Pandemic 2020

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But they will probable have more outside contact because of their over eating, eating from drive throughs and take out from restaurants and more trips to the store for food.
They also have to oxygenate all their extra cells, hypoxia due to poor lung function is a major feature of severe illness in covid19 so the obese have a higher likelihood of renal failure due to low O2 in the blood.
Thank yourselves........fucking Democratic incompetence caused him to get in and now have guaranteed his re-election.
Gee taint you never even mentioned the role of the GOP, its all the democrats fault, the one sane bunch who are fighting for the country. You're a moron taint and an ingrate too. You voted for Trump and he might end up killing you or your family. You should be ashamed, you have brought your country to this terrible place. Your hate and fear helped make it so taint, stop blaming the innocent, ya sound like Trump blaming Obama for the pandemic, its pathetic.
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