Paranoid or problem

The leaves curled a bit probably due to the heater running a ton last night when it was chilly. It was pretty dry and got up to 82 in there. I plugged the tub with some water and closed the shower curtain to up the humidity. I think it's time I get a hygrometer...
On the more paranoid than problem side of things if you zoom in to the pic you can see little white dots. Dust or part of the plant?

The little dots can be seen easier in this pic from midnight last night.

View attachment 4031110

Are they spots in the leaf tissue or are they something on the leaf? White spots in the leaf tissue are the first sign of spider mites. This actually looks like premature resin glands. It's not very common at all but it happens and it looks like what's going on here. Can you post a side profile shot of the leaves? How about one under white light?
"Trichomes are also the “sunscreen” of growing marijuana plants. Trichomes protect it from the sun’s ultraviolet rays as well as high wind and low humidity."

The low humidity may have caused some hormones to produce them. That's pretty incredible if that's what they are.
I think your good, keep an eye on it.. white specks is not an unreasonable cause for alarm, but by god it does look like trichs from side... you arent running 12/12 yet are you on lights?
I think your good, keep an eye on it.. white specks is not an unreasonable cause for alarm, but by god it does look like trichs from side... you arent running 12/12 yet are you on lights?
It's an auto amnesia. 23/1 on lights.

I found another thread and someone chimed in and said it's very possible to have the smallest kind of trichomes on a seedling.
Very interesting, learn something new all the time. Is that a trait of an auto did they say? Or just can happen to any? Iv never done an auto
3 days growth and still seeing trichomes on the new leaf sets. Would it be safe to start feeding fox farm big bloom at half of their recommendation?
