Pandemic 2020

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I see the CRT test is going to be discontinued in December. The new test will be done with one owned by Gates and Soros.

You pigs love wallowing in shit. No, Felicia, there was nothing wrong with the CDC's PSA test. It is still the gold standard and is a very speific and accurate test for detecting is infected by the novel coronavirus. The CDC did make an announcement that the test they developed will be discontinued but not for the reasons given in that fake story you posted. They are doing so because there are plenty of alternatives that meet FDA certification.

LOL at the Soros reference. For you, lying is like a Tourette's tic. No thought behind it, you just lie.

Viral Posts Misrepresent CDC Announcement on COVID-19 PCR Test

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention developed and deployed its own polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, test to identify infections with the novel coronavirus (although its initial rollout was beset with some issues).

A year and a half later, the federal agency has notified labs that it will — at the end of 2021 — withdraw its emergency use authorization request for the test to the Food and Drug Administration, thereby discontinuing its use.

The agency in a July 21 notice recommended that labs use “one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives” and said it “encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.” Such multiplex tests, including one from the CDC, can look for both the novel coronavirus and multiple types of influenza at the same time — which conserves testing materials and allows public health labs to do influenza surveillance while testing for SARS-CoV-2, or the virus that causes COVID-19.

But the CDC did not say it was no longer supporting the use of PCR tests in general, many of which have been authorized by the FDA — or that its original PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 can’t tell the difference between coronavirus and influenza — as viral posts spreading online falsely claim.
I don't know what being Canadian has to do with how the test is done.
What you don't know could fill libraries.

For example,
The actual test and how many times they screen to look for whatever it is they are looking for, sometimes 15 which would be normal (as I understand it) but up to 50 times if they really really need to find something.. These are not the old school petrie dish test. That won't find anything......

I believe the only way the Covid-19 virus has been isolated is through DNA fragments and that is what the test look for. So it's all computer generated data.

Coronavirus is an RNA virus and contains no DNA. The PSA test developed by the CDC is very specific and accurate for detecting the novel Coronavirus, SARS-COV-2. This is a futile thing to say because another thing you know nothing about are PSA tests.
I wonder how many of those 60 million are republicans?
More Than 60 Million Americans Have Not Received The Covid Vaccine

New York Times columnist David Leonhardt noticed that the gap in the Covid death toll between red and blue America continues to grow. Dr. Nahid Bhadelia explains why she says we’re also losing ground against a diseases we’ve already defeated.
Got the covid booster and a flu shot, my arm hurts, target runs a smooth operation.
The wife called the county health department to set up her booster. She asked them if I could get mine, even though I'm only 60. The person on the line said, "If I set him up an appointment he can." So I'm going to get mine a little earlier than planned. Got to love small towns.
Arm is still sore and more tired than usual, could be either shot, no big deal though.

I didn't really need the booster, not in contact with the public that much and not in any risk groups, but eh, its there so might as well.

Ultimately my thinking was the soros funded mind control in the flu vaccine would counteract the nanochips in bill gates carona vaccine. Battle of the billionaires, gonna be a stalemate so I will be fine.
Arm is still sore and more tired than usual, could be either shot, no big deal though.

I didn't really need the booster, not in contact with the public that much and not in any risk groups, but eh, its there so might as well.

Ultimately my thinking was the soros funded mind control in the flu vaccine would counteract the nanochips in bill gates carona vaccine. Battle of the billionaires, gonna be a stalemate so I will be fine.

Back to feeling fine. Wife got both flu and the booster yesterday and feels bad today, but I would imagine will feel fine tomorrow.

Lots of achy joints (lol) was the big side effect, tbh I think that was more the flu shot than the covid one
A lady my wife used to work with died of covid. Her daughter still has long covid over a year later. This is going to effect as many or more folks than actually died of it. It could be with them for the rest of their lives.
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