Pandemic 2020

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I don't really buy into conspiracy theories, there are too many scientists involved and too many governments and too much media interest. I figure case numbers are no longer relevant, hospitalizations and deaths are and they can't be easily hidden. It's more of an acceptable loss equation, particularly among the unvaxxed, we gotta move on, the younger generations vaxxed or not are tired of it and pandemic fatigue has set in.

I was exposed earlier this week, but no symptoms and I haven't self tested and won't until I feel worse, I am wearing a mask and self isolating though. I take lot's of vitamin D and was boosted in Jan 18th, so it's as good a time as any.
If the data is irrelevant why stop showing it,why make it hard to find if you can find it at all? There is no good reason to hide it,public health in the US is supposed to be transparent.
If the data is irrelevant why stop showing it,why make it hard to find if you can find it at all? There is no good reason to hide it,public health in the US is supposed to be transparent.
When another variant emerges I'm sure we will hear about it. We are gonna live (or die) with the long term consequences of covid, they are still reporting hospitalizations and deaths here, but cases with omicron and boosting is something tricky to track, most people don't get tested these days and many are asymptomatic. They will monitor sewers for outbreaks and new strains. New anti viral drugs will reduce hospitalizations too and we should have improved boosters by spring, other things like oral and nasal vaccines and improved antibodies are in testing too.

Older people will continue to exercise caution and masks are here to stay for some and for all in some settings. Public restrictions will depend on new variants I suppose, but they would rather have their teeth pulled than impose them!
It appears the CDC thinks too much covid data scares people so they are deliberately hiding it now.
well, they're fucking tell a magat the truth, and they'll read it to fit their narrative, and their narrative has democrats as vampires living on the blood of stolen the basement of a pizza parlor that Hillary ate in twice...that doesn't have a basement.
so better to just keep the fucking ignorant, ignorant...
If the data is irrelevant why stop showing it,why make it hard to find if you can find it at all? There is no good reason to hide it,public health in the US is supposed to be transparent.
Looks like the local info is still available (which seems more important from my perspective), so I wouldn't think that it is necessarily 'hidden', just maybe de-(easily)weaponized with national numbers.
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I wonder what species of seafood

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