It doesn't appear that is is decreasing for those with PhD's, in fact based on your screenshot, it seems to have increased by around 1% over time (yellow line).:Thank you for this. It is actually kind of nice to see that your ridiculous anti-vaccine bullshit spam is losing the fight.
Across the board in that paper you cited, vaccine hesitancy is decreasing.
View attachment 4971200
So?It doesn't appear that is is decreasing for those with PhD's, in fact based on your screenshot, it seems to have increased by around 1% over time (yellow line).:
View attachment 4971711
Yeah and not all PhD's are the same.To be fair, intelligence isn't singular. Look at Ben Carson, literally a brain surgeon, so he's not an idiot, but he's also a giant idiot.
That’s so true .It's funny(not actually funny) how someone in the medical profession is allowed to ignore the medical profession while working in their medical profession.
This is why religion has no business being a protected class. All it is, is something a person thinks and, as far as rights are concerned, no person's thoughts are more valuable than another.
So it makes your statement false.
Im sure that a bunch of PhD holders in shit like 'law', or arts, religion, philosophy, etc are well represented in that. Especially interesting would be if they had a age/race/sex breakdown of those PhD's (but they didn't in that article) because a whole lot of PhD's are white men (since the bottle neck of opportunities in the last several decades) and we all know how much they love Trump.
Dude, read your own article. It clearly says "since January 1st 2021", which makes those numbers totally irrelevant. Almost no one was vaccinated in January (but we had the highest number of cases then), and most weren't vaccinated until closer to May. I've already pointed out several times, how these are false statistics designed to distort reality. attachment 4971775
View attachment 4971778
'Cases' vs hospitalized for being sick from Covid are very different things.
Death Cult Trolls trying to sell this cherry picked narrative as being anything else are full of shit.
How is you cheery picking bullshit and someone elses post have to do with me 'moving the goalpost'?Not sure why you are moving the goal posts. One poster said that the most vaccine hesitant group was the uneducated, and I posted a study which included over 10,000 participants with PhD's, showing that that same group was the most hesitant. Now you want to debate how smart the PhD group was, and their demographics or what their degrees were in? Gimme a break.
No it doesn't.Dude, read your own article. It clearly says "since January 1st 2021", which makes those numbers totally irrelevant. Almost no one was vaccinated in January (but we had the highest number of cases then), and most weren't vaccinated until closer to May. I've already pointed out several times, how these are false statistics designed to distort reality.
LMFAO, do you even read the stuff you post before you post it, or do you just read the headlines?How is you cheery picking bullshit and someone elses post have to do with me 'moving the goalpost'?
I don't want to debate shit with you, because you have been shown over and over again to be full of shit and just pushing nonstop death cult trolling spam.
No it doesn't.
People are getting sick, there is no question, but the 'cases' are people who are testing positive (after being vaccinated), and not all of them are there because they are sick with the virus seeking treatment for it.
You are full of shit and just continuing your troll.
You are cherry picking what you want to pretend is the reality and ignoring the rest of the information. And it is bullshit.
The vaccine works very well and is extremely safe.
And it is almost universally supported by doctors, who are not trolls online pushing people to be unsafe during a very dangerous pandemic.
View attachment 4971784
It is about as relevant. And just as consistently full of shit as them.I respect PJ's opinion about as much I respect a flat earthers.