Pandemic 2020

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No. Antivax is not the same as being Republican. Are you really proposing such black/white thinking? Are you really arguing against tribalism from a plainly tribalized premise? I cant work with such false equivalence.

I agree on Republican not equaling conservative. Republicans, at least the active majority of that party, have been unmasked, if I may say so, as Fascists.

Not proposing black/white thinking and, again, not making an absolutes argument, just stating what it is.

Not proposing black/white thinking and, again, not making an absolutes argument, just stating what it is.

Your argument converts "mostly" to "completely". Dont you see that? I think you arent using words precisely.
I'm not attacking you. I'm pointing out what I think are wrong ideas you are presenting.
I don't see it. To avoid the mostly/completely thing, I tried to ensure we weren't having an absolutes argument and were speaking in generalizations back on post 12,539. I think the link I posted shows the generalization is true, but feel free to rebut.
That's this week. Vaxxed people have figured out by now that they made mistakes weeks ago by unmasking and ending their social distancing as soon as they were "fully vaxxed". I saw it first-hand among many vaccinated people around me. As soon as the vaxxed started getting sick they all puckered up and remasked.

Meanwhile as a liberal I'm apparently betraying "my group" by not getting vaccinated. So while you and others here would like this to not be a political thing, at the same time you will call anyone who doesn't want a vax a Trump supporter. Sorry buddy, but you can't have it both ways.
Just using today as an example. Our government reduced the requirements of being masked saying it is a good idea but giving people the freedom to decide themselves. Since then most people have decided to continue wearing masks, almost all stores say you are to be masked. Eating establishments not for obvious reasons. Maybe in other reasons people have not learned the lesson but when we went from one of the lowest infection rates to one of the highest in North America I guess some people kind of thought there is something we can still do without much effort on our part. Currently our positive rate is about 2.3% of tested.

I myself would like to get the virus now, not in half a year when my immune system sheds itself of the antibodies it built up. But that would seem bad in a public health scope of things. But I have no problem isolating for a couple of weeks at a time. Maybe we could do that on a last name letter lottery, who gets to go unmasked to catch some of the virus? Or we could set up little shower stalls and spray people with the most popular varient. And modulate the amount of people infected by the capacity in the medical system. I do believe we will all get it, even you.
Well it's official Ladies & Gentlemen, this morning the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19)) was declared a global threat by the W.H.O.
Worldwide, countries are blocking movement, public gatherings, sporting events, closing schools & generally freaking out
But here at home in the good old USA, we have it under control with the due diligence of the great Donald J. Trump, right?
So, in other words, we're fucked.
I live approximately 40 miles from the largest concentration of the virus discovered on the East Coast, one where the Governor of NY sent the National Guard yesterday to help contain the spread of the virus.
I also read this morning that it is recommended to stockpile 2 weeks worth of provisions in your homes now in case of mandatory quarantines, and this was from a Dr that worked at the CDC. ( I'm going to HD now & buy a freezer :) )
So, I'm gonna die soon probably because it seems to favor men over 60 that smoke & drink & my wife contacts 100's of individuals daily in her line of work, but hey, we all gotta go sometime, right?
Anyway, I wish you all good luck & try to stay safe
Peace out :)
Well since you're fucking at all if you did happen to die since you made this post or thread or whatever it is most likely you're only labeled as a coronavirus statistic you probably really died by getting hit in the head with a meteor on your porch in the middle I'm trying get to your rocking chair but since the hospital to get three times more money if you died from Corona virus or as it changed into covid-19 originally a mutated SARS virus so of course you died from covid-19 now those would be hospital that you weren't even at when you got hit by the meteor, get their money? Well here it is 2021 August and where I'm at in a lot of places it's all over now surprisingly as as soon as the election was over so was covid-19 and I wasn't the entire thing an old man without a mask the only reason I wore any Mast was when I was forced to even though I have emphysema and considered exempt some places still force you ! And I only complied then so I didn't have to go to court and fight against a $500 fine because I'm living on an old man's fixed-income could not afford a $500 fine even though I was exempt I didn't want to waste my time fighting and proven I was exempt 99% of the time I had no mask lung problems make you very susceptible to their supposed covid 19 pandemic don't get me wrong I know people got it but the numbers were so fraudulent due to the old Mighty Dollar it's pitiful anyway dude if you're still alive enjoy what's left of it it won't be for very long don't blink your eyes if you do you just might be gone! I would say take it easy but you already said you're fucked! So all I can really say to that is it's your call so okay then you be f u c k e d... And I'll be me Wawa lala lala lala Wawa Lala Walla Walla Walladownload_20210823_172642.png
Well since you're fucking at all if you did happen to die since you made this post or thread or whatever it is most likely you're only labeled as a coronavirus statistic you probably really died by getting hit in the head with a meteor on your porch in the middle I'm trying get to your rocking chair but since the hospital to get three times more money if you died from Corona virus or as it changed into covid-19 originally a mutated SARS virus so of course you died from covid-19 now those would be hospital that you weren't even at when you got hit by the meteor, get their money? Well here it is 2021 August and where I'm at in a lot of places it's all over now surprisingly as as soon as the election was over so was covid-19 and I wasn't the entire thing an old man without a mask the only reason I wore any Mast was when I was forced to even though I have emphysema and considered exempt some places still force you ! And I only complied then so I didn't have to go to court and fight against a $500 fine because I'm living on an old man's fixed-income could not afford a $500 fine even though I was exempt I didn't want to waste my time fighting and proven I was exempt 99% of the time I had no mask lung problems make you very susceptible to their supposed covid 19 pandemic don't get me wrong I know people got it but the numbers were so fraudulent due to the old Mighty Dollar it's pitiful anyway dude if you're still alive enjoy what's left of it it won't be for very long don't blink your eyes if you do you just might be gone! I would say take it easy but you already said you're fucked! So all I can really say to that is it's your call so okay then you be f u c k e d... And I'll be me Wawa lala lala lala Wawa Lala Walla Walla WallaView attachment 4972016
Do you not realize the extra costs of handling people with the virus (even if they are there for a different reason, like in your example a space rock landing on them)?

Also I call bullshit on your Trumptastic 'pandemic was over after the election' bs.
Well since you're fucking at all if you did happen to die since you made this post or thread or whatever it is most likely you're only labeled as a coronavirus statistic you probably really died by getting hit in the head with a meteor on your porch in the middle I'm trying get to your rocking chair but since the hospital to get three times more money if you died from Corona virus or as it changed into covid-19 originally a mutated SARS virus so of course you died from covid-19 now those would be hospital that you weren't even at when you got hit by the meteor, get their money? Well here it is 2021 August and where I'm at in a lot of places it's all over now surprisingly as as soon as the election was over so was covid-19 and I wasn't the entire thing an old man without a mask the only reason I wore any Mast was when I was forced to even though I have emphysema and considered exempt some places still force you ! And I only complied then so I didn't have to go to court and fight against a $500 fine because I'm living on an old man's fixed-income could not afford a $500 fine even though I was exempt I didn't want to waste my time fighting and proven I was exempt 99% of the time I had no mask lung problems make you very susceptible to their supposed covid 19 pandemic don't get me wrong I know people got it but the numbers were so fraudulent due to the old Mighty Dollar it's pitiful anyway dude if you're still alive enjoy what's left of it it won't be for very long don't blink your eyes if you do you just might be gone! I would say take it easy but you already said you're fucked! So all I can really say to that is it's your call so okay then you be f u c k e d... And I'll be me Wawa lala lala lala Wawa Lala Walla Walla WallaView attachment 4972016
Do much Meth?
I thought so
It's interesting when people assume hospitals are corrupt. The medical field is crazy strict with the rules, but for some reason, they're all willing to throw that away for a few extra bucks when it comes to Covid death classifications. I wonder if people realize they're projecting their own lack of morality and the fact that they're willing to lie/cheat/steal for a few extra bucks.
So in real terms how many people would end up in hospital with the vaccine administered as compared to not? If you have a small amount of women that have cardiac incidents as a baseline then that number is doubled, it might still be a minuscule number.

So there were twenty more women in the age group have a heart attack. I would guess they might even survived it, being young and fit. So how many lives saved and long therm concequences dodged by having people vaccinated? That said, it seems that the vaccinated are getting infected and ending up in hospital. Either another shot is needed or we need to select a time period after being vaccinated where the person is infected with the virus. Preferably when the amount of antibodies are the greatest in the body.
Well since you're fucking at all if you did happen to die since you made this post or thread or whatever it is most likely you're only labeled as a coronavirus statistic you probably really died by getting hit in the head with a meteor on your porch in the middle I'm trying get to your rocking chair but since the hospital to get three times more money if you died from Corona virus or as it changed into covid-19 originally a mutated SARS virus so of course you died from covid-19 now those would be hospital that you weren't even at when you got hit by the meteor, get their money? Well here it is 2021 August and where I'm at in a lot of places it's all over now surprisingly as as soon as the election was over so was covid-19 and I wasn't the entire thing an old man without a mask the only reason I wore any Mast was when I was forced to even though I have emphysema and considered exempt some places still force you ! And I only complied then so I didn't have to go to court and fight against a $500 fine because I'm living on an old man's fixed-income could not afford a $500 fine even though I was exempt I didn't want to waste my time fighting and proven I was exempt 99% of the time I had no mask lung problems make you very susceptible to their supposed covid 19 pandemic don't get me wrong I know people got it but the numbers were so fraudulent due to the old Mighty Dollar it's pitiful anyway dude if you're still alive enjoy what's left of it it won't be for very long don't blink your eyes if you do you just might be gone! I would say take it easy but you already said you're fucked! So all I can really say to that is it's your call so okay then you be f u c k e d... And I'll be me Wawa lala lala lala Wawa Lala Walla Walla WallaView attachment 4972016
And then the US statistics (I am assuming that is where you are from, your logic points in that direction) being padded so hospitals get more money would be way out of whack as compared to your northern neighbour, Canada, where the hospitals are run by the government. And it would not be in the government's interest to have hospitals charge more per covid patient than a regular patient since the government both charges itself and pays itself the greater amount.

In other words, there is no winner up in Canada for the hospitals to cook the books. And in other countries in the world with a similar health system capability with ranges of government pay to private insurance paying more, with hospitals government run and privately run, the infection rates, death rates, they all seem to track in roughly the same numbers as in the US. So obviously it is only in the conspiracy laden minds that the US hospitals are cooking the books. And since private insurance pays for much of the costs in the US, I would guess they would have a few people on the lookout for the cooked figures.
And then the US statistics (I am assuming that is where you are from, your logic points in that direction) being padded so hospitals get more money would be way out of whack as compared to your northern neighbour, Canada, where the hospitals are run by the government. And it would not be in the government's interest to have hospitals charge more per covid patient than a regular patient since the government both charges itself and pays itself the greater amount.

In other words, there is no winner up in Canada for the hospitals to cook the books. And in other countries in the world with a similar health system capability with ranges of government pay to private insurance paying more, with hospitals government run and privately run, the infection rates, death rates, they all seem to track in roughly the same numbers as in the US. So obviously it is only in the conspiracy laden minds that the US hospitals are cooking the books. And since private insurance pays for much of the costs in the US, I would guess they would have a few people on the lookout for the cooked figures.
Logic is lost on him and facts don't work either.
Logic is lost on him and facts don't work either.
And that is the thing I find so odd about a lot of Americans. They do not bother to look outside their borders to see what is happening in the rest of the world to check if they are being fed a line or not. Obviously the ones that have been taking part in our discussions are way up to speed than many of their brethren. Mind you, I have no clue on football statistics (or hockey for that matter, I know, the shame) but have a good idea what is happening in health care. But then, I have spent a few years there.
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