Pandemic 2020

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As the german minister of health said a few days ago: in a year everyone will be either vaccinated, immune, or dead. I think your timeline and his are a bit optimistic. Make it 3 years or so. Faster if you throw more infection parties. People will need either a vaccination or previous infection to get access to bars etc here. So kids who don't want the vax, go to an infection party, test positive, and get their 'corona passport'. Idiocracy at is finest.

Right now, during this wave, it doesn't look like the corona virus discriminates much between vaxxed and unvaxxed when it comes to infections. Everyone is still a potential target. There is no significant decrease in the R rate, it's actually higher than during previous waves. But when it comes to the resulting disease, 4 out of 5 people in ICU here are unvaccinated, with the unvaccinated being 20 years younger on average. Based on October results, vaccinated have 17 times less chance to end up in hospital than unvaccinated, and 33 times less chance to end up in IC.

Portugal was recently touted as an example of how things should be done. Some military leader declared war on corona, and over 98% of 12 and older is vaccinated. In practical day to day life, the pandemic was over. A day or two after I read that news, 2-3 weeks ago, their latest wave started. Most obvious explanation for the delay is the fact the cold/indoor seasons of the year start later there. They're already looking at reintroducing measures. If they reach high numbers in the next month we can conclude vaccination doesn't reduce spread enough to really get rid of the virus.

I think we've pretty much given up on herd immunity over here. Now it's a matter of saving as many as we can without overloading hospitals. Ride it out end eventually, effectively, deal with it as a flu+, and get a booster shot every season. The reason the flu shot is an annual thing is because the chinese breed new variants of the flu every year. Corona is more contagious and causes more superspreading events than the flu. Even with 100% vaccination rate in one country, there will for the foreseeable future be other countries that will continue to spread it across the globe. I think there's close to zero chance next fall will be very different.
So much for an “intelligent” lockdown or approach . The infection parties have to be not only the stupidest but the most dangerous, for so many reasons. Seems like a perfect recipe for a more dangerous variant that is not protected by our current vaccinations. I read that northern Italy having a very low vaccination rate has a real problem with the infection parties as well. Some of the ways they like to spread are just repulsive . Passing a cup with the virus around drinking out of it. It sounds like a cult group . Similar to the one that all wanted to die to ride be able to hitch a ride on that comet that flew by earth. Lol. Or that dude that brainwashed his followers to drink the poison cup of Wine and die. I guess this kind of thing does happen but it is really shocking and sad.
7 now with more to come!
7 now with more to come!
Physician, heal thyself!
The AMA shouldn't just take their MDs away, they should put them on a public list, like child molesters or sexual predators.
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As the german minister of health said a few days ago: in a year everyone will be either vaccinated, immune, or dead. I think your timeline and his are a bit optimistic. Make it 3 years or so. Faster if you throw more infection parties. People will need either a vaccination or previous infection to get access to bars etc here. So kids who don't want the vax, go to an infection party, test positive, and get their 'corona passport'. Idiocracy at is finest.

Right now, during this wave, it doesn't look like the corona virus discriminates much between vaxxed and unvaxxed when it comes to infections. Everyone is still a potential target. There is no significant decrease in the R rate, it's actually higher than during previous waves. But when it comes to the resulting disease, 4 out of 5 people in ICU here are unvaccinated, with the unvaccinated being 20 years younger on average. Based on October results, vaccinated have 17 times less chance to end up in hospital than unvaccinated, and 33 times less chance to end up in IC.

Portugal was recently touted as an example of how things should be done. Some military leader declared war on corona, and over 98% of 12 and older is vaccinated. In practical day to day life, the pandemic was over. A day or two after I read that news, 2-3 weeks ago, their latest wave started. Most obvious explanation for the delay is the fact the cold/indoor seasons of the year start later there. They're already looking at reintroducing measures. If they reach high numbers in the next month we can conclude vaccination doesn't reduce spread enough to really get rid of the virus.

I think we've pretty much given up on herd immunity over here. Now it's a matter of saving as many as we can without overloading hospitals. Ride it out end eventually, effectively, deal with it as a flu+, and get a booster shot every season. The reason the flu shot is an annual thing is because the chinese breed new variants of the flu every year. Corona is more contagious and causes more superspreading events than the flu. Even with 100% vaccination rate in one country, there will for the foreseeable future be other countries that will continue to spread it across the globe. I think there's close to zero chance next fall will be very different.
You touch on the contradiction that I'm talking about.

New information is coming available every day so maybe I'm just looking at old data that has gone stale. The stats I've seen every time I look for relative rates of infection between vaxxed and not look like this:


These graphs show how much faster the virus is spreading among unvaccinated people, compared with vaccinated people of the same age. On July 1, the case rate among unvaccinated people was about 8 cases per 100,000 people per day, while among the vaccinated it was less than 1 case. Over the next two months, cases spiked among unvaccinated people, increasing by an additional 82 cases per 100,000 people, per day. Cases rose among vaccinated people, too, but much more gently: By late August, the rate went up by just 8 additional cases per 100,000, per day. 

That surge beginning in July was due to the effect of Delta variant. Still, the rate of new infections, unvaxxed vs vaxxed is at least 8:1 or maybe 10:1.
Data like this is always old before it can be published. So maybe the numbers will begin to merge as more information is available but I'm not seeing parity in rates of new infections. Not yet.

Seven doctors contract Covid after attending Florida anti-vaccine summit
Doctors tested positive or developed symptoms ‘within days’ of conference at which alternative treatments were discussed

Seven anti-vaccine doctors fell sick after gathering earlier this month for a Florida “summit” at which alternative treatments for Covid-19 were discussed.

“I have been on ivermectin for 16 months, my wife and I,” Dr Bruce Boros told the audience at the event held at the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, adding: “I have never felt healthier in my life.”

The 71-year-old cardiologist and staunch anti-vaccine advocate contracted Covid-19 two days later, according to the head event organizer, Dr John Littell.

Littell, an Ocala family physician, also told the Daily Beast six other doctors among 800 to 900 participants at the event also tested positive or developed Covid-19 symptoms “within days of the conference”.

Littell raised the suggestion the conference was therefore a super-spreader event but rejected it, vehemently saying: “No.

“I think they had gotten it from New York or Michigan or wherever they were from,” he told the Beast. “It was really the people who flew in from other places.”

He also said: “Everybody so far has responded to treatment with ivermectin … Bruce is doing well.”

The Beast said sources close to Boros said he was gravely ill at his Key West home.

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic which has uses in humans but is predominantly used in livestock such as cows and horses. Authorities say it has no proven use against Covid-19 and can be dangerous if taken in large quantities. The US Food and Drug Administration has not authorized or approved ivermectin as a Covid treatment and has said clinical trials are continuing.

Boros has claimed ivermectin is “working where it’s being used around the world” as a Covid treatment.

In the same Facebook post, he condemned Dr Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, as “a fraud” and said “big pharma is playing us for suckers”.

In a July interview with Florida Keys Weekly, Boros responded to criticisms of his post, saying: “It breaks my heart that a town like this has made something so political and hateful. What’s wrong with people? I just want to help patients and keep them from dying.”

He also claimed that he gave a seriously ill Covid-19 patient ivermectin and “within six hours he was talking without coughing”.

At the summit in Ocala, Boros criticized his 97-year-old father for getting a Covid vaccine, saying: “He had been brainwashed … He got it. He didn’t tell me. I was very upset. I wanted to give him a spanking. He got both jabs.”

Earlier this year, a significant study supporting ivermectin as a Covid-19 treatment was withdrawn after data was found to have been falsified and patients nonexistent.

The FDA says people should “never use medications intended for animals on yourself or other people. Animal ivermectin products are very different from those approved for humans. Use of animal ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of Covid-19 in humans is dangerous.”

Seven doctors contract Covid after attending Florida anti-vaccine summit
Doctors tested positive or developed symptoms ‘within days’ of conference at which alternative treatments were discussed

Seven anti-vaccine doctors fell sick after gathering earlier this month for a Florida “summit” at which alternative treatments for Covid-19 were discussed.

“I have been on ivermectin for 16 months, my wife and I,” Dr Bruce Boros told the audience at the event held at the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, adding: “I have never felt healthier in my life.”

The 71-year-old cardiologist and staunch anti-vaccine advocate contracted Covid-19 two days later, according to the head event organizer, Dr John Littell.

Littell, an Ocala family physician, also told the Daily Beast six other doctors among 800 to 900 participants at the event also tested positive or developed Covid-19 symptoms “within days of the conference”.

Littell raised the suggestion the conference was therefore a super-spreader event but rejected it, vehemently saying: “No.

“I think they had gotten it from New York or Michigan or wherever they were from,” he told the Beast. “It was really the people who flew in from other places.”

He also said: “Everybody so far has responded to treatment with ivermectin … Bruce is doing well.”

The Beast said sources close to Boros said he was gravely ill at his Key West home.

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic which has uses in humans but is predominantly used in livestock such as cows and horses. Authorities say it has no proven use against Covid-19 and can be dangerous if taken in large quantities. The US Food and Drug Administration has not authorized or approved ivermectin as a Covid treatment and has said clinical trials are continuing.

Boros has claimed ivermectin is “working where it’s being used around the world” as a Covid treatment.

In the same Facebook post, he condemned Dr Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, as “a fraud” and said “big pharma is playing us for suckers”.

In a July interview with Florida Keys Weekly, Boros responded to criticisms of his post, saying: “It breaks my heart that a town like this has made something so political and hateful. What’s wrong with people? I just want to help patients and keep them from dying.”

He also claimed that he gave a seriously ill Covid-19 patient ivermectin and “within six hours he was talking without coughing”.

At the summit in Ocala, Boros criticized his 97-year-old father for getting a Covid vaccine, saying: “He had been brainwashed … He got it. He didn’t tell me. I was very upset. I wanted to give him a spanking. He got both jabs.”

Earlier this year, a significant study supporting ivermectin as a Covid-19 treatment was withdrawn after data was found to have been falsified and patients nonexistent.

The FDA says people should “never use medications intended for animals on yourself or other people. Animal ivermectin products are very different from those approved for humans. Use of animal ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of Covid-19 in humans is dangerous.”

Honestly, I hope they die. Fuck these type of assholes.
7 now with more to come!
I just find it funny where the event was held.

"equestrian center"
Well Michigan now has 1 out of 10 new cases nation wide for the nations highest infection rate, 25% of the cases here are children.
How many of those children have died? Nationwide under 1,000 minors have died of Covid related illness in almost 2 years. Case numbers aren't a good measure of impact. Covid 0 is never going to happen. Covid is now endemic.
I believe less than 24% of American voters are republicans, but many "independents" vote republican too. A little less than half of republicans are antivaxx and all of them believe bullshit, or say they do. Of that 28%, I'd say 3/4 to 80% of them were republican, or vote that way.

"A closer look at the breakdown of responses within the U.S. shows that attitudes toward vaccines are clearly divided along partisan lines: just 9 percent of people who voted for President Biden in the last election said they believe the public is being misled about the dangers of vaccines, while 47 percent of Donald Trump voters said they believed this to be true."



Exclusive: 28 percent of Americans surveyed believe the 'truth about harmful effects of vaccines' is being deliberately hidden from the public
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I believe less than 24% of American voters are republicans, but many "independents" vote republican too. A little less than half of republicans are antivaxx and all of them believe bullshit, or say they do. Of that 28%, I'd say 3/4 to 80% of them were republican, or vote that way.

"A closer look at the breakdown of responses within the U.S. shows that attitudes toward vaccines are clearly divided along partisan lines: just 9 percent of people who voted for President Biden in the last election said they believe the public is being misled about the dangers of vaccines, while 47 percent of Donald Trump voters said they believed this to be true."

Exclusive: 28 percent of Americans surveyed believe the 'truth about harmful effects of vaccines' is being deliberately hidden from the public

It's close to half, because independents that vote republican should be counted as republicans. I figure people can't say they're vegan while mowing down on a burger, because what they actually do is much closer to the truth than what they say. Also wouldn't be surprised if that 28% was a bit low.
My TV viewing options at the riverhouse are limited, so on a slow TV night I will watch the loons on Daystar TV. They have lots of the traditional beg for money TV preachers. Marcus Lamb is the head man. He has been antivax from the get go. Last night I tuned in (yea, I know, not my usual camp night, but basketball is tonight, so. . . . ) to find one of the sons trying to hold down the show because his dad was laid up with Covid. I will admit to being pretty high, having smoked a joint of Ghost Train Haze x ukm right before. But it was the best, most pure case of Schadenfreude I have ever enjoyed.

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