Paradise Vertigo AF, DIY Grow Tent


Active Member
they will be fine bro. hardy little plants they are. plus reps brother
They are, are'nt they ? they seem to forgive me for every little mistake i make, i love em !!

Day 32 update

I'm amazed how well they grow when i dont stress them, hopefully, from sunday on they will explode( will not have to bag them all day, i'm moving to a new place).

It's like a bud factory in there(by my standards ), im astonished how fast they rippen, every time i look at them, they have more pistils shooting, it's amazing !

also, i upped theyr dosage to 3/4 strenght, wanna see how they handle it.

Enjoy the pictures ... they simply blow my mind :O gonna smoke a boul just to blow it even more lol.

Peace !


Active Member
Update tomorrow, after i move to my new place.

I was thinking .... if this vertigo tastes and yields as good as it looks and grows, i wanna make some seeds... tho i never did such a thing before.

what do you people think ? vertigo comes only fem ... if i invert one of them with coloidal silver in to a male and polinate the others will it give me hermie seeds ? i did some research (as in reading other posts but not quite sure about it)

so what do you think ? is it doable ? got some hints you might share ? come on people, i need all the help i can get !



Well-Known Member
just induce the silver on part of one plant and put it by itself, it will hermie and self pollinate..... plenty of beans and u only have to use one plant


Active Member
As the title says, day 38 is here :) about 20 to 25 days left till chop down, i can hardly wait for it :X

I finaly moved to my new place, so they can grow in peace ! sorry i did not update when i promiced, had a ton of stuff to do so ... had about 0 spare time.

also excuse the poor quality of the pictures, my phone camera can only do so much.

As for the girls, they got a calcium def , ill try to fix it in a couple days, other then that, they are growing and fatening magnificently considering im only usin biobizz fish mix for nutes, lol. the fish mix will have to do for this grow, for the next i will use the entire biobizz range, i love em !

temps are in the low 80's, light schedule still 20/4 and nutrients are at full strenght, maybe even higher a lil bit. wattering once every two days, feeding with every watering and alowing for about 1-1.5 liters of runoff each time.

Have a look, too bad the phone camera is not doing them any justice, they are covered in white thrics , like dipped in suggar :X


Active Member
thx man :) hardy little plants they are, can belive they are still fatening after what they been through ... im definetly into autos from now on ..... all the photos ive grown till now they barely pushed a few nodes at 38 days old, this ones .... they can even be choped now and smoked lol. i can only imagine how they will be at full 60-70 days old :O

It's a shame youre the only one following this, i could have used some more advice.

Again, thx for following, Peace and love !


Active Member
Hello RIU, this is day 41 update.

Thing are going pretty good in Vertigo land, the bitches are fattening up like crazy, atm im hoping to get about 0.4-0.5 gpw.

I just bought some bloom nutes, hope it will make a difference, up untill now they only had veg nutes ( biobizz fish mix) + the nutes allready in the canna terra professional soil.(light mix)

so here are the 1000 words pics :

Peace !


Well-Known Member
Those are looking great! I have 3 Verigos going right now that are doing fantastic. In 3 gallon square pots, using GH nutes. Also have some Pandoras going but they aren't doing quite as well. I'm not sure why, I'm using the same mix of nutes but I am a rookie so maybe I'm under/over watering. New growth on them kind of turned brown at the edges. I did let them get too dry I think. They seem to be recovering a bit. I hope I didn't over stress them. I also have 2 freebies that I got from Attitude. They are photoperiods, Both are doing great, dark green lush growth. One has huge leaves.


Active Member
Bravo! This is the 1st Verigo journal ive found and i am cheering you on! I was looking for some finished pics a while ago, before I bought the seeds.
I decided to get them anyway. I see yours do look like that seed bank picture.
My seeds are due in a couple weeks.
Hopefullly i can resolve some internet acess issues im having atm


Active Member
Those are looking great! I have 3 Verigos going right now that are doing fantastic. In 3 gallon square pots, using GH nutes. Also have some Pandoras going but they aren't doing quite as well. I'm not sure why, I'm using the same mix of nutes but I am a rookie so maybe I'm under/over watering. New growth on them kind of turned brown at the edges. I did let them get too dry I think. They seem to be recovering a bit. I hope I didn't over stress them. I also have 2 freebies that I got from Attitude. They are photoperiods, Both are doing great, dark green lush growth. One has huge leaves.
Thx man, first i wanted to go with pandora ... but i had a feeling it might be a super auto kind that grows slow and finishes late so i called it quitter .

as for photo plants ... if this vertigo smokes as good as i think it might .... im done with photo's, too long to finish, and all that.

Bravo! This is the 1st Verigo journal ive found and i am cheering you on! I was looking for some finished pics a while ago, before I bought the seeds.
I decided to get them anyway. I see yours do look like that seed bank picture.
My seeds are due in a couple weeks.
Hopefullly i can resolve some internet acess issues im having atm
thx allot man, i'm also astonished how well they grow, considering im somewhat newbe lolz .

i recomend both of you journal your vertigos, i'm really really curious how they will turn.

Pictures later on, i just came home from my easter vacancy . I went to bulgaria for 3 days, amazing country, amazing landscapes and coulture .... shitty people... and i really mean shitty, they have some sort of hate in them... any way, dont wanna upset anyone so i'll shut up.

see ya later, Peace !


Well-Known Member


Active Member
If i take for granted what the breader says , i should chop them somewhere in the range of 60-70 days, but who knows, maybe they will go less maybe more :-?? so they have about 2 more weeks to go i guess ....

Man, you cant wait for the smoke report .... i cant wait to SMOKE them lol, they are so sticky and stinky , they make me drool each time i take care of them. Btw, yours are looking great too, i bet you will do better with 400 /1200 watts, i only use 250w for all 5 of them.

What do you guys think ? will i hit the ~80g's mark with them ?

Peace and love !


Active Member
Dear folks ..... i choped one of the small branches , dryed it super super fast and smoked it .... IT FKIN KILLER ! its crazy .... magnificent high, magnificent taste and potency . Man this leaves me wondering how good will it be in 20 days :O
ahhh fkit, to high to type or think right now ... have a smoke ! Peace!


Active Member
Day 49 update.

I went wild last night and ... i choped the main colas of all 5 of my girls. got a wet weight of 112 grams, so i'm hoping for about 30-35 grams dry weight, we will see. i've built a custom dryer for them, from a bathroom extraction fan and a bigger box.

From what is left in the tent i have atleast 2 times what the main colas gave me, this litle fuckers had allot of branches, and i mean allot !! hoping for about 70-80 more grams from those, i will leave them about 3 more weeks to ripen :D

so, what do you guys think ? here are some yummy pictures(from my point of view)


Active Member
What i wanted to ask you people .... this is my first time growing autos and my first time smoking autos lol, so was wondering ... how is the smoke of your autos ? i noticed from mine that the smoke does not smell that potent of weed ... i meen it does put out a decent amount of smell ... but compared to some kush i had a few days back ... it's like ozoned air lol.

how about the high ? the high from my vertigos is kinda weird, as in for the first 10 minutes or so it hits me with a strong body high ... and i mean strong !!! knocks me in my sofa and sticks me there but after that comes a verry strong energetic high, i just cant sit in one spot lolz i feel like running allover hahaha

so i was wondering, are all the autos like this ? or just this strain in particular ?

also i gives a severe case of munchies .... not even oil makes me wanna munch like that rofl.


Well-Known Member
i noticed my autos r like that too. but mine were stinky! i have done the ak47 and the blueberry so far.
nice job bro! +rep


Well-Known Member
Good looking stuff ya had going on there Smoke....Perhaps I can shed a bit of light on the various properties of autos that I've learned over the years....after a few grows of several strains, indica doms & sativa doms, where I let some trics go more amber, some this, some that...I realized I HAD to have a "mean" in order to be able to accurately judge effects from one strain to another....That mean was eventually set at 90% cloudy trics, few clear, even fewer amber....and continues to be my "rule of thumb" in harvest....and found that most autos do finish very close to breeder's recs especially when their environ is very controlled....with that "standard", I've found most autos will match more of their advertised effects...I can most definitely say that if ya let'em go to amber tric, you'll get the couchlock effect more regardless of it's strain parameters....
Stoner,Barbie....although ak47 & blueberry are known for the heavy stone, harvesting a bit early (cloudy trics only)...will reveal some good cerebral highs easing into its known stoned effect....
World of Seeds Pakistan Ryder is one of the nicest highs/stone combo I've seen in a while....
Rep to ya for lovin' the little ones....