Partial Packs

I'd go with the Rosetta Stone grouping mostly because I've been pretty curious about them (I have a couple packs in my vault) and I have no idea what's up with that Frost Bros cross.

Curious about them.

I've kinda got them lined up in the order that you see them in the OP (barring anyone talking me in to moving something up). Plushberry up first because it's been sitting in the fridge for ever, but those Rosettas are 2'nd in line because like you, I'm very intrigued with the genetics.
Is that GGG?


And Rosetta Stone intrigues me as well. I had an original pack and traded them YEARS ago without popping any. They had nowhere NEAR the hype they have now (the whole want we cant haves thing) and frankly back then I thought the name was stupid. I've come around to the ironic/silly/unicorny strain names now and will in fact admit I can be a sucker for them at times (had to get Kourtney Luv (kobain kush x Grouch) LOLOLOLOL)

But yeah. One of my biggest cannabis regrets. Shoulda kept half the pack. FWIW they were traded for Black Domina from marc emerys old catalogue------ I was NOT disappointed at least.

PS....I just thought back on this. HAHAHAHA. What a SHIT grower I was then (granted I was freshly 19 or so at the time with ALL grow knowledge coming from the HighTimes I would buy monthly. Anyone remember that idiot potstar? ha). Anyway.. 430 watt son agro light with built in ballast. Flowered in half gallon bags! tried brewing guano teas in a tiny apt. No exhaust/intake and a sheet that served to keep the "dark time" dark. While swearing a red spectrumed light could be turned on during dark time! Holy Shit! I remember still pulling a few zips each time and being STOKED! Sorry for that ramble but I was dying thinking back on it.

I bet we've all come a long ways with our craft. :)
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Yeah I think so. It's probably a good match for this BX as they're not really trying to get that fuely pinesol funk in this cross.
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Nice! That's what I was hoping for with Grape Puff.

Might have to order a pack of those..... they're a little on the expensive side though. Tough to justify when Sannie/Esko/Dynasty offers packs for $28 with some real gems to be found

Great crosses that I would love to try.. Cannot for the life of me begin to wrap my head around some of the prices these breeders come up with
I think you will be happy with any of the purple phenos. I dont care for the Space queen phenos personally, and they get yanked once I notice them.

With TGA, I prefer JTR dads by far over the Space Dude, which seems like where most of the weak sauce is born. Did you get to try Ace of Spades? I've only ran one fem, but it's superb smoke by my standards.
have a black cherry soda x chem4 in flower. Hoping for a BCS pheno. Never had one. (smoked a xj-13 x bcs from a friend that was incredible. Believe that had the bcs pheno)
With TGA, I prefer JTR dads by far over the Space Dude, which seems like where most of the weak sauce is born. Did you get to try Ace of Spades? I've only ran one fem, but it's superb smoke by my standards.
I want to run AOS, but like the Plush, I believe it was discontinued
OH. How'd I miss that? Sorry wife....Guess I do need more beans. (I'm approaching the 200 strain mark. I am having a FUCK of a time picking what beans I pop next. Lately testers thrown my way take precedent. Only cuz I'm going crazy at this point.
I hear you... Im at the 100+ mark, I probably have close to 2000 beans! I have 4 different tester strains in veg right now plus 5-6 other strains!

*just out of curiousity, mainly cause I dont even know what all I have, i might start a seed catalog thread. Be kind of interesting to see what kind of rare shit people are sitting on!
I want to run AOS, but like the Plush, I believe it was discontinued

I grabbed the last two packs I could find after hearing of the discontinuation. The one fem ran thus far, spit out about 20 beans. I just put 2 in a p/t to see if they'd germ; should know today about them, and a good amigo has a few of them to possibly reproduce them and keep the strain all hope is not lost. :)