Pandemic 2020

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Should be reaching 400,000 deaths today. It didn’t need to be this way.
Now China has built a bunch of new hospitals in 5 days due to a huge surge in cases they say have been brought into their country from the Virus found on frozen fish. Here we go again.
I dont share a lean towards left or right, that does not make me a troll.

Most of the drivel here is a cnn or related lean with zero real fact checking or raw data.

Just becasue some one requires more than a link to a news network does not mean they voted for Trump.

The lot of you CNN humping tools are a complete waste of time. Zero facts and pure cheerleading drama.

Why does this bother me? Why give a shit? Idiots that cheerleader for the good feeling of a pat on the head destroy all the work my family and other families died for. Those rights you have, you didn't earn.

Fact is the majority of the drivel you spout is wrong. Cant be the coolaid is bad, no CNN told me "Good". Rushing a vax is a brilliant idea.

A "brilliant" asburgers wonder boy with massive conflicts of interest was paid billions to sell you a rushed goop, and had you sign a waiver to be sure that he wouldent be responsible for killing your grandpa. Idiots.

None of this is rocket science. Quarantine is not what we are doing. What is happening is you are getting destroyed as a society and you are too weak and stupid to pull your head out of the sand.

The 80's destroyed the western world and today the ass clowns are cashing in.

You want to keep your rights? Do you even know what they are and how they work? Naw you are too busy waiting for another pat on the head. It wont be long and the "bad" people will be saving your useless asses, again.

Go ahead show me someone else's opinion and tell me how proud you are to be their bitch, do it again.

The truth about media.
"only I can fix it."

When have I heard that before?
This is what I've been saying since early on, the damage this virus does to the survivors is going to be worse than the people that die quickly.

Hey now. Us Canadians will tolerate a lot, but you're getting pretty close to the line with a statement like that. ;)

You claim to not be left or right but you joined a weed growing forum to post right wing talking points with your oh-so-edgy libertarian twist?

Yeah, not transparently pathetic at all. Ah well, the ignore list grows.

That's cute. H.A is left leaning? You crack me up.

I know the bike scean changed and a bunch of left leaning tools bought the lifestyle. they rode in pretending to have earned the bad ass in biker.

Same with the current home grower. Zero risk, never worrying if they were going to loose everything. Never sticking their neck out. More like Home, "Boys".

Sorry If this is a bunch of hacks riding the coattails of real growers and builders of the movement. If thats the case then I am terrribly sorry for causing t then you are right.
"only I can fix it."

When have I heard that before?

HAHaHA Not quite but I get your point. Too bad the majority of you "haters" and labelers cant be so introspective.

This is just like Parler, yes it is. It is a single side being echoed to a level of stupidity found in all the polarized environments. Usually full of fear.

Here is a fact for ya, Most of the firearms ( guns) and ammo across all of north America have been bought up. Almost all of them. Its not just the bad right wing white guys, they all already have guns and food to last a year.

Its people who are afraid and showing as a community we are aware of what can happen next. Biden and Trump have no power compared to the people. The jerk off games the "right" and "left" have been playing has casued a real issue. Both the right and the left ( idiots that take sides) have killed innocent people and destroyed the lives of honest buisness people across the united states. The bullshit I have seen here contributes to that.

Allowing division is the weakness I am trying to point out, something you are and have been supporting. You and people like you are the problem. Division is being supported and gun makers just cashed in, food is next. A suggestion becasue I care about people in general, go buy yourself some extra dry food or canned goods you usually eat anyway, just in case.

Maybe make friends with a right wing or a "sorta" lefty who has guns and a plan. Maybe think past that Costco bag for emergency supplies, maybe.

I'm gonna fuck off now sorry for interupting your Fantasy.
That's cute. H.A is left leaning? You crack me up.

I know the bike scean changed and a bunch of left leaning tools bought the lifestyle. they rode in pretending to have earned the bad ass in biker.

Same with the current home grower. Zero risk, never worrying if they were going to loose everything. Never sticking their neck out. More like Home, "Boys".

Sorry If this is a bunch of hacks riding the coattails of real growers and builders of the movement. If thats the case then I am terrribly sorry for causing t then you are right.

HAHaHA Not quite but I get your point. Too bad the majority of you "haters" and labelers cant be so introspective.

This is just like Parler, yes it is. It is a single side being echoed to a level of stupidity found in all the polarized environments. Usually full of fear.

Here is a fact for ya, Most of the firearms ( guns) and ammo across all of north America have been bought up. Almost all of them. Its not just the bad right wing white guys, they all already have guns and food to last a year.

Its people who are afraid and showing as a community we are aware of what can happen next. Biden and Trump have no power compared to the people. The jerk off games the "right" and "left" have been playing has casued a real issue. Both the right and the left ( idiots that take sides) have killed innocent people and destroyed the lives of honest buisness people across the united states. The bullshit I have seen here contributes to that.

Allowing division is the weakness I am trying to point out, something you are and have been supporting. You and people like you are the problem. Division is being supported and gun makers just cashed in, food is next. A suggestion becasue I care about people in general, go buy yourself some extra dry food or canned goods you usually eat anyway, just in case.

Maybe make friends with a right wing or a "sorta" lefty who has guns and a plan. Maybe think past that Costco bag for emergency supplies, maybe.

I'm gonna fuck off now sorry for interupting your Fantasy.
not hating, just pointing out that I've read your shit and it is banal. Shallow, even. Also much of it based upon a stupid and made up libertarian philosophy.

Your post made absolutely no sense other than an attempt at trolling. Mixed messages, hyperbole and fake shit.

You must know that most people in this country are just days away from going hungry. We neither want nor need your civil war which would mean the deaths of tens of millions beginning with the aged, the infirm and children. What we want (most of us) is peace and the continuation of our democracy, we have neither with Republicans in charge.

So, let me make this all less complicated.

Trump lost the election because he was a terrible president.
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That's cute. H.A is left leaning? You crack me up.

I know the bike scean changed and a bunch of left leaning tools bought the lifestyle. they rode in pretending to have earned the bad ass in biker.

Same with the current home grower. Zero risk, never worrying if they were going to loose everything. Never sticking their neck out. More like Home, "Boys".

Sorry If this is a bunch of hacks riding the coattails of real growers and builders of the movement. If thats the case then I am terrribly sorry for causing t then you are right.

HAHaHA Not quite but I get your point. Too bad the majority of you "haters" and labelers cant be so introspective.

This is just like Parler, yes it is. It is a single side being echoed to a level of stupidity found in all the polarized environments. Usually full of fear.

Here is a fact for ya, Most of the firearms ( guns) and ammo across all of north America have been bought up. Almost all of them. Its not just the bad right wing white guys, they all already have guns and food to last a year.

Its people who are afraid and showing as a community we are aware of what can happen next. Biden and Trump have no power compared to the people. The jerk off games the "right" and "left" have been playing has casued a real issue. Both the right and the left ( idiots that take sides) have killed innocent people and destroyed the lives of honest buisness people across the united states. The bullshit I have seen here contributes to that.

Allowing division is the weakness I am trying to point out, something you are and have been supporting. You and people like you are the problem. Division is being supported and gun makers just cashed in, food is next. A suggestion becasue I care about people in general, go buy yourself some extra dry food or canned goods you usually eat anyway, just in case.

Maybe make friends with a right wing or a "sorta" lefty who has guns and a plan. Maybe think past that Costco bag for emergency supplies, maybe.

I'm gonna fuck off now sorry for interupting your Fantasy.
What is it with you guys that troll the same old both sides nonsense being such snowflakes when people push back on what you have been programmed to believe?

Is it that hard to actually stop and consider what people are saying? And not just assuming we haven't read your super awesome points before and may have something that we have seen that shows it is bullshit, or is it something else?
You keep saying that but you never do. Don’t talk about fucking off, just do it already.
Or @grass_fish sack up and have a real conversation and not the propaganda you are pushing and pretending to be upset when people call it out for what it is.

Ill start.

Are you an American?

And if so are you ok with the Russian military attacking our citizens?

Because I am an American. And I can tell you that I am not happy about our nation currently being under attack from a foreign nation.

Right now that is my bullshit line in the sand of what 'side' I am on. Everything else is secondary if we can't even have an actual discussion with (non cherry picked/half true) facts.
I am an American, and I am not happy about our nation currently being under attack from a foreign nation.
Honestly not trying to start a pissing match, but I was thinking about this the other day and I wonder if I could get your thoughts (and anyone else who wants to jump in).

How do you reconcile calling what your country does "intelligence gathering", while calling it "spying" when someone does it to the US?

Why are attempts to influence or even overthrow governments in other countries called "protecting America's interests abroad" but when it is done to you it is an "attack by a foreign nation"?

Again, not looking for a fight, but it seems the dual nature of the US viewpoint goes beyond Democrat/Republican and Black/white. I've recently learned of the concept of "American Exceptionalism" and it sure seems to fit the majority of what I've witnessed.
Honestly not trying to start a pissing match, but I was thinking about this the other day and I wonder if I could get your thoughts (and anyone else who wants to jump in).

No worries, happy to share.

How do you reconcile calling what your country does "intelligence gathering", while calling it "spying" when someone does it to the US?
I don't think they are different technically. And generally the crime is the laws they break to gather that intelligence from what I thought. It is why Butina only got like 3 months.

I can totally understand a foreign nation wanting to gather intelligence about our nation and differentiate that from actively breaking our laws to coerce our politicians or any other way they get our politicians to break our laws and work with them.

Why are attempts to influence or even overthrow governments in other countries called "protecting America's interests abroad" but when it is done to you it is an "attack by a foreign nation"?
A foreign nation, working with a politician, to break our laws to do shitty things like convince our citizens that it is safe for them to go suck in everyone's air while cheering for Dear Leader at a super spreader event because they have been under constant surveillance/manipulation by a foreign military, is clearly an attack.

Unfortunately we as a nation got involved in a area of the world that was devastated by centuries/millenia of European nations ripping them apart, and a few people with imperfect information and perspective needed to make better decisions fucked up and made a bigger mess (maybe, I don't know enough to say that part for sure in every area we have entered into in the last century).

Are they different? I try to remember the 2 old ladies that each broke their arm when they got pushed down by a young guy.

One guy was pushing the lady out of the way of a oncoming bus. And the other pushed her down to take her purse.

I wish I knew more about the people we put in power, because that is a conversation where you can look at the alternative (at the time) and decide which guy America was.

Russia however has been working to elect the worst possible candidates to use to further manipulate our citizens for their benefit.

If this turns into a war because Putin gets mad that the democracies of the world that haven't been taken over by right wing trolls sanction the shit out of Russia and starts one, that is on him alone. I hope he decides to stand down and go with a 'just trolling' stance, but we will see. We are just shaking off this continued attack, I can't wait for that 9/11 moment when people finally wake up to the fact that we all have been attacked and it just cost us about half a million people.

Again, not looking for a fight, but it seems the dual nature of the US viewpoint goes beyond Democrat/Republican and Black/white. I've recently learned of the concept of "American Exceptionalism" and it sure seems to fit the majority of what I've witnessed.
No worries at all again. If it seems like I am trolling you, just let me know, sometimes it is just how things come out typed.

This is the reason why I step back to the furthest point. Are you an American, and if so are you ok with the attack that the Russian military is conducting on our citizens. Really it can be expanded to are you a citizen of a democracic nation, and if so are you ok with the attack Russia is conducting on your nation's citizens?
Thank you for a thoughtful response. It was appreciated. It is nice to be able to exchange thoughts and ideas without instant hostility.
I guess it comes down to the perception of who the good guys are.

The USA has always portrayed itself as a movie cowboy in a white hat, riding in to defeat the godless heathens and the savages.

The reality, as shown over and over again, is that the US has often treated the rest of the world and its inhabitants as sources of raw material and labour, with minimal to zero concern for humanity or decency or even human life.

As an example, I recently watched the first season of Narcos, and I kept asking myself "I wonder how Americans would feel about foreign agents acting with impunity within US borders and with the knowledge of the US government? If those agents were committing all manner of crimes up to and including murder?"

If the USA wants to proclaim itself Defender of Democracy and Human Rights, and a Leader in world affairs, you have a lot of work to do within your own borders first, if you want any credibility on the world stage. I sincerely believe that until your own house is in order, you have no right assuming you hold the high ground in international disputes, if all you have to base that claim upon is "C'mon, we're the US. We're the good guys".

Being less evil does not make you good.
"protecting America's interests abroad"
“spreading democracy”

One guy was pushing the lady out of the way of a oncoming bus. And the other pushed her down to take her purse.
“We’re the good guys”

“The Russian president, [...] told CBS news yesterday [in 2005] that, unlike the US, Russia would not "poke its nose" into America's democratic system.”

That was a warning the US ignored. Hillary continued to piss off Putin big time by meddling in their elections (Bush jr. already started that in 2005). Putin had his revenge. Moral of the story, don’t fuck with Putin. To us Europeans, Americans and Russians are far more alike than either would want to admit. A major difference is Russia’s effort are ultimately directed inward, pretending to be a super power and player on the world stage to fool its own population.
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