Pandemic 2020

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"I’m hoping they name a law after her so no one has to go through this," Ryan Drock told The Palm Beach Post, part of the USA TODAY Network. “If she had walked out of the hospital, she could have had the medication.”
I had to laugh when I heard that on the news this morning. I told the wife it would be known as the don't be stupid law.
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"I’m hoping they name a law after her so no one has to go through this," Ryan Drock told The Palm Beach Post, part of the USA TODAY Network. “If she had walked out of the hospital, she could have had the medication.”

then if they gave it to wasn't given soon enough.
seems like he could have gone to any one of the many horse racing tracks in FL and got her some.
the truth doesn't get these psychotic liars any attention...the ONLY people ignorant enough to listen to these types of morons buy into the anti vaxx horseshit, so they do too, whether they believe it or not, because that's what gets them strokes....

the news is good, he can get it again just like the flu except the flu doesn't make our insides bleed out causing death.
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"I’m hoping they name a law after her so no one has to go through this," Ryan Drock told The Palm Beach Post, part of the USA TODAY Network. “If she had walked out of the hospital, she could have had the medication.”

then if they gave it to wasn't given soon enough.

Take boot. Place foot inside. Lace up boot. Proceed to make contact with toe of boot to morons head.
any feed supply and bring it in..he couldn't..she was already on respirator and i know he wouldn't be able to figure out how to get apple flavored horse paste into the IV.
People are saying he tried applying it as a suppository, but she said between ventilator clicks “now darlin this ain the time to be lovin me up”.
so if my wife is in the hospital, i can demand any unproven treatment plan??? i could say i want bleach in her IV bag since i think it works?
where does this nonsense end?

correct. but they wouldn't do it because it's bleach. you would have to go to court to fight for your right to poison your wife.

but Righties know there is more than one way to skin a cat:wink:; you would just have to get a syringe and medication that you wish to dose your loved one with..if it's thick you have to add water mix it up so it can flow through the needle..just walk into ICU and inject the concoction of your choice into IV's located right where the IV needle goes into arm/hand.

after all why should any hospital or government tell you what to do?- your body your what's right for you!

<chubsey's christmas playing in the background>
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