Pandemic 2020

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Here in NS we've got 92.8% with a single shot and 88.7 fully vaxxed, we were a couple of months behind the USA rolling out the vaccines and had a big spread between doses, so we should be a few months behind on boosters. Winter is almost here and people are inside more where the virus can easily spread, so masks would be a wise precaution for another winter at least. If the hospitals become overwhelmed the restrictions go on everywhere, the more people are who vaxxed and sensible public health policy like masks, along with improved treatments, make that less likely. However there are many millions of unvaxxed people walking around and delta covid is very contagious.
Great, so stop and frisk for Covid papers. I wonder how many American minorities would be killed by police because of increased contact.
anything to get out of taking a shot....people's "rights" go out the window when it becomes a public health issue and they're fucking up other peoples lives. it HAS happened before in this country, and there is a perfectly legal precedence to do it again. your feelings mean fuck all when they're causing other people to die
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What about smokers and obese people? They're making choices that without a doubt will increase their healthcare costs.
Different problem, if addictions were easy to give up there would be no addicted people, same for fat people, if it were a simple choice like getting a needle there wouldn't be too many fat people either. Also these conditions don't generally lead to other's death and are not contagious. Apples and oranges, one is as simple as rolling up your sleeve, the other takes long term grit and determination with the deck stacked against ya.
Great, so stop and frisk for Covid papers. I wonder how many American minorities would be killed by police because of increased contact.
First the cops have to be vaxxed and that's an issue with some American cops. Besides they just made vaccines mandatory there after feb 2022. States have the same authority in America, the federal government does not.
I honestly admire your antisocial tendencies. I’m the same. Paradoxically, I find myself wanting to hang out and have a beer with you.
i don't even bother with the gloves, if someone extends an open hand toward me, i back away and say "no".
i will fist bump, but even then i go wash my hands as soon as i can, and try to avoid touching my face till i do. (you would be surprised how hard it is to not touch your face, till you're consciously trying not to)
i don't consider myself to be antisocial, i tend to think of myself as anti-idiots...i just treat everyone like an idiot till they prove they aren't one, lot less work that way
What about smokers and obese people? They're making choices that without a doubt will increase their healthcare costs.
But the savings to Social Security greatly offsets these short term losses. There was a study in one of the Scandinavian counties that showed $4B a year in retirement saving due to smokers. Not only are poor people doing us all a fiscal favor by limiting their lifespans, but they pay the very highest rates of taxation on tobacco, beer and lottery. (or as Cousin James would say, "the only damn taxes they ever pay)
Yeah because that is such a danger of spreading to the hospital workers when they come in contact with them.
The prophylactic treatment shot doesn't prevent infection or transmission. It's a good way to keep yourself from dying, but it's not protecting society by getting it.
I have been getting the feeling lately that the people who still want to shake hands are also the of the no-mask mindset.

I have a hard time not dialing it back and find myself going back to my wrestling handshake in these moments.
I have adopted the old West habit of fingers to imagined hat brim as a general salute.
They aren't refused a policy.
insurance companies are private businesses, if they don't want to insure someone, that's their business.
smokers and obese people aren't usually denied policies, but they are charged up to 50% more, even through obamacare.
the big difference is that there aren't pandemics of smoking and obesity that clog up hospitals so badly that non smokers and people who maintain a healthy weight can't get treatment, but there IS a pandemic that can and does clog up emergency rooms and hospital beds so that people with unrelated conditions, and people who take precautions and are infected by the unvaccinated anyway, cannot get treatment and are left out in the cold to die while lazy thoughtless cowards take up beds they don't deserve
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