Pandemic 2020

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Nearly 2 years into the pandemic, anti-vaxxers finally want people to stay home—from the hospital
According to NBC News, anti-vaxx groups, including those on Facebook, are encouraging members not to go to the emergency room. Their reason? Conspiracy theories that claim doctors are preventing them from receiving a cure, or that they are being killed on purpose.

The deadly advice follows multiple reports of COVID-19 deniers dying in hospitals after refusing to get or advocating against the COVID-19 vaccine. While many of them regretted doing so, some stayed persistent and despite being on their deathbed still advocated against being vaccinated. Instead of receiving a free jab, these people would rather face death or harm themselves by taking unauthorized treatments. As one doctor told NBC News, patients in the hospital “just keep denying until they’re dying.”

Facebook groups are not only encouraging violence against health care professionals but pushing for individuals not to go to the hospital. According to NBC News, many anti-vaxxers are using the encrypted messaging app Telegram and offering instructions on how to get family members released from the hospital. Viral videos have even been shared in which some allegedly successfully moved family members from hospitals to hospice care.

This Twitter thread sums up the entire phenomenon pretty well:

Who knows when anti-vaxxers will realize they are killing off their own. But until then, we can only hope the stories of all the famous anti-vaxxers dying and regretting their decisions to follow conspiracy theories make a difference.

The Anti-Vaxxers will be the Darwin Award winners of this millennium. (so far) :lol:

It's too bad most of them will be awarded posthumously.

After a Michigan doctor wrote about combative COVID-19 patients, most of them died
Since a Michigan doctor penned a Facebook post earlier this month detailing the aggressive and combative responses he has faced from eight patients seriously ill with COVID-19, six of those patients have died.

On Sept. 11, Michigan pulmonologist Matthew Trunsky listed eight incidents in the preceding two days in which patients declined to heed his medical advice. The post has so far received nearly 3,000 engagements and has been shared more than 1,400 times.
In an interview with The Washington Post published Friday, Trunsky said six of the eight patients he mentioned in his Facebook post have since died.

In his Facebook post, Trunsky mentioned one patient who told him he was "too healthy. I don’t have Covid. I’m fine" when the patient was actually "fighting for his life."

Various patients demanded medications that have not been approved for treating COVID-19 such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
Another patient told Trunsky, "I’d rather die [than] take the vaccine," to which he responded in his post by writing, "You may get your wish."
Trunsky said the wife of one patient who had died of COVID-19 told him, "I would never feel comfortable recommending the vaccine for family and friends."

"This is not to mention the anger the people have towards the physicians in the nurses who are really doing our best — and who are delivering exceptionally excellent care. Of course the answer was to have been vaccinated — but they were not and now they’re angry at the medical community for their failure," Trunsky wrote. "Numbers are on the rise. Get your vaccine."

Earlier in the pandemic, Trunsky recalled calling a woman to tell her that her brother had died, only for her to preempt his news by saying, "Look, my mother died, my father died, my brother died and I don’t want any bad news.”

Regardless of why some unvaccinated patients chose not to get immunized, Trunsky said to the newspaper that “they are paying the price, and they are getting mad at us.”
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