Pandemic 2020

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Benevolent dictator is what dictators call themselves, the people they subjugate don't say that.

i said it was a fantasy...and if i'm the one calling them benevolent in my fantasy, then they're benevolent...children don't think their parents are benevolent when they get punished for being little shit heads, that doesn't make it so...
\Cunning and LED, how are you 2 up in the Great White North, got a booster and flu shot simultaneously at a CVS about 31/2 weeks ago, I'm kind of disgusted here in Massachusetts as at grocery and local Wmart, the only two public places that have strangers that I frequent since this FKN Pandemic took hold,I'm seeing less than 50% of people wearing masks. Many of these are older or almost elderly and I'm at a loss. Just seen figures stating 600,000 out of 800,000 deaths in US are people of this age and I don't know if people are tired or just stupid. In a highly vaxed state like mine infections are on the rise and to me it's crystal clear that Covid will never be irradicated and control is now basically our only option.ccguns

What part of mass? I recall the west side of the state as being pretty conservative (and older) than the eastern part. Kind of like my native IL, the city part is way way different than the rest of the state.
“You don't fully absorb it”: Omicron’s spread across Ontario is taking experts by surprise

Just weeks after it was first identified in South Africa, the highly contagious Omicron variant is spreading through the province with such speed that it has taken experts by surprise.

Read in Ottawa Citizen:
It might be a good idea to get some quality N95 masks for being out in public this winter and wear a surgical one over that as a pre filter.

"Cases of the variant are doubling every three days, according to the science advisory table. As of Dec. 7, its effective reproduction number, the rate at which it spreads, was 4.07, compared to 1.09 for Delta, according to the science table.

That makes the Omicron variant more contagious than chicken pox, said Manuel".
“You don't fully absorb it”: Omicron’s spread across Ontario is taking experts by surprise

Just weeks after it was first identified in South Africa, the highly contagious Omicron variant is spreading through the province with such speed that it has taken experts by surprise.

Read in Ottawa Citizen:
We had 1 case 6 days ago and now it’s the predominate strain and yes I’m sure the University has much to do with it. The entitled fucks do not care but for themselves :(. Now we’ve lost control. The vaccine supply seems to be dwindling as well :(.
“You don't fully absorb it”: Omicron’s spread across Ontario is taking experts by surprise

Just weeks after it was first identified in South Africa, the highly contagious Omicron variant is spreading through the province with such speed that it has taken experts by surprise.

Read in Ottawa Citizen:
N95 masks protected medical staff effectively for a year and with common sense precautions can do the same for us until spring.
Shit is going to hit the fan in January. I guess some people would rather live free or die.
Some people would rather die stupid and ignorant, remember the truth will set you free, but it sometimes requires a brain to comprehend it. It ain't freedom they seek, it's FREEDUMB and for many it leads to death, we see it in the news everyday as over a thousand die in the USA, most are unvaxxed and are republicans. Omicron should go through them (and the rest of us) like shit through a goose, if people are double vaxxed they might get a milder case, if not, it could be a rough ride, the boosted should do ok though. I expect almost all the unvaxxed to be infected by spring, omicron is more infectious than chicken pox, so no mask and no vaxx means dead meat. An N95 will still protect people quite a bit and might be wise indoors at public places.
I took you as a centrist, or at least I think you were the person that made a centrist argument on why biden was a better pick than bernie...and I agreed with that argument, whomever made it. The farther left people don't have anywhere to go and the biggest gains were to be made in the burbs.

Big party with diverse views. It really is " we exist on the same planet and view stuff like math as existing? ...well cool, we can sort our differences out later once the demon sperm people are gone." Given that wide net cast for voters, I do think the criticism of people criticizing biden (for normal real stuff...not Brandon gas price criticism) is off-base.

Gotta kick out the demon sperm people, then we can have grown up conversations about actual issues. Don't alienate people.
Next layer after the obviously deluded are the ones who have swallowed the right troll on what freedom means. A racist, sexist and moneyist society cannot be free.

It is great irony that their Book tells them that Jesus hung with “tax collectors and prostitutes”, society’s scum class. Dominionists conveniently forget that, preferring the Calvinist whopper of a lie that worldly success mirrors posthumous status in that heavenly condo the text mentions.

Does anyone imagine anyone honestly religious would have shut down first the state and then the nation’s mental health establishment, causing millions to suffer for decades (and counting)? And how many millions of televangelist audience are not told these things? Republicans are being outed as a conspiracy to steal the nation.

I imagine fifty years from now, histories of century twenty quarter four and c21q1 would be a fascinating read. We live, alas, in interesting times.

Whoever said higher education should be free and available to all citizens and legal residents, I agree. This is something the right opposes because they do not speak to or for an educated and attentive voter base. This is how we generate and empower the counterrevolution.
Well how do you explain all the idiots who irresponsibly breed more idiots. Most people can freely pop out as many units as they want with no if and or buts. And more laws are being signed to keep unwanted pregnancies from getting aborted. It’s a mess. There is no end to the insanity.
Perhaps the quote from a senior space program operative is useful here, when he described “a nonlinear processor weighing only 150 pounds that can be produced cheaply and by unskilled labor”.

Trouble is, manufacture is a delight, but service requirements are severe and long-term. Most of the labor force does not plan ahead.

(edit) Scott Crossfield, 1954
“You don't fully absorb it”: Omicron’s spread across Ontario is taking experts by surprise

Just weeks after it was first identified in South Africa, the highly contagious Omicron variant is spreading through the province with such speed that it has taken experts by surprise.

Read in Ottawa Citizen:
Just some local stuff on FB...
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