You should keep feeding them what you are feeding them. If the fish fert is only for veg i reccomend loosing that. or at least dropping the ratio significantly. you are flowering now which means the plant is producing flowering hormones. you need to feed only nutes that are used for flowering now.
the molasses doesnt feed the soil. the molasses adds natural sugars and carbohydrates for your plants to use. the soil doesnt eat anything.
you should continue to do a feed water feed schedule. this allows built up nutes to be flushed away.
and make sure you are checking your ph after you add the nutes.
i cant stress how important proper ph levels are!
when uping your nute ratio do it slowly. if you start with a gallon of water and are now using say one teaspoon of each additive. each time you do a feed add an extra 1/2 teaspoon this way to not add to many nutes at once. and it gives your plants the ability to accept the increase.
hope this makes sense, let me know if it doesnt.
First of all, how do I give you a REP because you have been helping me so much I can't stress how much I appreciate it!! THANKS!
Ok and second of all, I did take your advice way back and ordered a PH meter, it arrived today and I was so excited to see if PH is an issue, well first of all it arrived with the batteries exploded in it, so I went and bought new batteries and now I am trying to calibrate it with the 7.01 solution shit and it wont go above 5.6 no matter how far I turn the screw, I e mailed the company but im sure its not good news im pissed.. so im working on the PH meter ASAP sorry!
OK I agree I am going to do a Water Feed Water Feed schedual, however tomm is a Water day, and I think I am going to feed #3 because she has been losing color on her lower leaves very quickly so I doubt id be over feeding her.. the other 2 will get just water, and actually #1 aint getting shit tomm cause she looks over watered to me and the pot never gets as light as the others and I am happy with her colors
The Fish fert says for "growing stages" it is 3-3-2 so I guess its a Veg Fert but I have only used it once so I think I will use it one more time since #3 is yellowing down low
I KNOW the Guano is for flowering so thats good and i will slowly increase like you say until the recommended doseage
The seaweed even says on the bottle that it helps flowering so ill keep using it, It is 2-2-7 so thats a good (K) source which is usually hard to find.
Everything made sense so thanks again! and Please keep kicking me along lol