Prawn Connery
Well-Known Member
No, the bottom strips are NOT connected in series – you have bypassed both bottom strips by connecting the outer tracks so that neither strip will light up because neither strip is getting any current.150W LG driver 3.2 amps split over the strips in a 2S 4P configuration.
so for option two I don't really understand how you mean to go from + to - the red line at the bottom is already connecting the two strips in series is it not? Are you saying using the two inside connectors + and - is different to using the ones to the outside of the board?
I think you need to have another look at those strips to see which terminals are which. The two inside connectors at the bottom are reverse polarity to the two outside conectors. From left to right they are: – + – +
My blue-line diagram shows the current entering the lower-right strip at the top + terminal, exiting through the bottom – terminal, entering the lower-left strip via the bottom + terminal and then exiting via the top – terminal in a series connection.
In your diagram the current follows the green line and does not go through any of the LEDs.

I dont know why you drew it like that because you have the correct terminals connected in the pair of strips above it. Each pair of strips should be identically wired. The only difference is the top pair are fed by the driver, and the bottom pair are fed by the top pair in parallel.
Trust the guy who's done this before. In fact, trust the guy who designs these things

The strip frames I posted were drilled by hand. I used washers under the screw heads to hold the strips down. The trick is not to tighten them too much or they will warp the strips. Tighten them just enough so that the strips lie flat on the extrusion. FR4 does not conduct heat that well to begin with, so the best you can hope for is to have all the strips mounted fairly flat and not run them that hard.
So you are planning to run 8x strips off that 150W driver? That would be about right.