Well-Known Member
This should be the latest and greatest Trumper treatment for covid, it might actually work, and it should be promoted, even if it doesn't! Much better than horse de-wormer and safer too! It has the added side effect of making the Trumpers more laidback and less aggressive, remember rage is depression directed inward... It will help to pacify them and make them more docile. 
So by all means promote this cure where ever you see someone toting ivermectin! Many of them are really depressed anyway and it wouldn't even be off label.

So by all means promote this cure where ever you see someone toting ivermectin! Many of them are really depressed anyway and it wouldn't even be off label.

How a cheap antidepressant emerged as a promising Covid-19 treatment
Most Covid-19 drug treatments that have been included in trials haven’t panned out. A large new study suggests fluvoxamine might be different.