Parents and Pot


Well-Known Member
I'm 22 years old, so none of that underage shit. I got done with finals today and came home for the holiday. Before I got home I smoked a bowl. I get home and my mom smells pot and asks me why I smell like it. I've been smoking for a while and am doing fine in my life, quite well I think. Anyway, I tell her my friends smoke and she asks me if I do. I said I have before and she gets really mad about it. She's a die-hard southern baptist, and when I told her pot was in the Bible she told me to prove it, so I put together an 11 page paper about pot and the Bible and put it in her purse for her in the morning. When I was asking her why she didn't like it, she said that other people will think bad of me. Needless to say, I included a section about judging others. She also said I need to get over this feeling that I seem to have about having "freedoms" in the world!? She seems to base all her opinions on what others will think. Hopefully that will change her mind.

Any other suggestions? I don't live in her house and don't smoke in it. So don't ask. I just want her to see that her opinion about cannabis has been tainted.


Well-Known Member
tell her if you smoke crack, they'll think you're a crackhead.. if you drink people will think you're an alcoholic... if you stay to yourself and live a quiet life, people will think you're strange... it's a win lose situation...

You should also tell her that people think she's a stick in the mud... and you believe she's a buzz kill...

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
tell her if you smoke crack, they'll think you're a crackhead.. if you drink people will think you're an alcoholic... if you stay to yourself and live a quiet life, people will think you're strange... it's a win lose situation...

You should also tell her that people think she's a stick in the mud... and you believe she's a buzz kill...
How true, story of my life.


Well-Known Member
true true... thats what i'd tell my mom... but my conversation with my mom was different.. she asked me if I was high one day, I told her yeah.. she wasn't happy.. so I told her.. "ya know.. my daddy was an alcoholic who used to beat the shit out of all of us.. my brother was an alsoholic, and now he's got brain damage and is in a wheel chair.. can't even wipe his own ass... my sister's a meth addict who sliced me to the bone because y'all was fighting and I got in between the two of you... my cousins a crackhead and alcoholic who beats his wife and goes to jail atleast 4 times a year... from where i'm sittin there's far worse things I could be doing besides smoking pot...".. she thought about it for awhile and seen it my way...


Well-Known Member
I am a mother. In all honesty, you probably aren't going to change her mind about it. If you want peace about it, your best bet is to leave it alone, and try to avoid the subject (and smell) in the future.


Well-Known Member
The thing is she grew up with an alcoholic, and she equates pot with that. Pot is in no way like alcohol. She said that 1 toke too much and you'll lose all sense of right and wrong. She also supports the gateway theory.

Just general misinformation