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Parents shouldn't teach children religion!!!


Well-Known Member
sometimes, parents could give a fuck less about the religion, they just want you UP and doing SOMETHING besides sleeping in. now if that child chooses to suck all of that information up like a blind sheep, that's their choice to listen. is your grandma a hard bible thumper?


Well-Known Member
yeah...up and doing something on one of the two days you don't have
to get up early and go to school. :roll:

When i was in school, I can honestly say I didn't ever get more
than 5-6 hours of sleep a nite. It sucked balls.

wake up and 5, be ready and out by 6. Be in school from 7-2. get home
at 2:45
Come home, do homework....get on the computer...

(she doesn't let anyone take naps after school....I have no idea why)
eat dinner at 9, do chores..., watch a bit of tv, then bed at

and do it allll over again. But I can't sleep in for 2 days when I'm not at school?

Well, I'm in college now..but still. I feel bad for my brothers.

no, she isn't a bible tapper or whatever you said. She thinks
she's our master Mrs. Dictator who tells us when to sleep and eat
and shit.


Well-Known Member
Poor kids not only do we lie to them about Santa but we make them listen to crazy boring shit at Church too:wall:


Well-Known Member
yeah, i was never forced to go to church as a child. or as a teenager. or an adult. by anyone. but if I were a parent, I would let my children know that according to the bible, sunday is a day for resting. so go back to sleep, ill put breakfast in the microwave :-)

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
The thing is, teaching religion to a kid is the parents right. Nobody knows for sure what's true and not true. Not beleiving in god is a belief too. You can't know for sure if there is or isn't one so I think it's up to the parents to decide.

BUUUUT that being said, if at a certain age the kid decides not to believe in religion anymore (or chooses another) then the parent shouldn't force their religion upon them. It's not teaching their kids religion that I think is the problem as everyone needs to believe in something, weather that be a god or a lack of one. But lets say at 12 or 13 the kid decides to not believe in religion then it's their choice. The parents taught them what they think they should believe in but if they don't see the parents view point then they shouldn't have it crammed down their throats.

I myself struggle with what to believe in. I'm too effing logical though....

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i struggle also, its like i no there isnt a life after death but at the same time i want there to be one -everything that releigon teaches i want to be true, but i know that it isn't its all bullshit whin you die your dead and the only way to prove other is to die and im in no rush- to much fuck up shit is and has happened in this world for there to be a god -this i know but at the same time i want there to be one- does a person has a soul if so when i die am i to look how i looked when i was alive - if i was born with no arms and everyone knew me as the guy with no arms whin i die do i have to still have no ams -what about a kid that dies is he still a kid 30 years later when his friend and family dies - what if i dont even beleave in hell do ihave to be forced in to a place that i dont even belive in- whin i dei i dont want to loose all my memorys and thoughts thats i have gained over the years- sometime ,well realy every night i think about death and whats after if anything at all, theres so many ways to catch it not even counting your body shutting down for no reason- life is really odd in that way you live to die-this fact alone makes me kind of beleave in reincarnation - but i dont think i comeing back as a fly- i think we come back as humans, and flys come back a flys- and cows come back to be hamberger all over again

i dont beleave in religion, but my wife do, and we have 3 kids- so i guess i may be the best to answer this question - like that other guy said , to push my vews onto the kids would be the same thing, so what i do is allow my wife to bring the kids up in a religous house hold ( the same as her and i had ) and let the kid find the light that shines on the truth for them my sister beleave in god and religion and every thing i just saw way to many flaws in it for me to buy it
if you pose a question that cant be answered religious people say you have to have blind faith, for me this does not work - i sometimes regret haveing seen the light, some nights i wish i could have taken the other pill and stayed in the matrix of lies feed to me as a child - so i sometimes sit and look at my kids playing and think should i teach them the truth and have them missing sleep as i do or should i leave them in la la land and maybe one day they will loose sleep over some truths they uncover on they're own as i did this way really giving them a choice- you and i found the truth because we wanted to know it, to me the ones who dont want to see the truth, sees it and chooses to look away, they lie to themselfes because it helps keep them grounded.

noone has ever came back from death so where does this godthing come from?

keep in mind that god was created to keep those controlled that could not be controled - before today tehcno. there was know way in keepin the masses controlled. you could commet crimes without any fear of not getting away with it, they only caught those who were caught red handed or was guilted into turning themself in, thew religion, the fear of what you were conditioned into beleaving in kept people inline (this did not and doesnot work 100%) but it worke- the fear of hell-
i myself ask super religious people all the time if i dont beleave but live my life as a good person would i still go to heaven......... no is alway the answer- you could follow all the rules of the bible (without beleaving in it ) way better then they do, and be a positive person, you can be an outstanding human being, pay taxes, give money to the needy, never cheat on the wife, farther of the year...,,,blah, blah,blah and so on it doesn't matter to them, your going to hell if you dont beleave in god and have a religion............. its the rule


Well-Known Member
Its just plain wrong. Unfortunately thats how religion still works. Get the young and vulnerable... Tell someone that shit after 20 years of hearing nothing about it and they will fucking piss themselves laughing.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
leave the kids be! my early childhood was just like that, gran would comb ou hair, make us wear black shoes and a tie. it was just wtf wtf wtf! eventually we started getting paid £5 a sunday to goto church, by my mother should i add, a priest.

if the kid is gonna be religous, he'll be religous, but he'll take it ino his life because there's been a reason to, or a convincing experience etc, not because some book can convince someone of a feel-good mentality.

if noone preached, would there be religion? i mean if a child hasn't been lectured on god, jesus, other christians having an experience in becoming a christian then chances are, the kid would just see this rather funky dream he just had, as well, a funky dream... :) wouold the world be any worse off

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
to keep the slaves in order, the slave owner would only allow the slave to read the bible (if they allowed them to read at all) this was an atemp to keep the slaves in line and from running into masters house while he was sleeping and giveing him a new smile from ear to ear ........... it worked, us blacks are really forgiveing when it comes to whites and getting into heaven

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
it's cus i really culdn't give a crap about the carp involving all that crap, it's crap!

and yes, damned site better


Well-Known Member
What really scares me is those Christian soldier youth camps. Like little Nazi youth ready to die for Jesus :shock: