Panic! Almost all the fan leaves on one of my plants have died and fallen off!


Well-Known Member
Why can't you use it on the plant? The only jeweler's loops I could find that were affordable had 30x max magnification. Just didn't seem like enough.
I think 60x is perfect.... Too much and it is hard to keep a steady hand like bde0001 says.... Just don't get overzealous on the trics. I use to chop at cloudy trics and freak out the moment I saw amber trics - amber is suppose to indicate THC is degrading. But cloudy/clear is subjective as cloudy for some isn't cloudy to all - now you gotta worry about cloudy enough :P

I find 15%-25% amber is good for me :)


Well-Known Member
So you are saying there is zero hope for smokable bud from that plant? They are getting frosty already... I need more help in understanding why it wouldn't be smokable. I am not going to deal with making hash. If I can't smoke it I'll toss it.
FLush it, give it time and it will be fine. It isnt as big of a deal as others have made it out to be.

Then go to RadioShack and get a handheld microscope. It costs around 10 bucks and worth every penny.


Well-Known Member
Chunky feet ,havn't you?:-P Just kidding, looks like light burn ,get more dist from the lights and in saying that i think your lighting is too weak n you need hid lighting to get the 'chunk' .


Well-Known Member
You can cut a bud to test if you want but I can tell you that it will taste like shit and not get you high. Those buds are nowhere near getting you high yet. I would bring them up to your tub and flush them real thoroughly and ph your nutrient solution to 6.0 from now on.

I second that motion...


She hasn't really gotten much better. Not worse really but the rest of the leaves are continuing down the same path. I checked the trichs and they are mostly cloudy, a few clear and no amber. They will be 8 weeks of flowering Monday. Should I still wait for some amber? I am soooo tempted to pull right now. The buds are pretty dense and hard and many of the hairs have turned amber, but not all.


Chunky feet ,havn't you?:-P Just kidding, looks like light burn ,get more dist from the lights and in saying that i think your lighting is too weak n you need hid lighting to get the 'chunk' .

Well you're kind of an ass. I happen to like my chunky feet thank you.


New Member
do you have pics? If I can see how bad she is doing compared to how close she is to finish Ill let you know if i think you should harvest or wait a couple weeks


New Member
yes id let em sit and fully ripen. Quick question, have you been letting the soil dry out some in between watering's? If overwatering isnt the problem. Flush them, but I would flush them with a low strength feeding. Then dont water again. Let the soil dry out (1 - 1 1/2 weeks) and harvest. Double check to make sure it is ready after in that week -1 1/2 week time.


I flushed them about a week ago on advice from this thread. They dried and I have watered them once since. They will probably be due for a watering in a day or two? Should I flush again or just water one more time and let it go?


I took a tiny bud off the bottom and tested it. Was too curious.

One tiny bud... 3 hits.... High off my ass. Didn't taste bad either.

I think I am going to cut on Monday.


New Member
Thats awesome, glad to hear. I cut my outdoor plants early and was pretty high...but after smoking it a few times it didnt seem like narcotic strong enough. Then again is was poorly grown outdoors in partly shade in bad conditions. Thats awsome to hear though. im gonna check out your grow journals. how many plants?


So.... I pulled her. She somehow leaned directly into my light and ended up with some CFL burns right on the buds. So sad. She looks pitiful. The smoke is good though after a quick sample, so hopefully after curing it will be at least ok. I am sad it didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, but that is what the first grow is for right? Learning.

photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 4.jpg

The second plant still seems to be going strong and getting denser and frostier every day. I have high hopes that she will be more potent than her sister.



Well-Known Member
So.... I pulled her. She somehow leaned directly into my light and ended up with some CFL burns right on the buds. So sad. She looks pitiful. The smoke is good though after a quick sample, so hopefully after curing it will be at least ok. I am sad it didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, but that is what the first grow is for right? Learning.

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The second plant still seems to be going strong and getting denser and frostier every day. I have high hopes that she will be more potent than her sister.

View attachment 2498319
Don't feel bad, everyone has had setbacks. In my first two grows, I had both grows ruined by hermies. I'm not exaggerating when I say some of the larger buds were half seeds! Talk about sad :(

Looks like you did a nice trim job! Looks like what you have will get you by until the next plant is ready. Good job!


Well-Known Member
They are both looking fine today. Can't say the sick girl looks good, but i think there is a minor improvement in leaf perkiness. :)
It can take several days to a couple of weeks to see changes after an event, I know the hardest part of growing for me ( I am on first grow as well) was to not get in a "chase" mode when a slight def. was noted.
I am a bit hyper anyway and patience only works for me when I am fishing, so I had to slow my roll and learn to play along at the plants pace. It has saved me headaches and a few gray hairs as

I had a slight N def about 2 weeks into flower and my first thought was slam em with some juice, but I stopped, backed up and thought for a sec. I did nothing until the next regular feeding and I went back to my original dosages and now 2 weeks later, almost all the yellowing on the lower leaves is gone ( I did take a few of the smaller ones that just looked to yellow to come back) and things seem normal for now anyway.

Geez, I hope there is a moral to the story in there somewhere

Peace and Great Grows
