Pandemic 2020

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Fucking INSANITY!!!!
Dodger Stadium vaccination site shut down amid protest - Los Angeles Times (
Why are Americans soo fucked up?
I really have a hard time understanding it
I wish my parents never came here
Sad fucking fact
Those assholes should have been arrested and locked up. Gov of Ca is a loser. The gov or WA brought in the national guard to help with vaccine distribution why isn’t Gavin? Like Kaitlyn, The mortician said... complete lack of gment effort. I don’t get it. Glad I am not in Cali anymore. My heart goes out to the good people of California, they are in a terrible situation .
Those assholes should have been arrested and locked up. Gov of Ca is a loser. The gov or WA brought in the national guard to help with vaccine distribution why isn’t Gavin? Like Kaitlyn, The mortician said... complete lack of gment effort. I don’t get it. Glad I am not in Cali anymore. My heart goes out to the good people of California, they are in a terrible situation .
One of the people they stopped was a dentist who had driven an hour to get the vaccine. It's maddening.

Sounds like you have made a great move, amber. Glad to hear that your workplace has a proactive management rather than the reactive one you dealt with earlier. Hope it's stays good for you.
That’s great news Foggy! Congratulations for making it , I know how painful difficult it was for you not to be able see your mom and be able to hug your mom . I am so happy for you.
And do you know what she said when she got the shot?

"I'm not going to live that much longer anyway, somebody who needs it should get it."

She's a tough bird, that one. Fearless.
One of the people they stopped was a dentist who had driven an hour to get the vaccine. It's maddening.

Sounds like you have made a great move, amber. Glad to hear that your workplace has a proactive management rather than the reactive one you dealt with earlier. Hope it's stays good for you.
Lol. It’s actually not a very well managed place and I almost quit already. I am walking on eggshells there and feel very insecure with the job as a long term prospect. It’s a week by week thing at this point. And i have to set strong boundaries with my manager or feel he will take advantage of me like a switch and bait job. It’s still better than being left to rot in Oklahoma though . Hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
Lol. It’s actually not a very well managed place and I almost quit already. I am walking on eggshells there and feel very insecure with the job as a long term prospect. It’s a week by week thing at this point. And i have to set strong boundaries with my manager or feel he will take advantage of me like a switch and bait job. It’s still better than being left to rot in Oklahoma though . Hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
Well, that didn't last long.
. . . . . . . . . . . I hope my side effects aren’t too severe so that I don’t have to miss a day of work. How about you? Did you get it yet?
My wife got her first shot about 2 1/2 weeks ago. Her arm was really sore and hot to the touch for a few days, but that was it for the side effects. The county health department made the appointment for the 2nd shot when she got the first one. They said not to call, to just show up at the appointed time. Knowing her, she will call. Just to make sure. In Florida anyone over 65 can get it. I'm only 60, but hoping to get mine soon if there are any extra shots at the end of the day. Small towns, that sort of thing can happen.

Also my cousin and his wife got theirs on Friday. Haven't heard from them.
My wife got her first shot about 2 1/2 weeks ago. Her arm was really sore and hot to the touch for a few days, but that was it for the side effects. The county health department made the appointment for the 2nd shot when she got the first one. They said not to call, to just show up at the appointed time. Knowing her, she will call. Just to make sure. In Florida anyone over 65 can get it. I'm only 60, but hoping to get mine soon if there are any extra shots at the end of the day. Small towns, that sort of thing can happen.

Also my cousin and his wife got theirs on Friday. Haven't heard from them.
That’s awesome!
Now people are reinventing the mask. Looks like big headgear is gonna be in fashion. Full face masks are about to hit the market in a big way. Canadian prepper will be right again and the gov will be using tax payer dollars to augment the cost . Great way to kill more of the Canadian economy. The funny part is face coverings will kill facial recognition and destroy a tech that has already cost the gov billions. Cops will have to knock on your face covering to get you to drop the tint.
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