Pandemic 2020

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lmao, the only thing that must suck worse than having to have the need to troll for Trump would be having to troll for t.b.d. knowing that Trump already totally exposed the scam.

You didn't watch the clip or you have zero comprehension. It talks about your investment in the left right battle and the issue of ego investment. I could care less about Trump, that's the point, you however have picked a flavor and your ego is owned. Its damaging not only to the truth and generations to come but also to you. Remember "winning" means you just "lost". If this is too complicated spit some hate and run off the cliff with the rest of the lemmings, right and left.

Good luck Cheerleader.
You didn't watch the clip or you have zero comprehension. It talks about your investment in the left right battle and the issue of ego investment. I could care less about Trump, that's the point, you however have picked a flavor and your ego is owned. Its damaging not only to the truth and generations to come but also to you. Remember "winning" means you just "lost". If this is too complicated spit some hate and run off the cliff with the rest of the lemmings, right and left.

Good luck Cheerleader.
You are a troll, that has been shown. You using the 'I could care less about Trump' line is just more trolling. It's a lot like the troll line of 'I would never vote for Trump', no shit, people living in foreign nations that are not American's can't vote in our election.

And your reading comprehension with my post shows that same nonsensical response.

Your troll video sucked, but as bad at you are at trolling, I wouldn't expect much more. Which is why I stand by my original post.

Good luck troll.
Chris Hayes Calls For Formal Investigation Into Trump Covid Failure

“There needs to be a full investigation,” says Chris Hayes. “We need some formalized process for getting to the bottom of what happened with Covid, so that we never go through this kind of disaster again.”
I am not trying to troll you as a main process. However I am a bleeding heart and I hate to see my fellow democrats suckered into division with forced echo chambers like this one. In a place that is full of "free thinkers" not willing to bend over for the conspiracy of ...?? go back again, reefer madness. I have met many right wing "bad guys" who are no different than anyone else but your hate and ego investment has you acting weak and exactly like the real right wing nuts. Your ego wont let go of hate and judgment, "cant do it" as another Canadian comedian once said.

You would never shut this guys free speech down, yet here in Hotel fear you push hate and your ego investment shows.

Trump is clearly a response that he didn't even expect. Look at the number of crazies that came forward. this did not happen in a void, what caused this crazy push?? Regan? Naw it was the knowledge of the changes happening. Changes that are against the US and its freedom. They needed a belligerent idiot that would stand up and fight on their behalf. Remember the environment that built this disaster was unchecked pedo pres Clinton and it was clear the continuation of criminal activities grew uncontrolled. People are and were tired of zero accountability for people who treat their fellow man like crap. Out of desperation the people voted or cheated trump into power in the same way the democrats had been doing for years. Now the last four years of temper tantrum ClintBama lead to stupid that will be pushed again and again destroying any trust in this system.

I lived in the US for 8 years and was offered citizenship, I read the writing on the wall ( california) and left. Hahah Most Canadians make Californians look like republicans. Have you ever been to lego land and seen our perfectly similar gas stations with manicured highways? Have you met the turd prime dickhead who has built in control of our language and the words we can use in contradiction to our weak charter of rights? No? well meet your future. Canad however it talks treats the vulnerable and aboriginal like shit. Its a dick-tater-ship.

Keep cheer leading and you too can become a Dick Tater Ship.

Good luck.
I am not trying to troll you as a main process. However I am a bleeding heart and I hate to see my fellow democrats suckered into division with forced echo chambers like this one. In a place that is full of "free thinkers" not willing to bend over for the conspiracy of ...?? go back again, reefer madness. I have met many right wing "bad guys" who are no different than anyone else but your hate and ego investment has you acting weak and exactly like the real right wing nuts. Your ego wont let go of hate and judgment, "cant do it" as another Canadian comedian once said.

You would never shut this guys free speech down, yet here in Hotel fear you push hate and your ego investment shows.

Trump is clearly a response that he didn't even expect. Look at the number of crazies that came forward. this did not happen in a void, what caused this crazy push?? Regan? Naw it was the knowledge of the changes happening. Changes that are against the US and its freedom. They needed a belligerent idiot that would stand up and fight on their behalf. Remember the environment that built this disaster was unchecked pedo pres Clinton and it was clear the continuation of criminal activities grew uncontrolled. People are and were tired of zero accountability for people who treat their fellow man like crap. Out of desperation the people voted or cheated trump into power in the same way the democrats had been doing for years. Now the last four years of temper tantrum ClintBama lead to stupid that will be pushed again and again destroying any trust in this system.

I lived in the US for 8 years and was offered citizenship, I read the writing on the wall ( california) and left. Hahah Most Canadians make Californians look like republicans. Have you ever been to lego land and seen our perfectly similar gas stations with manicured highways? Have you met the turd prime dickhead who has built in control of our language and the words we can use in contradiction to our weak charter of rights? No? well meet your future. Canad however it talks treats the vulnerable and aboriginal like shit. Its a dick-tater-ship.

Keep cheer leading and you too can become a Dick Tater Ship.

Good luck.
Pemember that the same right wing media echo chamber that manufactured many claims about the Clintons is the same one that gave Trump his platform to rally radical right wing authoritarians to sack the Capitol Building.

You suck at propaganda.
Why you might want to start wearing better masks — even outdoors

We are in a vaccine race against the mutants! Seems everybody has a crimp in their plans for vaccine rollout, hopefully the Oxford and J&J adenovirus based vaccines will be approved soon, they've been stock piling them and there are not nearly as many logistical issues like extreme refrigeration. I see the spartan testing cube has been finally approved for use, but I dunno what the N95 mask supply situation is like in the country. I figure we should have significant numbers of the vulnerable and frontline workers inoculated by April and things should be getting back to somewhat normal over the summer. We just need to get through this winter!
We are in a vaccine race against the mutants! Seems everybody has a crimp in their plans for vaccine rollout, hopefully the Oxford and J&J adenovirus based vaccines will be approved soon, they've been stock piling them and there are not nearly as many logistical issues like extreme refrigeration. I see the spartan testing cube has been finally approved for use, but I dunno what the N95 mask supply situation is like in the country. I figure we should have significant numbers of the vulnerable and frontline workers inoculated by April and things should be getting back to somewhat normal over the summer. We just need to get through this winter!
The numbers are coming down in Ontario since the stay at home orders have been put in place.

Hopefully things go as planned and vaccines will do the trick. In the meantime, wear a mask and stay safe, my friend.
Ok pretty soon it's gonna be full body condoms and giant bubbles. I'm done with this. I'm injecting myself with all the variants and staying home for 2 weeks. Or I'll cyas on the other side :eyesmoke:
South Carolina officials have announced the United States' first two confirmed cases of a more contagious coronavirus strain first spotted in South Africa.
There is no known travel history or connection between the cases, both adults, according to a release Thursday from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.
Both cases were originally tested in early January, according to Dr. Brannon Traxler, the health department's interim public health director.

Read this shit
‘It’s a mess’: Biden’s first 10 days dominated by vaccine mysteries (
My wife, who is a teacher in Connecticut, had her appointment for the vaccine canceled on Wednesday due to a shortage/they don't know where the fuck it is.
Un-fucking believable.
Trump & his entire Administration/supporters are fucking murderers.
True, they want people to die.
keep up good safe practices now more these ever with the new more contagious strains going around . Be patient all will be sorted out soon. I still haven’t been offered the vaccine but my organization is working hard with the state calling the senator and governor letting them know our cancer patients and us healthcare workers are getting left out . The zoom meeting we had last week the Dr.s told us that state officials were unaware that we were a private cancer care center so we slipped through the cracks. They said we should have the vaccine within 2 weeks. It seems like it has taken forever to get the vaccine but it really hasn’t been that long since it got into the market. People where I live are very greedy and impatient and selfish about getting the vaccine . The wealthiest got it first and the poor are left far behind. The distribution is stupid . They are hoarding the second doses in fear that they will not get more. That’s the bottleneck bullshit that makes a 2 dose vaccine so problematic . If they would just release all the second doses and stop hoarding and worrying so much. this shit is fucking crazy. Good luck!

Nice clean info. This woman is so right. I have seen the political games played in california when things were going well. Remember the doctor in the ivermectin video? remember who he said was targeted ? Black, brown, aboriginal, and elderly people are disproportionately targeted. He had never ever in his professional career seen a virus target in this manner. It also points out that the real division is between the common people and the destructive politicians on both sides. Much like Hurricane Katrina No TV heroes are coming to help.

I would also suggest looking into what a mask that will stop the virus looks like. The Canadain Prepper has some great info on this. A rag on your face is a joke if you think it "stops" any virus. The rags they offered were just to slow the process, not to save lives.

A bit of Vaccine info that is important to know. I am not a "anti vax" guy but you might want to consider that the current Vaccine was also rushed, many nurses and doctors have misgivings about taking the current vaccine, alot of wait and see. Make your own choice.

All that said If I'm dying I am going to do whatever I can, like anyone else.

Good luck
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