Partner grow?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if I had equipment and seeds growing at a friends house, which is about 20 miles away. What would happen to me if he got busted. I have nothing at my place at all. I told him to be quiet and NOT TELL ANYONE What do you all think?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if I had equipment and seeds growing at a friends house, which is about 20 miles away. What would happen to me if he got busted. I have nothing at my place at all. I told him to be quiet and NOT TELL ANYONE What do you all think?
YOUR not supposed to tell ANYONE.


Well-Known Member
I know that, just that I dont have a place for the grow. Thats always been my rule, and this is the first guy I ever told anything about growing.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure they will try to run consipericy charges on you. THats a big deal, and strangely enough in america where the prosecutions attitude is, if it sticks, then stick it. they will try to get u if then can stick it, all they have to do is point a finger at the sky, make a statement, point at evidence obtained at the scene of the crime, make another statment, then point at you. The guy who got little jimmy killed six months ago because he got hit by a car after buying a bag of weed at walking home all alone in a dangerous hood, at twelve am.:fire:
Trust me, u don't want to crash and burn on this one. LOL


Well-Known Member
So its that bad huh? So what should I do now? I have the seeds still he just has all my equipment. What if I just sell him my equipment or something? Could I still be charged with something.


Active Member
If he gets busted, trust me...he'll tell them about you.

Never do partnerships. If you don't have room to grow, don't grow.


Well-Known Member
Ok.. So what do I do now then? This guy live way out in the country though, very remote. I guess I was just seeing my equipment go to waste and thought what the hell.

Brick Top

New Member
I was wondering if I had equipment and seeds growing at a friends house, which is about 20 miles away. What would happen to me if he got busted. I have nothing at my place at all. I told him to be quiet and NOT TELL ANYONE What do you all think?

If he rats you out to get off easier if he gets busted good luck denying it successfully in court. Even if you do it will cost you a pretty penny.

Do you know for sure that he would take the fall all by himself and never mention you if it meant he might get off easier if saying my buddy and I were doing it together?

Growing pot is like Fight Club. The first rule of Fight Club is you don’t talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is YOU DON’T TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!

Loose lips sink ships is another way to put it. If you know and you have a partner who knows that is twice the chance that someone will open their mouth when they shouldn’t.

NEVER grow with someone else. Sooner or later something will come up that will cause a problem. It may only result in a broken friendship but something will happen that is not good.

It may be over something like he runs out of pot and it is near the end of the grow and he starts nipping off smaller buds to dry and smoke and you will see where buds were cut off and then when it comes time to split up the yield you will likely feel you should get a little more because he was sampling it without you so that should come out of his final total amount. The reply to that usually is well I’m the one taking the risk so I had it coming to me and we should split what is left 50/50 or maybe they will want a 60/40 split.

Very few people are such close pals that there will never be something that comes up that will cause a problem between them. The person growing says my electricity bill went up so chip in. They give an amount and the other person says it’s too much. Unless the cost of everything was split right down the middle, beans and fertilizer and everything one person ends up saying I paid more so I should get more.

It is like gold fever. Most people involved in partner grows will run into a situation where one or both will attempt to make a case that they deserve more and they will not be at all happy unless they get it. Again it may only result in a ruined friendship but then later if they are carrying a grudge and they know you are now growing on your own they may blab like made and maybe even drop a dime on you to get back at you.

If you are going to grow, grow alone, keep your mouth shut, do not brag to friends , do not show off your plants to friends and later if you smoke your pot with friends don’t say you grew it because then they will either want to get in on the next grow and or tell people that you grew your own pot and people will assume you are doing it again and talk about it and sooner or later the wrong person will hear about it.


Well-Known Member
Believe me I know about not telling people. When I first started about 2 years ago, the only one who knew was me, up until now. I would even tell people on these forums thats the number one rule. Well.... In my mind, i figured, Hey i dont have anything on me, this guy lives in the middle of no where, plus I dont have to worry about someone busting in on me for something and see all the equipment in my place. Then again, now he knows that I grow, so now I feel I can't grow again... So now this is my prediciment. I would say give me all my shit back, but he will always know which is something I prided myself on. I might have to take it outdoor, but where.... I dont fucking know.. This sucks!!!


Well-Known Member
What kind of charges am I facing for this really? Since this guy knows already, I cant grow, so I might as well let him grow and give me a deal or something. What you all think


Well-Known Member
Well ended up getting all my stuff back, it was a bad idea. Good thing he doesnt live in my town. Thanks for the advice peeps.... I keep my mouth shut from now on!!