Pandemic 2020

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Don't worry about having to eat that poison carrot, Bob will be spending the holidays with the tRUmptards. If what they say about Bob is true and it's 5 times as infectious but the vaccinated are protected, maybe the pandemic can burn itself out this winter by staying with the retards. The one positive is that there certainly will be fewer morons running around by spring.
Vaccines alone aren’t going to be enough and I doubt this is going away in our lifetime. Advances in therapeutic treatment are important too.
Vaccines alone aren’t going to be enough and I doubt this is going away in our lifetime. Advances in therapeutic treatment are important too.

I know but you can't say that kind of thing in front of the vaxtards or their heads will explode, they think it will magically disappear one day, they aren't very smart, they also think Stinky was the greatest president ever.
Just because I take a day off the world turns to shit? Speaking of shit.

I know hundreds of people that have had Covid, I know of 3 specific deaths in that group.

I had Covid, unvaxxed, delta plus variant. I've been sicker many times. My vaxxed friend was sick longer than I was. Neither of us have any risk factors.

Vaccines take the overall survival rate from 99.x to 99.9x.

So being vaxinated decreases your risk 10X compared to unvacinated.

I don't care if people I don't know online believe me. I also don't care if people have different beliefs than I do. On top of that I'm not giddy at the idea of forcing people to do something against their will for "the greater good".

You are an idiot.

So being vaxinated decreases your risk 10X compared to unvacinated.
Just keep getting shots because it eases your mind. They aren't that bad for you. But it won't keep you from getting Covid, and the protection against serious illness and death will disappear as newer variants hit the scene.

Then you'll be where I'm at. My position is we need better vaccines. But you guys will ride these not very good vaccines until the wheels fall off because politics.

At the moment Delta is spiking and cloging up the medical system. Fight the fire in front of you rather than let it burn while you come up with a fireproof house.
Two Omicron COVID-19 cases found in UK
Two Omicron coronavirus cases have been found in the U.K., according to the country's Health Security Agency.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid said the two cases were found in Chelmsford and in Nottingham, and both patients as well as their households are under quarantine, BBC reported. Further testing and contract tracing will be done to determine if more cases have entered the U.K.

The newly identified cases make the United Kingdom the latest in a growing list of countries that have known Omicron variant cases.

Botswana, Belgium, Hong Kong and Israel have had cases of the new variant as of Saturday morning.

The U.K. had announced they would be restricting air travel to and from several African countries due to the new variant.

"Today I can announce one thing that we are doing immediately is carrying out targeted testing and sequencing of positive cases in the two areas that are affected,” Javid said, according to BBC.

"If anyone has travelled to these four countries or any of the other red-listed countries in the last four days then they must self isolate and take PCR tests,” he added.

How about getting a passenger list from the countries and checking up on people?
Feds are sending doctors and nurses to Michigan to help with the current wave that is now setting new highs for infection.
I was at U of M getting a couple ingrown toes fixed and saw this sign (minus the Aurora part) on their wall in the room. It really should be everywhere as people enter a building so that they understand that all these idiots walking around without a mask are the issue.

Screen Shot 2021-11-27 at 11.46.29 AM.png
I was at U of M getting a couple ingrown toes fixed and saw this sign (minus the Aurora part) on their wall in the room. It really should be everywhere as people enter a building so that they understand that all these idiots walking around without a mask are the issue.

View attachment 5036274
There was a sign like this when I got my last eye exam. I like it. It's easy to understand.
61 COVID-19 cases found on flight from South Africa to Netherlands amid screening for new variant
Sixty-one COVID-19 cases were detected on an international flight from South Africa to the Netherlands on Friday, according to Dutch health officials.

The cases were detected among passengers on two flights that arrived at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport on Friday as authorities were conducting testing for the recently discovered Omicron variant of the coronavirus, Reuters reported.

A total of 600 people were on the flights that arrived from South Africa. They were kept away from other travelers in the airport, and those who tested positive for coronavirus are being isolated in the airport, officials told the news outlet on Saturday.

Ten percent of people on the flight infected. Mind you keep in mind that only 25% of the country is vaccinated.
61 COVID-19 cases found on flight from South Africa to Netherlands amid screening for new variant
Sixty-one COVID-19 cases were detected on an international flight from South Africa to the Netherlands on Friday, according to Dutch health officials.

The cases were detected among passengers on two flights that arrived at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport on Friday as authorities were conducting testing for the recently discovered Omicron variant of the coronavirus, Reuters reported.

A total of 600 people were on the flights that arrived from South Africa. They were kept away from other travelers in the airport, and those who tested positive for coronavirus are being isolated in the airport, officials told the news outlet on Saturday.

Ten percent of people on the flight infected. Mind you keep in mind that only 25% of the country is vaccinated.
Last night listening to the BBC, the Dutch health people thought it could be as high as 85, so 61 is not as bad as they thought.

apparently they are NOT putting UNVAXXED ICU Covid Patients on ventilator in my area..they made a decision.

the daughter of the person hospitalized was complaining about it in my local rag..that after 3 weeks he survived. the thread was shut down and taken away. :lol: there were like 30 responses that i would've loved to have read. dammit-all!
61 COVID-19 cases found on flight from South Africa to Netherlands amid screening for new variant
Sixty-one COVID-19 cases were detected on an international flight from South Africa to the Netherlands on Friday, according to Dutch health officials.

The cases were detected among passengers on two flights that arrived at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport on Friday as authorities were conducting testing for the recently discovered Omicron variant of the coronavirus, Reuters reported.

A total of 600 people were on the flights that arrived from South Africa. They were kept away from other travelers in the airport, and those who tested positive for coronavirus are being isolated in the airport, officials told the news outlet on Saturday.

Ten percent of people on the flight infected. Mind you keep in mind that only 25% of the country is vaccinated.
Thanks for the link.

I was wondering what protocols were in place for travelers. Did they have to show proof of vaccination? If they did then 61 people, all vaxxed would be a bad sign. But it wasn't. The minimum standard was "show proof of testing 24 hours prior".

Rules on its website state that passengers must have a negative COVID-19 test 24 hours prior to the flight, but they are not required to provide proof of vaccination, the news outlet reported.

Doesn't mean they weren't vaxxed, just means we have to wait a bit while they sort this out.

apparently they are NOT putting UNVAXXED ICU Covid Patients on ventilator in my area..they made a decision.

the daughter of the person hospitalized was complaining about it in my local rag..that after 3 weeks he survived. the thread was shut down and taken away. :lol: there were like 30 responses that i would've loved to have read. dammit-all!
good. they made their choice, now they can die with it. there is no way to justify wasting time, money, or room on people who refuse to help themselves and everyone else out by just getting a simple injection. save those who at least attempt to make things better, fuck those who don't.
Conspiracy theorists are promoting INSANE “de-vaccination” techniques to “purge” Covid-19 vaccines from the human body — including BLOOD LETTING, ELECTRIC SHOCK and TOXIC BLEACH. Perfectly normal stuff for a tRUmptard.

you can't fix crazy..they are who they are; we need to let them go already. the PSAs are out there; they want to be in charge yet all will be dead.

get your booster, wear your mask; socially distance and wash the fuck out of your hands before you take your mask off or touch anything in your house.

people are dying in my building; last person two weeks ago..the lady was vaxxed but 'doer' always going, going in general public. she told a friend she wasn't feeling well (little issue with breathing but felt no big deal) and if in the morning wasn't better will call doctor.she died overnite.

we are in for a Hellscape; that new variant is already here. it went from South Africa to South Florida flights daily. imho.

apparently they are NOT putting UNVAXXED ICU Covid Patients on ventilator in my area..they made a decision.

the daughter of the person hospitalized was complaining about it in my local rag..that after 3 weeks he survived. the thread was shut down and taken away. :lol: there were like 30 responses that i would've loved to have read. dammit-all!
What's she complaining about? The guy survived. When people are sick enough to go onto a ventilator, the prognosis is not good.

apparently they are NOT putting UNVAXXED ICU Covid Patients on ventilator in my area..they made a decision.

the daughter of the person hospitalized was complaining about it in my local rag..that after 3 weeks he survived. the thread was shut down and taken away. :lol: there were like 30 responses that i would've loved to have read. dammit-all!

The crisis of care standards that were recently moved are limited to protecting staff from exhaustion and to maintain a safe workplace. It specifically says they are not changing standards for ICU patients, just that they may be moved far away depending on staffing and bed availability. Some room is allowed for triage in case there is a crisis.

Frequently asked questions
Will this reduce the level of care patients receive?

Upon activation, these crisis standards of care for staffing of health care systems may be implemented to best manage the current influx of patients who need care for COVID-19 or any other illness. It can affect the ratio of staff to patients, but allows hospitals to make these management decisions in times of crisis to manage and attend to more patients.

I call shenanigans. That thread you referenced was a poisonous lie.
good. they made their choice, now they can die with it. there is no way to justify wasting time, money, or room on people who refuse to help themselves and everyone else out by just getting a simple injection. save those who at least attempt to make things better, fuck those who don't.

others have been dying from illness out of their control- what do you do with auto accident victims?

the antivaxxers are selfish.

and remember, when you can't breathe and are drowning in your own was 'your body; your choice'.
What's she complaining about? The guy survived. When people are sick enough to go onto a ventilator, the prognosis is not good.

she's complaining that he should have been on a ventilator(he was so sick he qualified) and that she's mad at the hospital that they have now chosen to save ventilators for those who were vaxxed only.

Ventilator Discrimination.
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