Pandemic 2020

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i just knew they were going to do that. my UI is gone but i have lots of money in my UI account that i can't have.
PGA golfer Jon Rahm is a shining example of back to back infections, the guy tested pos. twice in about 2 1/2 months, that blew my mind.ccguns
Also right in my face close to home to work cohorts of mine fully Phizered up have suffered breakthrough infections both in bed w/chills,sweats,headaches,and dirreah,as well as fatigue are they're experiences. Have'nt heard much of breakthroughs concerning the Moderna shot and I'm starting to be envious.ccguns
Fucking moron and the morons who vote for him, the truth is in the numbers.

Florida’s Per Capita Covid Death Rate Is 50x Australia’s
Not just in Florida. Some neighbors of ours, good Christians that they are, both got Covid in May and the husband is dealing with longhaul, a friggin nightmare that I'm trying hard to avoid. During a conversation with neighbor-wife, she talked about "Jim"'s difficulties and yet she started talking about how Covid is real but "99.94% survive it". "99.94% survivial" is a touchstone that the right reach for when they can't deny the epidemic is real. I didn't ask but am guessing they aren't vaccinated.

Just, something to keep in mind. Authoritarians double down when their false beliefs are challenged.

US Surpasses 700,000 Covid Deaths: Johns Hopkins
US fatalities from COVID-19 surpassed 700,000 on Friday, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University, a toll roughly equivalent to the population of the nation's capital Washington.

The grim threshold comes with an average of well over 1,000 dying each day, in a country where 55.7 percent of the population is now fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

After a heavily criticized early response to the pandemic, the United States organized an effective vaccine roll-out -- only to see a significant portion of Americans still refusing to get the shots.

The United States finds itself having notched the most fatalities in the world, far exceeding other frontrunners such as Brazil and India, and facing a resurgence in cases due to the prominence of the highly contagious Delta variant.

While the latest global coronavirus wave peaked in late August, the virus continues to spread rapidly, particularly in the United States.

The vaccination campaign launched by US authorities in December -- which had reached a peak in April, with sometimes more than four million injections per day -- has meanwhile slowed considerably.

Coronavirus misinformation has been rampant in the country, and masking remains a political issue, dividing many Americans.

Some Republican governors, such as those in Texas and Florida, have sought to ban mandatory masking in their states, citing individual freedoms.

The Democratic state of California on the other hand announced on Friday that Covid vaccinations will be compulsory for all students.

In Washington, hundreds of thousands of white flags fluttered on the grass on the National Mall, not far from the White House, as somber reminders of those who have died of Covid in the United States.

Nearly 4.8 million people worldwide have died since the outbreak began in China in December 2019, according to an AFP tally from official sources.


People who died "of" Covid or "with" Covid but presented with another life threatening illness like severe head trauma after a motorcycle accident, or 2 bullets to the brain.
I knew of someone who got hit by a meteor last week. They ran a COVID test on him and he magically tested positive. So what did the death certificate state as the cause of death? COVID of course. 700k deaths- realistically 80-90k. What a scam.
Fake news because more then half died with covid not because of covid and even the corrupt lying scumbags in the CDC admit this.
So about 300,000 in the 9 month Biden Presidency. But it’s not his fault.
FROM COVID or WITH COVID. A Hugh difference there. BTW. FLU seasons 20-21 had NO deaths. I guess those FLU shots are killing it (pun of course).
How many of those were "from" Covid versus those that were "with" Covid? They already revised death counts in some areas which dropped the death count. When they record overdoses and accidents as Covid deaths to inflate numbers, red flags should have been going off in every sane person's head.
so what?
That's 1000 people a day since this chinese contagion officially started over nearly 2 years. 9000 people die every day anyway...and Heart disease alone kills twice as many people as this does and frankly, the stats are bloated. A 105 year old lady died recently of old age and that somehow equates to a COVID death. On average, a person in the US in any age group stands a 95% chance of full survival. people under 60 are more like 99+%. SO this is fake. and its an appeal to fear.
Way to go Joe!! You have now killed more Americans than Trump!!
There are areas in Oregon that are every bit as bad off as in the South. Idaho is the Mississippi of the PNW. Perhaps its due to anger at the government that spills over into science denial. The worst affected areas in Oregon are also the ones most affected by BLM and USFS policies. The South is still seething over the gubmint freeing their "property".
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