Pandemic 2020

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I'm sorry, I cant find the tears to commit to. What I save by imagining the entire thing as a musical broadway stage show ala Les Misérables moving across the forefront of my imagination is a pocketfull of pennies more than reading a scare stroy about some third world starvation project. Plus, I have great Korean bbq restaurants i frequent with quality women waiting to use their hands for placing a bowl of bulgoggi under my nose and the pleasant thought of a bunch of other people out there passing by the window and wishing they were me.
So a contraceptive for covid, so to speak. Wait a minute.

"The newly developed RNA aptamer (marked in yellow) binds the Spike protein very strongly and blocks it ability to recognize ACE2, thereby preventing further infection."

RNA? No way you are going to get the Trumpians to shoot up with RNA.
There was a lady on Fresh Air yesterday who wrote a veggie Korean cookbook that went into her mother's life as a sex worker after the war. She was talking about how her mom would go through the dumps on the American bases and find half eaten hotdogs and hamburgers. Later when she was married and could eat pretty much what ever she wanted, she always wanted cheeseburgers because of the good feelings those half ate burgers gave her when she was young.

I think it will be a really good read. Plus you get all the recipes too.
Same with my dad and the potato. Potato peals kept him alive after the war.
It works the other way too. Daddy spent 6 months in a German POW camp. One of the main foods was potato peel soup. The man never ate potato with peels again after the war.
I guess the Russians fed them less in Siberia. Many died of starvation, the reason the Russians let the Red Cross take my dad out. They asked for the sickest and being skin and bones and useless to do any work the Russians let them take him.
So a contraceptive for covid, so to speak. Wait a minute.

"The newly developed RNA aptamer (marked in yellow) binds the Spike protein very strongly and blocks it ability to recognize ACE2, thereby preventing further infection."

RNA? No way you are going to get the Trumpians to shoot up with RNA.
The cursed will continue to be damned, more so with omicron, it will get them by spring, it's as contagious as chicken pox FFS, no mask and no vaxx equals dead meat this winter.
I guess the Russians fed them less in Siberia. Many died of starvation, the reason the Russians let the Red Cross take my dad out. They asked for the sickest and being skin and bones and useless to do any work the Russians let them take him.
There was some Red Cross stuff made it to the POW camp he was in. Daddy bribed a guard with a chocolate bar to let him go see his future brother in law who was also in the camp.
Hey, you gotta live a little. I like trying things that have never been done before, using wiseman tactics that are often uncalled for, and just finnishing a hard days work turning things around in my favor with a warm cup of soup.

But all you guys that will defend any woman to the death and presume all women innocent, let them walk into your heart and turn you into a believer while you pick up those pennies on the floor..

Just to cap this small arguement off.. there are plenty of quality women out there. My mother is one of them. My two step sisters. My ex wife/ friend (somwewhat). Everywhere...

If you dont know the diference, well, just call people misogynysts and keep wearing that cape and costume
there are good and bad people of both genders, but i don't assume it's alright to treat anyone like shit until they start giving me reason to.
sounds like you just assume things and act like an enormous asshole, and justify it by judging those you're treating like shit "not quality"...
how long did you have to go to bastard school to learn how to judge people by their "quality"?...
lol. i dont assume things. I know things, what they are and how they work. there are things i dont know also - but somethings, i just know. from my own personal experience. like you, i might guess. but that would be assuming. no special school. i guess it just comes naturally...

lets just say ive had some very awful, devistating things happen in my life which have led me to questioning. life likes to hide things and hold onto those answers and let them unfold. I've been a little unpatient and continue to ask... ive shared some of what wisdom ive learned. only some of it. there are other sides and much more truth as well..
lol. i dont assume things. I know things, what they are and how they work. there are things i dont know also - but somethings, i just know. from my own personal experience. like you, i might guess. but that would be assuming. no special school. i guess it just comes naturally...

lets just say ive had some very awful, devistating things happen in my life which have led me to questioning. life likes to hide things and hold onto those answers and let them unfold. I've been a little unpatient and continue to ask... ive shared some of what wisdom ive learned. only some of it. there are other sides and much more truth as well..
i have no idea where you actually are...but the bullshit you're spewing can be smelled through miles of fiber optic cable...the only thing you've learned is how to be a horse's ass with an inability to quit digging himself into deeper shit...too bad shit miner isn't a real thing, you'd be a natural pro
i only know what i know my friend... there are quality people and people not worth a backache for some pennies. you have no clue who i am and what ive been through, im sure you could make some predictions... most of them would likely be wrong. and i could care about popular opinion on a cannabis forum or where im digging what for who (i dont touch shovels btw). maybe a trowel.
ive shared some of what wisdom ive learned. only some of it.
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