There's an increasing recognition we are in this for the long haul and resources and effort are being allocated globally. Most importantly there are vaccines in advanced stages of development that are so broad spectrum that they deal with all coronaviruses, even the ones that cause the common cold. These entrap the virus in evolutionary terms targeting multiple fundamental reproductive pathways simultaneously.
I can't be responsible for anyone elses life or choices beyond my home. Call it a death cult ? I retort to the fear of death cult. We all die no matter what you do, it's the only thing promised, stop playing god.

Read some history, they used to bury unwanted children in tribes, now we vacuum them out and incinerate them......I suppose were much better off that way eh? Instead of axing the infirm at the back of the pack and leaving them to the soil, we ship grandma to a nursing home and visit once a month and get mad when she has shit in her pants because the nurse doesn't treat her "the way you would" oh how we have elevated ourselves into righteousness .

Noones right or wrong it's just who the majority is and I'll admit, the majority has spoken so come murder me for not taking your vaccine....I mean death is the only right for infidels. Unless their infidels are different from yours, of course than you can kill them as a savior to their "victims". Oh America, the land of fighting for others rights, we have such a great history of respecting other people's rights if you look back on humanity, don't we? What group of righteous individuals that care for everyone equally are you referring too? What cave are they hiding in?

white knights with no more credibility on the subject than the people your arguing with. I say this because comprehension is the deciding factor between understanding science and not, merely regurgitating information does nothing. Doctors recommended alcohol and oxycontin as treatments within the last 100 years.

Forget lemmings, were fixing to evolve into salmon with the intelligence available here.

I can't imagine living the narrow minded life you have, settle it with a referendum vote and get into your beloved democracy, if the majority votes for mandated vaccines than so be it. Otherwise your spouting off like a broken water main and Pfizer wouldn't let any of this toxic shit even play in a commercial.

Bring it on bitches. I believe your vaccine works, and I don't think there's a conspiracy, just a willfully ignorant mass of individuals seizing opportunities to redirect their own agendas and playing fast and loose with the very divisive narrative at stake.

at the least my biggest concern is the populations will to impose things into my body against my will because it serves them better, this right to my body's autonomy is what protects you from rape and slavery.

They came for the people with glasses, I had none. They came for the people with different skin. I wasn't one of them. They came for the people with red hair, Phew. But what do you do when theirs noone to fight for you and they come for you? And I don't mean the doctors, I mean you pro Vax fuckin schmucks with a toxic narrative.

Please if there's an epidemiologist in the forum's explain the need for vaccinating healthy people, only immune compromised folks or otherwise vulnerable would be candidates, if I get the virus and build an immunity I am just as protected and if you argue this with, "well you will take up ICU space". than let's stop extreme sports get rid of booze and stop grow ops because, the sports use ICUs for dumb stunts, alcohol kills everyday, and your grow op could burn my house down. Haven't you considered your own impact?! How dare you think your medicine is more important than my safety. The fuckin narrative changes but the mindset remains, how do you suppose Hitler got the support he did? He wasn't a one man Army. This all treads dangerous water and allowing people freedom of choice is much simpler.

Do you want a dictatorship? Cause this is how you get a dictatorship.
Snow flaking about shit nobody is forcing on anyone is bullshit. Not unheard of for a sock puppet troll account to come here and spew, but bullshit none the less.

Nobody is bring shit 'on'.

A lot of rich assholes are spending their money to try to convince you otherwise though.
Hey, covid gives them immunity too and a good fucking over for being such an idiot.
Come spit in my mouth
It's not just about you, others have rights too, including the collective rights of the community. You don't have the "right" to infect others (masks for vaccinated too) or burden the overwhelmed healthcare system.

A 70 year old vaxxed person in good health will do better against delta covid than most 20 year old's, this is reflected in the hospitalization statistics. Delta is gonna be a real redneck killer and fucker alright, a map the south is lite up like a Christmas tree, the covid hospitalization rate in almost lock step with the vaxx rate.
That's a objective speculation at best, sure maybe it will, let it thin me out than, but until than let's continue discussing why I'm wrong. I wear my mask and respect all others choices, and any posted rules. I'm not advocating anyone to take or not take the vaccine, and if I am not allowed certain places or to travel than so be it. Again why do I HAVE to take it? While it's still in a very experimental phase? I may be persuaded in the future with more evidence but your stomping of feet isn't helping any debate on the matter
Snow flaking about shit nobody is forcing on anyone is bullshit. Not unheard of for a sock puppet troll account to come here and spew, but bullshit none the less.

Nobody is bring shit 'on'.

A lot of rich assholes are spending their money to try to convince you otherwise though.
Let it snow ❄️ and yeah you are I've seen you all over this shit. Consider yourself triggered
Oh great. Another armchair scientist.
Meanwhile here in Canada things are looking up with delta pushing first time vaxx numbers even higher, PEI is over 88% for single doses and here in NS we are over 85% with second doses catching up fast. I guess they must have reduced the wait for younger people between doses, we had our period extended and it produced maximum immunity.

I expect by this time next year we will be producing a couple of different kinds of vaccines in Canada including mRNA and will have more control over future boosters and vaccines. Covid is gonna be around globally for a few years and in a year there will be a flood of vaccines as other countries like Canada resume domestic vaccine production. Pandemics are gonna get military level funding and priority everywhere, not jus here and in the states. Respiratory diseases are the most contagious and the biggest threat, so preparations will include masks and other PPE, as well as domestic vaccine production. This is a war and we've taken causalities, but now have developed the weapons to fight back and those weapons are getting better all the time, but then again so is the virus.
I recognize the danger and it's why I'm using the stick of ridicule. I still think covid has limited mutagenic potential, but what it does have is plenty bad enough. I think even if a future variant evades the vaccines, it won't do so completely and the cases will likely be similar to delta breakthrough cases, though greater in number and severity. It's contagiousness, not virulence that wins Darwin's race and Delta is a tough competitor for Epsilon apparently.

The main thing is we now have breathing space, tools, a greater understanding and are into the scientific pay off period for vaccines and treatments. Modified vaccine boosters have been developed and much better broad spectrum antibody therapies are in trials. There's an increasing recognition we are in this for the long haul and resources and effort are being allocated globally. Most importantly there are vaccines in advanced stages of development that are so broad spectrum that they deal with all coronaviruses, even the ones that cause the common cold. These entrap the virus in evolutionary terms targeting multiple fundamental reproductive pathways simultaneously.
It looks like the only way to beat this is through a unified and collective effort.

We are fucked.
I'd appreciate a well thought out response but dismissive antics are always the sign of well educated folk
”A 70 year old vaxxed person will do better against delta covid than most 20 year old's, this is reflected in the hospitalization statistics.”

—> Table 4. Attendance to emergency care and deaths by vaccination status among Delta confirmed cases (sequencing and genotyping) including all confirmed Delta cases in England, 1 February 2021 to 21 June 2021 (p. 13-14)

Come spit in my mouth

That's a objective speculation at best, sure maybe it will, let it thin me out than, but until than let's continue discussing why I'm wrong. I wear my mask and respect all others choices, and any posted rules. I'm not advocating anyone to take or not take the vaccine, and if I am not allowed certain places or to travel than so be it. Again why do I HAVE to take it? While it's still in a very experimental phase? I may be persuaded in the future with more evidence but your stomping of feet isn't helping any debate on the matter
It will be out of EUA around September 6th according to experts and then healthcare insurance companies and employers will make it mandatory, problem solved. So far when employer's mandate vaccines there's been close to 98% compliance, soon schools and colleges will mandate them too along with most local, state and federal governments for their employees.

I figure with private insurance America will end up with a very high vaxx rate after it's mandated. Insurance companies aren't gonna pay for stupidity any longer than they have too, stupidity will become a preexisting condition. Since most people get their health insurance from employers in America and they buy packages from insurers, expect vaccine mandates.
Come spit in my mouth

That's a objective speculation at best, sure maybe it will, let it thin me out than, but until than let's continue discussing why I'm wrong. I wear my mask and respect all others choices, and any posted rules. I'm not advocating anyone to take or not take the vaccine, and if I am not allowed certain places or to travel than so be it. Again why do I HAVE to take it? While it's still in a very experimental phase? I may be persuaded in the future with more evidence but your stomping of feet isn't helping any debate on the matter
You don’t have to take it. No one says you do actually. You are encouraged to take but you do not have to. Why the rant?
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