No promblems, but what type of scale do you all use? I dont have one and going to pick up one, seen a few food scales at walmart, but not sure if those will work. So if anybody like to help me out that would be great.
Also, posting another weekly update here soon. I am having a major promblem, but not sure what to do to fix it, look at the plant promblems looks like one, but some say it another so not sure and post just tell me to refer to the thread. so maybe its n def or a ph promblem, who knows. So i hope theymake it.
no problem man im not gonna harvest on the orignal date im gonna give these babies a little longer to go and see what happens lol i went to beline nm yesterday for a bullridin and got on a good little prick culda won the thing but got bucked off. plants have more hairs now im gonna update again probably today
bro ive got one plant that isnt doin worth a shit im gonna flush it with epspm salt the others r taking to the nutes good only two the blue mystic from seed in tha party cup i might flush it too and then hit em with some nutes cuz ive been uppin the levels every feeding and the other plants r loving it.
i woulda won about 1500 dollars and a buckle im sore as shit an i tried to get an update but my camera is takin shitty videos i wanna show yall the badass quality of this shit im gonna try and get lights up around it and video it see if its better
^^^^ rockin that Afghan! I miss that shit.
Rudy.racoon, Sorta looks like a Cal/Mag def. They look good tho...