Pandemic 2020

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Some people in healthcare in my state are now spending $140 a week for covid testing to keep their jobs, instead of just getting the free vaccine that millions of people have safely received.
The company I work for is wasting so much money paying for these anti vaxxers weekly Covid tests when I need a fucking raise ! It’s infuriating . This one bitch told me she would rather have someone else stick the swab up her nose then doing it herself. Lol. I would love to stick that swab right up nose and into her brain.
The company I work for is wasting so much money paying for these anti vaxxers weekly Covid tests when I need a fucking raise ! It’s infuriating . This one bitch told me she would rather have someone else stick the swab up her nose then doing it herself. Lol. I would love to stick that swab right up nose and into her brain.
thats crazy that the company is paying for it, that should be the employees responsibility since the vaccine is free.
Not just in Florida. Some neighbors of ours, good Christians that they are, both got Covid in May and the husband is dealing with longhaul, a friggin nightmare that I'm trying hard to avoid. During a conversation with neighbor-wife, she talked about "Jim"'s difficulties and yet she started talking about how Covid is real but "99.94% survive it". "99.94% survivial" is a touchstone that the right reach for when they can't deny the epidemic is real. I didn't ask but am guessing they aren't vaccinated.

Just, something to keep in mind. Authoritarians double down when their false beliefs are challenged.

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Every where else is doing fine, except for the home of conservatives loonies Alberta and Saskatchewan. Like I said the proof is in the numbers. The problem is these idiots don't believe facts when they are rubbed in their noses daily, mandates are the answer, government ones, state and provincial, if reason and facts don't work. Arrest and vaccinate by cop, show up for the second dose cause if we have to look for you the fine gets much bigger and there will be jail time involved. Fuck their freedumb, vaxx their asses, it's not a matter of personal choice but a social requirement. If the government can draft you and send you to war for the defense of the nation, they can vaxx your ass for the same reason, it needs to be a federal power too, both here and in the USA.
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