Pandemic 2020

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This was the first concert I went to after Vietnam, at the LA Forum. some high school friends bought me a ticket. I think i was 3 days from the jungle. I dropped acid for the first time......o_O
While we're all getting nostalgic for the 70's, which had some damn fine music, anyone ever see theses guys?
They were pretty good :)

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This is probably my fav Yes song....."Don't surround yourself with yourself, move on back 2 squares"...

that's the biggest mistake managers make..if you surround yourself with sycophants who suck your ass like it was their mommy's teat?, you get a pandemic..all the capable people who were in charge and disagree with have been fired..and you get a pandemic.

he had to put Pence in charge because he can't even lead..or read..standing there making shit up as he goes- yeah, he has a good gut feeling existing drugs will work and when they do, you'll shit a rainbow..there will be a huuuuuuuuge piece of chocolate cake waiting with a scoop of chocolate ice cream and TWO scoops for the SPECIAL boy (himself, of course).

i hope everyone in his family dies.
Dudley ya sound pissed about the government response and I haven't seen too many governments respond correctly outside of asia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore & S Korea, increasingly China can be added to that list too, but not for the first 6 weeks of the outbreak. We are gonna need a rest like most everybody else, then start over correctly with massive testing and proper organization, we will.

How's your health? I'm 65 and my health is pretty good with low BP
Are ya still working? the Gov is giving $900/bi weekly per person laid off or in quarantine. Retired for me so no cash, don't need it anyway.
Ontario is a hot spot, is there any illness in your community, close by?

Everybody is still adapting and reorganizing, people, businesses and governments, time for a break while we get our shit together. Starting last week in Canada the numbers of new infections are starting to level off with self isolation and public behavior changes, it will take a few weeks for this to be reflected in the news. Hopefully we don't get above our hospitalization rate and ventilator numbers, if we test, restrict mobility and self isolate, we can mobilize and shift extra resources to hard hit regions, drawing them from the quiet parts of the country.
Ummm yes I’m pissed as I watch the buses drive down the street, people (kids) having street parties, non essential services carrying on as normal. I’m 59 and due to some bad life choices (it was a fun run) my health is not perfect but I feel great, take care of myself and very rarely get sick ..... type 2 diabetic though, and waiting for heart operation (minor shit). My pissed off thing is honestly not about me at all, it’s about all the others that are forced to work (I’m done as of Monday and will work from home a few hours a day), I’ll be ok but FFS we need to take this shit seriously and could seriously slow it the fuck down. It’s about 1-2 weeks before this shit gets out of hand. I honestly was pissed about your constantly saying the US is fucked but we’re doing a great job here.......we’re all fucked, and we’re not doing a great job. I am glad you have finally realized or acknowledged it is going to get as bad here if we don’t smarten the fuck up. We can see what happens when idiots don’t.
PS yes 4 as of today in our area but I’m pretty rural so safe for now, going fishing as soon as the ice goes out ;).

Oregon just today surpassed the 100 cases mark. With roughly 5% of those tested having a test result that is positive for the virus, it's a safe bet that we are about to see the usual "doubling" rate found elsewhere. But we are under-testing, so, I don't know how much stock to put in those numbers.

Three deaths thus far.

Oregon Test Results as of 3/21/2020, 8:00 a.m. Updated daily.
Total (Cumulative since January 24, 2020)2,912

Oregon just today surpassed the 100 cases mark. With roughly 5% of those tested having a test result that is positive for the virus, it's a safe bet that we are about to see the usual "doubling" rate found elsewhere. But we are under-testing, so, I don't know how much stock to put in those numbers.

Three deaths thus far.

Oregon Test Results as of 3/21/2020, 8:00 a.m. Updated daily.
Total (Cumulative since January 24, 2020)2,912

Yes Fog, I’m thinking your numbers are pretty whacked, sorry to say :(. Hope you guys stay safe.

A couple of weeks ago, Italy was much like us, with 107 deaths on March 4. But things were already rapidly getting worse; by March 10, more than 600 people were dead, and today more than 3,400 are. That makes Italy the epicenter of coronavirus fatalities in the world, with more deaths than even China, where the outbreak started. Hospitals have been pushed to the breaking point, with doctors and nurses without adequate protective equipment collapsing at work and other doctors reporting that patients won’t all get lifesaving care because there isn’t enough of it to go around.
What’s scary about Italy’s experience is that Italy wasn’t exactly passive in its response to the virus.

The country did act, quarantining a dozen towns in northern regions on February 23, urging the public to engage in social distancing, and ordering the closure of all schools nationwide on March 4.
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