Pandemic 2020

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Ugh… In NL:


That’s with less reporting, numbers are incomplete. Bottom was 700-ish, mostly around 1000 for almost 2 months. Still just a fraction of the 50k-100k daily infections in Jan-Feb but it looks bad. ICU admissions only 2-3 per days, deaths lower, looks like those will be going up again soon. Virus particles in wastewater doubled compared to a month ago :( Experts expect a summer wave…
Ugh… In NL:

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That’s with less reporting, numbers are incomplete. Bottom was 700-ish, mostly around 1000 for almost 2 months. Still just a fraction of the 50k-100k daily infections in Jan-Feb but it looks bad. ICU admissions only 2-3 per days, deaths lower, looks like those will be going up again soon. Virus particles in wastewater doubled compared to a month ago :( Experts expect a summer wave…
And then the fall wave, oh wait, you guys are backwards there on the other side of the equator.
All I did was ask if I could get tested. They asked me a few questions. I was then informed to leave the building within 10 minutes and someone will be waiting to test me in my car. Stay home and isolate myself for 5 days. On day 5 they will call and ask about how I am feeling and then determine the next steps .
I went home and tested myself negative. I am still out for 5 days. This is unbelievable. Lol,
When I walk through the grocery store, my eyes often take an imprint of a product, that my brain then processes into something more or less inappropriate.
We had a new employee that I was suppose to have follow me around at work, show him the ropes. I think it might habe been the second or third day and we were walking though a busier section of the place. We saw an angel from heaven that just knocked us out. He looked at me and said, "Are you thinking what I am thinking?" I turned to him and high fived him one saying, "Tag team!"

Shocked even him, we got along great after that. Oops, that one slipped out.
A testing lab in Austin Texas says that positive test rates now are higher than the first 3 waves and nearing the January omicron peak. Here's a question for you to ask, with all that the CDC now knows about the damage covid does and the rates of long covid. Why do they continue to end public health measures to stop the spread of covid?
A testing lab in Austin Texas says that positive test rates now are higher than the first 3 waves and nearing the January omicron peak. Here's a question for you to ask, with all that the CDC now knows about the damage covid does and the rates of long covid. Why do they continue to end public health measures to stop the spread of covid?
To keep money flowing . It’s not as deadly as it use to be? People aren’t getting intubated anymore ? and if they are your not hearing about it or the death rate. My hospital sent me home from work and told me not to come back for 5 days because I shared the break room with covid people. All I wanted was to be tested. I had a runny nose, fatigue like i always do.
All I did was ask if I could get tested. They asked me a few questions. I was then informed to leave the building within 10 minutes and someone will be waiting to test me in my car. Stay home and isolate myself for 5 days. On day 5 they will call and ask about how I am feeling and then determine the next steps .
I went home and tested myself negative. I am still out for 5 days. This is unbelievable. Lol,
Typhoid Amber!
A testing lab in Austin Texas says that positive test rates now are higher than the first 3 waves and nearing the January omicron peak. Here's a question for you to ask, with all that the CDC now knows about the damage covid does and the rates of long covid. Why do they continue to end public health measures to stop the spread of covid?
The public is burned out, most people who care are vaxxed and boosted, hospitalizations are low and so are death rates as far as I know, at least for the vaxxed. We only had one booster so far for those under 70, probably another in the fall. Most people aren't wearing masks inside public places, but I do. There are also medications, antiviral drugs that are having an impact too. Other waves are out there though and they will be passing through. There is still a lot of research being done on more effective vaccines, antibodies and antiviral drugs.

All I did was ask if I could get tested. They asked me a few questions. I was then informed to leave the building within 10 minutes and someone will be waiting to test me in my car. Stay home and isolate myself for 5 days. On day 5 they will call and ask about how I am feeling and then determine the next steps .
I went home and tested myself negative. I am still out for 5 days. This is unbelievable. Lol,
The last time the mortality rate was this high in the US was in WWII.
Well there is a cold civil war that helped a lot to kill a million Americans. The last time I checked America, mostly thanks to Trump, had 3 times the per capita covid death rate as Canada and we were average. If someone like Biden was President when covid hit the death rate would probably be about the same as Canada and a lot of the bullshit that killed people would never have got going and took hold.
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