Party Cup CFL Grow


Well-Known Member

ok i think i got a good idea for the rules, any one got a good format to lay them out in?


Well-Known Member

ok i think i got a good idea for the rules, any one got a good format to lay them out in?[/quote]




Active Member

ok i think i got a good idea for the rules, any one got a good format to lay them out in?[/QUOTE]

u mean something like this ?

blah blah .. explain the point of the comp

general rules on how to post ,
what to post , how often to post ,
how long to vegg , how long to flower
etc ..

Pot - explain the pot rules
Light - explain the light rules
nutes - ...
Method - ...

etc ..


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3551598]Aight Cool thanks master that sparked some more Ideas haha,

and +REP for you red :lol:[/QUOTE]

much appreciated:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ok here's what i got so far tell me what yall think


Start Date: Comp will start some time after 1/1/10, i will be editing the rules as well so make sure to look here every so often

-Container MUST be a 16oz Party Cup/Container, nothing LESS! nothing MORE!

-Modification's are allowed, such as drainage holes and other things

-HID, CFL, or LED lighting is required. 12/12 from seed, or you may have a vegg period of at LEAST 2 weeks

-Contest will consist of two main categories, "Best Weight" and "Best Looking Plant". Each contestant will get one vote for each, but you cannot vote for yourself.

-You will need to update at LEAST once a week

-Use this format for your first post to enter;

here's mine

Strain(s): Sour Kush, Bubba Kush, Orange OG

Total Entry(s): 3

Method: TOPPING and LST techniques

Lights: 184 watts of CFL

Nutrients: 3 Part General Hydroponics, Flora Series. Hydrozyme, Kool Bloom, Sweet Grape and Hydroplex

Soil: MG Moisture Control



Active Member
there should be a max veg period... 12/12 from seed or 3 weeks veg something like that.
hydro or soil (saw someone constructed party cup DWC WTF?!)
CFL only i'd say for fairness sake. party cup under HPS may have unfair advantage for yields.

that's all i got for ideas.


PS if you don't need your trim, i'm stockpiling to make butter...
i agree with max veg period. it should be 16oz cup anything you can do!!!(i made the dwc beercup)
if it's only cfl's I(and afew other) are out. does it really matter? wouldnt you like to beat someone using a better light then you?
their are advantages to not having an hps(heat means ill water like 10 times a day,cups might melt? i dont know whats going to happen)
i think the more different scenarios going the better(learning experience). im doing some under my hps and some under floro tubes whether there in the comp or not.dont you want to see the difference cfl's to a 400w make on a beercup plant?if its tiny ill sell my hps and buy cfl's for now on.


Well-Known Member
Looks good to me, if my clones take expect something like this...

Strain(s): Lemon Skunk and Great White Shark
Total Entry(s): 2
Method: Topping
Lights: 150W CFL
Nutrients: FloraNova Bloom, FloraLicious Grow/Bloom, Maxicrop Seaweed, SuperThrive, DynaGro Silica, Molasses
Soil: Fox Farms Happy Frog




Well-Known Member
i agree with max veg period. it should be 16oz cup anything you can do!!!(i made the dwc beercup)
if it's only cfl's I(and afew other) are out. does it really matter? wouldnt you like to beat someone using a better light then you?
their are advantages to not having an hps(heat means ill water like 10 times a day,cups might melt? i dont know whats going to happen)
i think the more different scenarios going the better(learning experience). im doing some under my hps and some under floro tubes whether there in the comp or not.dont you want to see the difference cfl's to a 400w make on a beercup plant?if its tiny ill sell my hps and buy cfl's for now on.
agreed.. SICC already updated the rules :lol: :shock: :lol:



Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3551647]ok here's what i got so far tell me what yall think


Start Date: Comp will start some time after 1/1/10, i will be editing the rules as well so make sure to look here every so often

-Container MUST be a 16oz Party Cup/Container, nothing LESS! nothing MORE!

-Modification's are allowed, such as drainage holes and other things

-HID, CFL, or LED lighting is required. 12/12 from seed, or you may have a vegg period of at LEAST 2 weeks

-Contest will consist of two main categories, "Best Weight" and "Best Looking Plant". Each contestant will get one vote for each, but you cannot vote for yourself.

-You will need to update at LEAST once a week

-Use this format for your first post to enter;

here's mine

Strain(s): Sour Kush, Bubba Kush, Orange OG

Total Entry(s): 3

Method: TOPPING and LST techniques

Lights: 184 watts of CFL

Nutrients: 3 Part General Hydroponics, Flora Series. Hydrozyme, Kool Bloom, Sweet Grape and Hydroplex

Soil: MG Moisture Control


looks about right ..
about the party cup , some people may not have exatcly 16oz pary cups , i would make an average of betwin 14-18oz or smth like that , only if no party cup is used.

how often to post updates ?

also for better management , after every one will post thier entry posts .
make an excel file out of the contestors
so ull have better knowledge for later on who voted for whome and how many votes they had .


wtf is going on in here my dudes??????? I WAS TOLD TOLD THERE WAS A FRESHLY TAPPED KEG HERE!!! WERE THE FUCK IS THE BEER!!!! lol


Well-Known Member
Well the only think you can only vote on would be the best lookin plant haha, i put you have two votes, but you cant vote for a best weight :lol:

i was going to say to divide it in between CFL and HID, but like 400 said HPS has it disadvantages


Active Member
I just realized,there's no issues with using auto's?

Strain(s): Mini thunder fuck,bagseed

Total Entry(s): 2

Method: TOPPING /letting them be

Lights: 400w hps

Nutrients:I dont think my biobizz will be here in time, if not MGgrow and MG bloom(unfourtunatly)
Soil: 50%local organic potting soil 30%peatmoss 10%perlite %10verm.


Well-Known Member
aight well i can still edit the post so here the thread, i dont wanna throw this off topic lol