Parents charged after kids eat drug-infused gummies

I was drunk daily from the age of 4 on up to right now.

My mom still laughs about the time when I was 5 and they had a New Years Eve party in the new basement after adding on to the house. They went until about 5am before getting everyone out of the house and mom decided to clean up after some sleep. I got up not long after and went down there to find bowls of chips etc and all these part glasses of left-over 'pop'. Guess I got pissed and was funny as hell she says until I finally puked and passed out. She called the doc and he said if I was breathing OK to just put me to bed and let me sleep it off.

Neither of my parents were boozers but there was always lots of booze behind the new bar. Pete's Bar and Grill tho there was no grill except for upstairs in the kitchen. Later in my early teens I was always sneaking booze and wasted a lot of my life with booze. Better that they were pot heads and only had fruit juices and jars of bud behind that bar.

I was adopted so I must have got the boozing gene from my birth father who was noted as a heavy drinker on my adoption papers and was 34 when I was born while my birth mother was only 17 and had been treated for syphilis before I was born in '54. Explains a lot. ;)
