Pandemic 2020

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Thank goodness it wasn’t named Nu. How is Omicron pronounced? Oh micron or Omick Ron.

Yeah, it’s pandemic fatigue. Seeing a lot of that, including previously cautious people like my in-laws being a lot less vigilant about masking, social distancing and staying in. Crowds always have made me feel vaguely icky, but Black Friday shopping coverage on TV looks pretty much like most folks are saying “what pandemic” this year. Thank god for online shopping.
yeah I get it . It’s tiresome and we all have a bit of Pandemic PTSD. I think it was just terrible timing for this new variant to emerge Right Now as Holidays arrived. No time is ever good but this is The Worst Time!
AT 1%-2% survival rate, it's going to take a long time for that to happen. A more deadly variant would speed it up.

But you are right. Those with low ability to process information that leads to vaccine hesitancy might be an evolutionary dead end for some lines of the human race. .

not that it's the preferred option. But maybe it was inevitable.
nature is a harsh mistress, the strong succeed and the weak don't. there are just a lot of people who think true strength lies in the size of your biceps, and not the size of your cranium...
One of the two new antivirals has issues with efficacy, but the Pfizer one still works, both should also work on all variants including the latest one emerging. They might want to speed up the approval process for tweaked booster vaccine shots though.

I wonder when we will get to Omega...
If this goes on long enough, it’ll be like hurricane or typhoon naming. When the end of the current naming convention is reached, a new one will be added on the fly.

Unless of course of Omega turns a small percentage into vampires and only one immune man is left to search for a cure. Oh wait, that’s a Richard Matheson novel, not real life. Hard to differentiate sometimes. The variant naming part is correct though
If this goes on long enough, it’ll be like hurricane or typhoon naming. When the end of the current naming convention is reached, a new one will be added on the fly.

Unless of course of Omega turns a small percentage into vampires and only one immune man is left to search for a cure. Oh wait, that’s a Richard Matheson novel, not real life. Hard to differentiate sometimes. The variant naming part is correct though
The adaptation to the movie was horrible.
nature is a harsh mistress, the strong succeed and the weak don't. there are just a lot of people who think true strength lies in the size of your biceps, and not the size of your cranium...
The strength of you immune system counts too, but with a brain you can supplement it with a vaccine these days. If the new strain turns into a vaccine evading killer we could all be in shit, but if it's serious enough they will have an improved booster for it ASAP. Also the antiviral medications will work against it too (Pfizer), they are cheap and easy to make and are now licensed globally, so expect to see a lot more of them. We need to be able to react to these viral mutations faster and even be able to predict them. The way I have it figured we are at war with this fucking thing, the entire human race, we should act like we are, we can't eradicate it but we can contain and control it for now and eventually defeat it in humans, pets and domestic animals. Like I said we are in the scientific payoff period now with covid and more treatments and tweaked vaccines will be coming online over the next year or two.

"Whatever happens, there can be no more illusions of inevitability. The flu, it turns out, has always been a choice. Now we have the opportunity to do something about it—and the burden of knowing we can."

Maybe some day we'll find a way for corona too. Vaccination alone won't do it, lockdowns neither. What could work, short of an eternal lockdown, is constant testing. Everyone test themselves in the morning, test before entering buildings and transportation. I don't think mankind is willing to go far enough, and maybe they shouldn't.

Our pm is currently giving a speech, re-introducing new measures. "We the government, the medical experts, nationally and internationally, assumed a high vax rate would be a way out of the pandemic and lockdowns. The reality now is very very different. Get vaxxed to protect yourself."
mRNA vaccines are new and a game changer. We are just breaking into the computational power to produce the necessary sequences quickly. I anticipate by spring well have an update vaccine that addresses Delta and Nu.

Industry says 100 days til a trial vaccine. All that’s needed is a sponsor. That is much more likely now than under the previous administration.
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