Pandemic 2020

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you would think Forbes would do a little better fact checking before releasing stories with innacuracies, especially inaccuracies that fuel the moron antivaxxers campaign of disinformation. any progress made towards getting people to believe the truth has been set back substantially by this one story with a stupid headline, designed to sell more Forbes publications....pretty fucking sad, Forbes
Yeah their youtube videos are bullshit clickbait titled spam too.

We are hitting a critical mass of propaganda with all of the more notable news-equse 'media'. Hopefully it all starts to collapse in on itself soon.

A quick study conducted in Israel months ago found that a booster administered five months after the initial series of shots drastically cut the risk of symptomatic infection, hospitalization, and death relative to a two-dose vaccination (which was still much better than no vaccination at all). In practice, Israel found that with widespread booster uptake, they could relax their pandemic control measures with little negative effect.

This has been confirmed in subsequent research. A much larger study in Israel strengthened the initial findings. British researchers likewise found that while after six months, Pfizer protection against symptomatic infection had fallen to only about 75 percent and AstraZeneca to less than 50 percent, a booster took them both up to well over 90 percent — higher than the two-dose peak in either case.

The need for a booster so soon after the initial shot suggests the depressing possibility of vaccination every six months until the end of time. But many scientists suspect this will not be the case. Lots of vaccines are given on a similar staggered three-dose schedule because the immune system responds much more powerfully if it's stimulated with a vaccine several months after a first shot.
Democrats livid over GOP's COVID-19 attacks on Biden
They argue that Republicans, from former President Trump to his most vocal allies in Congress and in state capitals, bear plenty of responsibility for public resistance to masks and vaccines, noting the opposition to those leading mitigation efforts comes overwhelmingly from the right.

The criticism of masks and vaccines has sabotaged Biden’s efforts to get the nation past the pandemic, some argue.

“They've done everything possible to ensure that we can't get past it," Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-Texas) said of the Republicans. "They've fought mask requirements, vaccine requirements. They've spread misinformation. They have amplified dangerous conspiracy theories.

“There is one group to blame in this country for the continued spread of COVID,” she added, “and that's those actors who have done each and every one of those things.”

Biden and his health team are scrambling to contain the spread of the virus, an effort complicated by the recent arrival of the new omicron variant, which originated in South Africa and surfaced this week in several states.

As health experts race to determine the severity of the new threat, GOP leaders have put the fault squarely on Biden, accusing the president of politicizing the crisis with vaccine mandates while failing to honor a central campaign promise of bringing the virus under control.

“I know President Biden promised America that he could handle COVID,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told reporters Friday in the Capitol. “More people have died from COVID this year than last year.”

GOP lawmakers, conservative news outlets and right-wing activists have led the charge against the push for universal vaccines and mask requirements — steps seen as vital, in the eyes of the country's top public health experts, for containing the global pandemic.

Most recently, a handful of Senate conservatives threatened to shut down the government in an effort to defund Biden’s vaccine mandate for private employers. And House Republicans voted near-unanimously against that government funding measure, many of them to protest the same vaccine requirement.

Trump, whose administration oversaw the development of the three vaccines currently in use, piled on this week, saying there’s a simple reason for the ongoing vaccine hesitancy: “No one trusts this administration.”
Rep. Cloud to Newsmax: Texas School Mask Mandates 'Tragic' for Kids
Rep. Michael Cloud, R-Texas, told Newsmax that school mask mandates are ''tragic'' for children.

''What we are doing to our kids is tragic,'' Cloud said Friday on ''The Chris Salcedo Show.'' ''It's almost like sanctuary cities, where we see people turning the blind eye to the law.''

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's ban on schools requiring masks was upheld Thursday by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, but several districts, including the Dallas Independent School District, announced they would require them anyway, The Dallas Morning News reported.

''Dallas ISD's mask protocol is still in place,'' spokeswoman Robyn Harris told the news outlet. ''The superintendent and administration are looking at the protocol and will reassess sometime this month. Knowing that the omicron variant is a growing concern, we are still going to look at all of the health and safety measures that may need to be in place.''

Cloud said the school districts that are defying Abbott's executive order and are still requiring masks are doing a disservice to the students.

''What we're doing to the kids, especially young kids who are trying to develop verbal skills and communication,'' he said. ''So much is not just what's going on with the words that are coming out of your mouth. It's the interaction. It's a relations skill that needs to develop. We may be dealing with the impact of this for years to come.''

Cloud said more should be done to protect those who may be more vulnerable to the virus than children.

''Let's follow the science,'' Cloud said. ''Let's protect the vulnerable, and we've known from almost very early on, that kids are very, very low risk when it comes to the pandemic. Let's free them. Let's get them back to learning. Let's stop this fearmongering. They're being raised in daily fear, and that's tragic.''

I guess kids will lose their ability to speak. Tragic.
Study: Omicron could be more transmissible due to sharing genetic material with common cold
Nference, a biomedical company, released data revealing that omicron shares similar genetic material to HCoV-229E, a human coronavirus that causes common cold symptoms. Researchers posit that omicron evolved from an individual who was "co-infected" with Sars-CoV-2 and HCoV-229E.

The authors of the study found both viruses inside gastrointestinal and respiratory tissues of infected individuals. They wrote that "genomic interplay," or the exchange of genetic material, could have led to omicron's emergence. No other Sars-coV-2 variants have similar cross-genetic material with HCoV-229E.

Nference also compared omicron's genetic material to other Sars-CoV-2 variants, including the highly transmissible and dominant delta variant. They found omicron hosts 26 mutations distinct to the variant.

Omicron first appeared in South Africa on Nov. 24 before it spread to more than two dozen countries on six continents, including the U.S., in roughly a week.

The variant has not yet been declared more deadly or more transmissible by the World Health Organization or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but its spread — much faster than delta — has alarmed the world and public health experts. The U.S. is among a number of countries restricting travel from multiple southern African countries.

South Africa, which had seen a lull before omicron was detected, saw cases jump from roughly 2,000 daily on Thanksgiving to more than 11,000 daily on Thursday.

Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said during a press conference on Wednesday that omicron's deadliness and transmissibility, as well as the ability of vaccines to combat it, are still unclear.

"We're going to get that information," he added. "We're going to get a lot more information."
Troubling prognosis for health-care staffing in south
Fed-up physicians looking for an exit in region with worst vaccination rates in province
Some physicians who’ve been subjected to physical threats and verbal abuse because of COVID-19 are thinking about leaving southern Manitoba, where there aren’t enough doctors and nurses now.

"There has been a lot of disillusionment amongst especially younger physicians in our hospital," said Dr. Ganesan Abbu, an anesthetist and special care unit doctor at Boundary Trails Health Centre, which is located between Winkler and Morden.

"I think they’ve sustained a lot of abuse. We’ve had nasty letters being sent — in some cases, even delivered to physicians’ doorsteps, Facebook posts, that kind of thing." One of Abbu’s colleagues has decided to leave and at least two others are considering a move.

"I think those of us that have been here a long time, even if we’re not from the local community, there’s a greater degree of tolerance, we kind of understand the mentality and the ideology of some of this community a little better," said the area resident of more than two decades.

Nevertheless, the situation is taking a toll, both on older practitioners getting close to retirement age, and younger professionals who’ve simply had enough. "I think in terms of human resources, there are going to be huge issues in the next couple of years," Abbu said.

Most people working in the health-care sector have, from time to time, had to deal with aggressive patients or family members in stressful circumstances, but because there have been so many confrontational incidents across the profession during the pandemic, Doctors Manitoba felt it necessary to distribute a guide to physician safety.

Preliminary data from a recent survey collected by the professional advocacy organization shows that half of doctors surveyed had experienced at least one incident of verbal abuse, threats, harassment or physical assault over the past month, and half of those incidents had some relation to COVID-19. Thompson said survey revealed that physicians across the province are experiencing these sorts of incidents, but they’re more prevalent in rural areas.

Making matters worse, Manitoba’s ongoing shortage of emergency and critical-care nurses has left approximately one in four positions vacant in the Southern Health region, where Boundary Trails is located. And the region’s hospitals and medical clinics don’t have an adequate number of physicians, said its chief medical officer, Dr. Denis Fortier.

There’s a risk that some primary-care services in the region could be reduced or disappear entirely if more doctors pack up, he said. Two-week waits for an appointment with a family doctor could be stretched to six weeks or beyond. And the impacts could affect emergency services and surgery wait lists.
Fuck. I just rallied against a bunch of dumb fucks on Newsmax that now think Omicrom is a cold virus. I just couldn't help it.
Fuck. I just rallied against a bunch of dumb fucks on Newsmax that now think Omicrom is a cold virus. I just couldn't help it.
it's not a cold virus but they think it stole some of it's genetic code from a "cold virus" older version of the covid virus that responsible for a good amount of the colds people catch each year, HCoV-229E .
i have no idea if this is completely accurate, wait and see i guess
Troubling prognosis for health-care staffing in south
Fed-up physicians looking for an exit in region with worst vaccination rates in province
Some physicians who’ve been subjected to physical threats and verbal abuse because of COVID-19 are thinking about leaving southern Manitoba, where there aren’t enough doctors and nurses now.

"There has been a lot of disillusionment amongst especially younger physicians in our hospital," said Dr. Ganesan Abbu, an anesthetist and special care unit doctor at Boundary Trails Health Centre, which is located between Winkler and Morden.

"I think they’ve sustained a lot of abuse. We’ve had nasty letters being sent — in some cases, even delivered to physicians’ doorsteps, Facebook posts, that kind of thing." One of Abbu’s colleagues has decided to leave and at least two others are considering a move.

"I think those of us that have been here a long time, even if we’re not from the local community, there’s a greater degree of tolerance, we kind of understand the mentality and the ideology of some of this community a little better," said the area resident of more than two decades.

Nevertheless, the situation is taking a toll, both on older practitioners getting close to retirement age, and younger professionals who’ve simply had enough. "I think in terms of human resources, there are going to be huge issues in the next couple of years," Abbu said.

Most people working in the health-care sector have, from time to time, had to deal with aggressive patients or family members in stressful circumstances, but because there have been so many confrontational incidents across the profession during the pandemic, Doctors Manitoba felt it necessary to distribute a guide to physician safety.

Preliminary data from a recent survey collected by the professional advocacy organization shows that half of doctors surveyed had experienced at least one incident of verbal abuse, threats, harassment or physical assault over the past month, and half of those incidents had some relation to COVID-19. Thompson said survey revealed that physicians across the province are experiencing these sorts of incidents, but they’re more prevalent in rural areas.

Making matters worse, Manitoba’s ongoing shortage of emergency and critical-care nurses has left approximately one in four positions vacant in the Southern Health region, where Boundary Trails is located. And the region’s hospitals and medical clinics don’t have an adequate number of physicians, said its chief medical officer, Dr. Denis Fortier.

There’s a risk that some primary-care services in the region could be reduced or disappear entirely if more doctors pack up, he said. Two-week waits for an appointment with a family doctor could be stretched to six weeks or beyond. And the impacts could affect emergency services and surgery wait lists.
I see the feds are passing a law to protect healthcare workers and public health officials from threats and other abuse. Alberta recently passed one to protect healthcare workers too. Here in the Maritimes with our low covid and high vax rates we are trying to take advantage of this by recruiting medical people who've been fucked over by their province or state. We need doctors and medical staff in general, so perhaps some folks would like to move here, to where they are respected and people are more sane.

Pro-Trump red states had a 52% higher average of COVID-19 deaths per capita than blue states, researchers found.

That mirrors the vaccination rate data, which showed that 4 in 10 republicans remain unvaccinated, compared to just 1 in 10 democrats.
Never in the field of politics have so many fucked themselves for no real reason other than swallowing obvious bullshit most children wouldn't fall for. If this keeps up I can see it affecting the 2022 election in some places. I see they wanna blame the "left" for "manipulating" them into it, it's hard for them to admit they are that fucking stupid all on their own. If they aren't idiots already, racism and tribalism soon turn them into one. Almost half of the GOP is a death cult by any definition, drank the Koolaid and breathed the covid, no mask, no vaxx and no common sense at all.

"An unvaccinated person is three times as likely to lean Republican as they are to lean Democrat," says Liz Hamel, vice president of public opinion and survey research at the Kaiser Family Foundation"

"It was not always this way. Earlier in the pandemic, many different groups expressed hesitancy toward getting vaccinated. African Americans, younger Americans and rural Americans all had significant portions of their demographic that resisted vaccination. But over time, the vaccination rates in those demographics have risen, while the rate of Republican vaccination against COVID-19 has flatlined at just 59%, according to the latest numbers from Kaiser. By comparison, 91% of Democrats are vaccinated."


Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates. Misinformation is to blame
Since May 2021, people living in counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump during the last presidential election have been nearly three times as likely to die from COVID-19 as those who live in areas that went for now-President Biden. That's according to a new analysis by NPR that examines how political polarization and misinformation are driving a significant share of the deaths in the pandemic

NPR looked at deaths per 100,000 people in roughly 3,000 counties across the U.S. from May 2021, the point at which vaccinations widely became available. People living in counties that went 60% or higher for Trump in November 2020 had 2.7 times the death rates of those that went for Biden. Counties with an even higher share of the vote for Trump saw higher COVID-19 mortality rates.

The trend was robust, even when controlling for age, which is the primary demographic risk of COVID-19 mortality. The data also reveal a major contributing factor to the death rate difference: The higher the vote share for Trump, the lower the vaccination rate.

The analysis only looked at the geographic location of COVID-19 deaths. The exact political views of each person taken by the disease remains unknowable. But the strength of the association, combined with polling information about vaccination, strongly suggests that Republicans are being disproportionately affected...
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