Pandemic 2020

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That was the alpha variant back in 2020, delta is 10X more contagious and hit in late June 2021. You can also see the effect of folks waiting at home as the vaccine was rolled out after the new year and the effects of vaccination in the spring, until Delta hit.
"A related drug, Prozac, or fluoxetine, is also cheap and even more widely available, and the researchers said this drug should be studied to see if it might help."

Yeah. A society on Prozac. What can go wrong?
"A related drug, Prozac, or fluoxetine, is also cheap and even more widely available, and the researchers said this drug should be studied to see if it might help."

Yeah. A society on Prozac. What can go wrong?
I'm thinking if we make it the next ivermectin, it might calm the Trumpers down a bit too, a two for one. I figure many in the suicide cult are angry and depressed anyway, it wouldn't even be off label! :lol:
CDC study: Vaccination offers better protection than previous COVID-19 infection
A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finds that vaccination provides better protection against hospitalization with COVID-19 than a previous infection with the virus.

The analysis found people hospitalized with coronavirus-like symptoms were more than five times more likely to test positive for COVID-19 if they had had recent prior infection than if they were recently vaccinated.

The study released Friday examined more than 7,000 people across nine states and 187 hospitals, comparing those who were unvaccinated and had previously had the coronavirus in the last three to six months and those who were vaccinated over the same time frame.

Some have argued that people who previously had COVID-19 have less need to get vaccinated.

The CDC urged even those who were previously infected to get their shots.

A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finds that vaccination provides better protection against hospitalization with COVID-19 than a previous infection with the virus.

The analysis found people hospitalized with coronavirus-like symptoms were more than five times more likely to test positive for COVID-19 if they had had recent prior infection than if they were recently vaccinated.

The study released Friday examined more than 7,000 people across nine states and 187 hospitals, comparing those who were unvaccinated and had previously had the coronavirus in the last three to six months and those who were vaccinated over the same time frame.

Some have argued that people who previously had COVID-19 have less need to get vaccinated.

The CDC urged even those who were previously infected to get their shots.
CDC study: Vaccination offers better protection than previous COVID-19 infection
A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finds that vaccination provides better protection against hospitalization with COVID-19 than a previous infection with the virus.

The analysis found people hospitalized with coronavirus-like symptoms were more than five times more likely to test positive for COVID-19 if they had had recent prior infection than if they were recently vaccinated.

The study released Friday examined more than 7,000 people across nine states and 187 hospitals, comparing those who were unvaccinated and had previously had the coronavirus in the last three to six months and those who were vaccinated over the same time frame.

Some have argued that people who previously had COVID-19 have less need to get vaccinated.

The CDC urged even those who were previously infected to get their shots.

A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finds that vaccination provides better protection against hospitalization with COVID-19 than a previous infection with the virus.

The analysis found people hospitalized with coronavirus-like symptoms were more than five times more likely to test positive for COVID-19 if they had had recent prior infection than if they were recently vaccinated.

The study released Friday examined more than 7,000 people across nine states and 187 hospitals, comparing those who were unvaccinated and had previously had the coronavirus in the last three to six months and those who were vaccinated over the same time frame.

Some have argued that people who previously had COVID-19 have less need to get vaccinated.

The CDC urged even those who were previously infected to get their shots.
Liberal Communist collectivist lies from the deep state, I am sherrr.
trump trump trump....see, too fat to step through the shadows...the most magical thing about trump is that he lost the whitehouse, senate, and house in one election...WORST president ever, past or future...
Speaking the name contains an element of respect, one that I will not confer.

Winston Churchill, whom I consider the greatest statesman of the 20th century (sorry Teddy) treated the Führer thus.
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