Pandemic 2020

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Smile for the camera.

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So we had been locked down trying to get the numbers down, it worked. Of course the government lifted the mask mandate but said it was a good idea to wear them. Thought that was a dumb idea, why not wait a few weeks, not going to hurt anyone (well the bars and such). That was on Aug 7, twenty days later and they are going back to requiring masks indoors out in public. So they did not see this coming after the last time? And they didn;t think school starting (it hasn't yet) will not drive it further so it would be good to keep our rates down?

Dumb fucks.
Well I see you didn't fail me excuse me I don't normally go to these groups so I have no idea about how to quote or not quote your own conversation!.... And as for being rough around the edges I'm sure that 80 grit sandpaper will take care of that!... Anyway this whole thing was an exercise for my class they all failed the project they were put out to report on , this is the only way I was able to show them how they were supposed to accomplish their assignment!. As for staying long I never plan to stay at all to begin with! Although I might have had a few questions on some herb tactics but those are long gone by now! So I want to thank all of you for participating in this exercise it will teach my students a considerable lesson or two! Excuse me for not punctuating properly it was part of the assignment! So now I bid you all farewell please keep up your severely broken attitudes for they will teach a lot of others without my help! And by the way your group would have received an A+ for for being so astute incredible from me but since somebody left the group excuse me blocked me or ignored me know or what ever you want to call it? In the middle it kind of ruined your grade so you have been demoted to a C+ sorry you would have been tired but leaving blocking or ignoring isn't tolerated for your grade oh yes and please thank the admin that sent me the message about you're stupid rule of not being able to quote yourself instead of explaining what I was supposed to do! So she gets an F but I'm being considerate and elaborating a little further on now but I bruising it's supposed to do here when they have never been in a group like this! It was quite interesting knowing what is in the minds of very hateful people by the way because instead of even asking if what they said in the beginning was true or not they automatically went to the fact that calling them names or drug addicts!. This was your go-to and your preference! Because of that your group should have gotten an f like the admin! Except for you're group wasCM210825-184849001.jpgCM210825-184849001.jpgCM210825-152619002.jpg quite nice about sending feedback which prevented that from happening good day to all and to all a good day enjoy what you can and forget about the rest:-)
Well I see you didn't fail me excuse me I don't normally go to these groups so I have no idea about how to quote or not quote your own conversation!.... And as for being rough around the edges I'm sure that 80 grit sandpaper will take care of that!... Anyway this whole thing was an exercise for my class they all failed the project they were put out to report on , this is the only way I was able to show them how they were supposed to accomplish their assignment!. As for staying long I never plan to stay at all to begin with! Although I might have had a few questions on some herb tactics but those are long gone by now! So I want to thank all of you for participating in this exercise it will teach my students a considerable lesson or two! Excuse me for not punctuating properly it was part of the assignment! So now I bid you all farewell please keep up your severely broken attitudes for they will teach a lot of others without my help! And by the way your group would have received an A+ for for being so astute incredible from me but since somebody left the group excuse me blocked me or ignored me know or what ever you want to call it? In the middle it kind of ruined your grade so you have been demoted to a C+ sorry you would have been tired but leaving blocking or ignoring isn't tolerated for your grade oh yes and please thank the admin that sent me the message about you're stupid rule of not being able to quote yourself instead of explaining what I was supposed to do! So she gets an F but I'm being considerate and elaborating a little further on now but I bruising it's supposed to do here when they have never been in a group like this! It was quite interesting knowing what is in the minds of very hateful people by the way because instead of even asking if what they said in the beginning was true or not they automatically went to the fact that calling them names or drug addicts!. This was your go-to and your preference! Because of that your group should have gotten an f like the admin! Except for you're group was

Your students should really try to find a better teacher, because you are a moron with your 'group' bullshit.

As for the rest...
Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 2.47.15 PM.png
But I must say this, I can see that you had no problem about criticizing a person for that as well it's like a magnet to you people! Helping somebody is not in your Forte
I am optimistic it will be here by end of the year. Seems to be getting tested fairly widely, I have met two parents now that had their kids in trials for it.
any idea what the age range they are aiming for? from what to 12yrs old?
You can't even help yourself and keep from trying to offend them when you're saying goodbye and thanking you for your help yes I would say you are a group within yourself and you deserve each and every one of your selves and as for my students that they're 20 happy and I don't get offended even if I sound like I do it doesn't bother me a bit. This is just another example for my students at all good day now I won't be back
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