Pandemic 2020

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You can't even spell my name right when it is the post right above yours.

You are so out of your mind you can't tell he was quoting your first ridiculous post and not the 'hitler' one?

That's why I said your overly attached to your own ego previously, you act as if your own name and the spelling thereof really matters, and in the middle of serious talk you go out if your way to make an issue over it @hanimmal , wow such a big issue.

Please stop trying to control others when you can't even control yourself.

If I respond to someone however I bring across my message is not your business, you'd seemingly attempt to cause derision between others if it doesn't fit your narrative, as if it's your place to decide for people and the rest of the forum, let people speak for themselves, especially if you have nothing more to add than your own bias and opinion, thanks.
That's why I said your overly attached to your own ego previously, you act as if your own name and the spelling thereof really matters, and in the middle of serious talk you go out if your way to make an issue over it @hanimmal , wow such a big issue.

Please stop trying to control others when you can't even control yourself.

If I respond to someone however I bring across my message is not your business, you'd seemingly attempt to cause derision between others if it doesn't fit your narrative, as if it's your place to decide for people and the rest of the forum, let people speak for themselves, especially if you have nothing more to add than your own bias and opinion, thanks.
When am I controlling anyone?

You are spouting nonsense, I am pointing it out repeatedly because unfortunately the internet trolls like yourself don't come with a warning label.

Also, quit trying to control me.....
Yes.....i get it, the low wage earners didn't earn enough to count, so they get no soup....0 fucks given about the poor
Well send them to your house and you can deliver. How can u send them to someone’s home when they don’t have one? What’s your solution since you care so much?
So the whole world is in on it then, yeah give me some proof of this "Big Lie" that is being spread. You have said nothing credible to make me want to take your side even in the slightest. I'm up for open debate but you have to present your argument with facts that I have still yet to see.

I was not reacting to the text's you mentioned, I was reacting to you. if I was reacting to the text's then I would have mentioned them in my response.

OK give me one piece of solid proof that Italy and China and possibly every bloody country on this planet is on on this hoax of a virus.

I am a European and am witnessing this shit first hand with European politicians reacting to not just what going on across the globe but to the actual state of things currently in Europe. Italy is a shit show and its not because of a fake virus. There are literally multiple tens of hearses waiting in cemetery and crematorium parking lots as they cannot contain the fucking thing and cannot deal with the fallout fast enough. Yes this is partly to blame on Italy's government, but what do you say is the cause of all these needless deaths?

You see its not easy to communicate to others truth when they have flowing adrenaline and hysteria limiting their thoughts, I'm chilled to the max right now, I'm not concerned in the slightest, even if I wasn't able to reach a communicated agreement with others on this platform, I tried.

I already said, we've been told this virus has been rampant since like November or whatever, and was already here in the states being misdiagnosed as flu deaths here in America, then why was it not necessary to build a hospital overnight, why didn't entire city's shutdown over it, that's an insult to people here in America saying people here would be too dumb to recognize a new unknown disease that kills 10% of the population out of nowhere, yeah because only the Chinese are smart enough to do something about people falling over dead everywhere and react to it, come on don't you get it?

If one country has people falling over dead and state of emergency declared for an entire nation, don't you think someone would've noticed and reacted similarly, you think American's would just be like oh 5 people around me caught the flu and died this last month, must be normal flu season.....
The video in this link is long, over an hour, but worth watching.
Just pretend it's a horror movie & have the popcorn ready :(

Well send them to your house and you can deliver. How can u send them to someone’s home when they don’t have one? What’s your solution since you care so much?
we have elected officials that get paid to figure this stuff out, just don't exclude those that need it the most....they can try a little harder
@mustbetribbin I will admit that last week I was a nay sayer as well. I didn't believe it was as bad as it was but I made the choice to stop following the news as it worked wonders for alleviating my anxiety as I am not being bombarded by scare tactics, and as such I did not have all the information. I seen one podcast and was like fuck I need to look into this further and got my information from proven experts in the field who talk clearly and unemotional to try and get the facts across. Maybe you should be doing some of your own research and not broadcasting these whimsical notions that pop into your head from time to time.

You see its not easy to communicate to others truth when they have flowing adrenaline and hysteria limiting their thoughts, I'm chilled to the max right now, I'm not concerned in the slightest, even if I wasn't able to reach a communicated agreement with others on this platform, I tried.

I already said, we've been told this virus has been rampant since like November or whatever, and was already here in the states being misdiagnosed as flu deaths here in America, then why was it not necessary to build a hospital overnight, why didn't entire city's shutdown over it, that's an insult to people here in America saying people here would be too dumb to recognize a new unknown disease that kills 10% of the population out of nowhere, yeah because only the Chinese are smart enough to do something about people falling over dead everywhere and react to it, come on don't you get it?

If one country has people falling over dead and state of emergency declared for an entire nation, don't you think someone would've noticed and reacted similarly, you think American's would just be like oh 5 people around me caught the flu and died this last month, must be normal flu season.....
You have yet still to give any evidence based in fact so how can I believe your truth? You have not tried, as you are like a flat earther who cant defend their argument with fact and just spurts complete nonsense to try and justify their position.

I am guessing they didn't have the need to build a temporary hospital with all the hospitals that are doted across the entirety of America. But even then First World countries have not dealt with it well. If their were more policy centred along helping each other and less of this greedy capitalistic shit then the world may have been better prepared. The people in America aren't dumb ( well looking at your comments that's not entirely true) but your president sure as shit is. The best response I have seen is from South Korea.
It's going to take a while to create a vaccine for a new virus and the world will have to deal with it until it passes or everyone has had it and is no longer susceptible to that strain of the virus, but as with the flu it can mutate and then changes again. The flu vaccines that were given out last year were for the previous years flu. The vaccine is not 100% effective as their are different variations of the flu virus as it has been with us for longer than any of us have been alive.

What the fuck do you think governments are doing right now? They are reacting to whats been happening in china and then in Italy, in the hope that they possibly won't be as bad. If you actually researched any of this you may be a little more enlightened to what the present dangers are.
There is cause for concern as this could be as bad as the flu that killed 20 million people worldwide back in 1918. But then if you actually made the time to do some research you may have already known this.
@mustbetribbin And why do you assume that I am full of adrenaline and hysteria, I can see why you may think that after the last reply in relation to my anxiety, but you could not and cannot know that is what I am feeling right now. Not by reading words off a screen, but everybody can see your full of it as you cannot give facts to back up your so called position on this.
@mustbetribbin I will admit that last week I was a nay sayer as well. I didn't believe it was as bad as it was but I made the choice to stop following the news as it worked wonders for alleviating my anxiety as I am not being bombarded by scare tactics, and as such I did not have all the information. I seen one podcast and was like fuck I need to look into this further and got my information from proven experts in the field who talk clearly and unemotional to try and get the facts across. Maybe you should be doing some of your own research and not broadcasting these whimsical notions that pop into your head from time to time.

You have yet still to give any evidence based in fact so how can I believe your truth? You have not tried, as you are like a flat earther who cant defend their argument with fact and just spurts complete nonsense to try and justify their position.

I am guessing they didn't have the need to build a temporary hospital with all the hospitals that are doted across the entirety of America. But even then First World countries have not dealt with it well. If their were more policy centred along helping each other and less of this greedy capitalistic shit then the world may have been better prepared. The people in America aren't dumb ( well looking at your comments that's not entirely true) but your president sure as shit is. The best response I have seen is from South Korea.
It's going to take a while to create a vaccine for a new virus and the world will have to deal with it until it passes or everyone has had it and is no longer susceptible to that strain of the virus, but as with the flu it can mutate and then changes again. The flu vaccines that were given out last year were for the previous years flu. The vaccine is not 100% effective as their are different variations of the flu virus as it has been with us for longer than any of us have been alive.

What the fuck do you think governments are doing right now? They are reacting to whats been happening in china and then in Italy, in the hope that they possibly won't be as bad. If you actually researched any of this you may be a little more enlightened to what the present dangers are.
There is cause for concern as this could be as bad as the flu that killed 20 million people worldwide back in 1918. But then if you actually made the time to do some research you may have already known this.
Good, no, Great post! I'm wondering if you could dig up and share that podcast you found convincing?
@mustbetribbin I will admit that last week I was a nay sayer as well. I didn't believe it was as bad as it was but I made the choice to stop following the news as it worked wonders for alleviating my anxiety as I am not being bombarded by scare tactics, and as such I did not have all the information. I seen one podcast and was like fuck I need to look into this further and got my information from proven experts in the field who talk clearly and unemotional to try and get the facts across. Maybe you should be doing some of your own research and not broadcasting these whimsical notions that pop into your head from time to time.

You have yet still to give any evidence based in fact so how can I believe your truth? You have not tried, as you are like a flat earther who cant defend their argument with fact and just spurts complete nonsense to try and justify their position.

I am guessing they didn't have the need to build a temporary hospital with all the hospitals that are doted across the entirety of America. But even then First World countries have not dealt with it well. If their were more policy centred along helping each other and less of this greedy capitalistic shit then the world may have been better prepared. The people in America aren't dumb ( well looking at your comments that's not entirely true) but your president sure as shit is. The best response I have seen is from South Korea.
It's going to take a while to create a vaccine for a new virus and the world will have to deal with it until it passes or everyone has had it and is no longer susceptible to that strain of the virus, but as with the flu it can mutate and then changes again. The flu vaccines that were given out last year were for the previous years flu. The vaccine is not 100% effective as their are different variations of the flu virus as it has been with us for longer than any of us have been alive.

What the fuck do you think governments are doing right now? They are reacting to whats been happening in china and then in Italy, in the hope that they possibly won't be as bad. If you actually researched any of this you may be a little more enlightened to what the present dangers are.
There is cause for concern as this could be as bad as the flu that killed 20 million people worldwide back in 1918. But then if you actually made the time to do some research you may have already known this.
I'm trying to politely share what I'm seeing and what I'm noticing here in America with you, if you lack the comprehension to fully appreciate what I'm telling you then it's a problem of your own, I'm not obligated to bend over to anyone's demands just because they leave a long message directing me to do so, if you stick around on the forum you'll see that I'm willing to discuss further into it, but when you make commands and frail attempts to discredit or insult my intelligence, then that's when I walk away, if you would however tone down the aggression just a bit we can continue this discussion, but nobody wants to share info with someone who's expressing a vulgarity towards anothers opinion and belittling what another person is able to comprehend, that's a shortcoming of your own that needs to be removed, not anyone else's.
The video in this link is long, over an hour, but worth watching.
Just pretend it's a horror movie & have the popcorn ready :(

Looking at the news, the shit is starting to hit the fan in NY and other places, it's just beginning. Stay home and keep your kids on a leash Jimmy, you don't wanna end up in the medical system now and soon you won't get in at all. Stay safe and be careful.
The video in this link is long, over an hour, but worth watching.
Just pretend it's a horror movie & have the popcorn ready :(

Does that mean China that is recovering already , had a vaccine for the pandemic that started in a market down the road from the only known level 4 bio lab in China ? Or are they still talking shit lol? Those riots went away fast ! When you support the world with everything because of it’s cheap under age sweat shop labor force , you’re economy will recover fast & the world will suffer . keep fighting the good fight , if this is you’re only soapbox platform you are wasting you’re time for “LIKES“ ! You all are addicted to LIKES from strangers, pathetic! If you care so much surreally you could do more then run you’re mouth on RIU for an endorphin fix lol! I bet you hobble as fast as you can to the computer when alerted lol!
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