Hehehe yeah I bet! I've actually never had opium. I've done almost everything else out there at some point, but strangely enough I just never had the opportunity to get my hands on any of it. The only thing that ever used to come around my neck of the woods back in the day was that red rocks shit that eventually got exposed as dragon's blood incense or whatever. I always thought it was a bunch of BS so I never bought any of it. lol
So yeah I'm going straight to da goo. What I ordered says 15 - 19 giant size pods on stems that are something like 10" long, so hopefully it's enough to make a decent amount of smoking opium.
I just checked on UPS to see where my shipment is...it's apparently on the slow plane from LA cause it left there almost a day and a half ago and there's no arrival scan here in my city yet. Oh well, it's still scheduled for delivery by 7pm tomm.
As a side note, apparently the Canadian online pharmacy that I ordered the Nurofen Plus from is either actually in New Zealand, or at least they are for sure fulfilling the order from NZ cause that's what the customer service dude that I emailed said. It's apparently already shipped out regular mail, and all the customer service dude would say was that it takes roughly 16 - 18 business days for me to receive it over here. I was kinda pissed because I can't help but feel a little 'bamboozled', I ordered from this site specifically because they were close in Canada. So ain't that about a bitch? Oh well, now I just play the waiting game. If it gets intercepted by customs I'm only out $25 flat. If not, I'm ordering more prob! lol
So here's what I've been wondering though...everybody knows that you can smoke the 'smoking opium' that you make by steeping the pods and evaporating the excess moisture, but as Don was saying what other methods are there for consumption? Don was talking about eating it, what I want to know is can it be snorted? Or if it ends up gooey can you stick a BB of it up your nose like you can with black tar dope?
And between smoking, snorting, and ingesting, which method is the most effective? Meaning, which method of consumption makes the most efficient use of the drug, which will allow me to get just as high but with using less to do so? I'm trying to make the most of this.