Party Cup Contest *with prizes

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
happy newyears eve everyone!i hope your all as stoned as i am right now! Anyways,ill update my plants monday.there pikn up speed now;&all good in the no nuts department so far,just the one that i,i'll get some pics of my beyotches up monday.have a safe night yall' ! Im out-kmk15


Active Member
Hey badzad would it be too late for me to join in? I have some Tahoe Og un fem and some Sweet island skunk un fem the Og's are about 2 weeks in and the SSI is 1 week in let me know!


Well-Known Member
I have one little shortrider sprout so far so when I see 2 more I'll get a few pics up for my official entry!

randy leopard

Active Member
does anyone have any pics of a plant going herm? one of my girls developed some weird growths on the main cola overnight and im afraid thats whats happening.this is my first grow, so i dont know.


Well-Known Member
I've been researching what to look out for. I have a girl about 30 days into flower. here is a pic of a hermied plant. They will produce pollen sacks inside and around the female flower.



Well-Known Member
Since post 48 I have tryed to get some of my mexican bag seeds to pop up and they made it. I am very new at growing as a matter of fact I do not have a grow under my belt yet. So I will be the one with the grow cup that gets the most laughs. Any way I am gocopies 009.jpging to do my best with my MG potting soil MG nukes and mexican brickweed seeds with CFLs. So don't count me out I HAVE A DREAM. Here is a picturcopies 010.jpge of my 2 plants to see if I get 1 female. With the help of my grandson and hours of beating myself up I have learned to post pictures(I hope). copies 011.jpg Damn That MG is magic look what happened over night. copies 012.jpg J/K.


Active Member
Hey people and happy new year! Heres a list of the entries I got so far.

Kottonmouth king15
rasputin71 ( moved your start date back )
research kitty
Kulong ( might be out till feb? )
wvmade ( I think? )

If I missed anyone please let me know, or if i typoed your name lol. My entry is still coming soon and about 5 other people too. Also there is NO CUT OFF DATE for this if you are just now seeing this you can still join in, just finish before 4-20 and post your pics. I will finally be working on the prizes this week too so pics will be soon. But heres a lil sneak peak of one.



Well-Known Member
Mornin crew!

So I started training my party cup tykes. Should be interesting, lol, I'll post pics after my lights switch back on =)


Well-Known Member
My huge dog knocked over my party cups and the plants came totaly out of the cups with roots exposed cause the soil was dry. So after I strangled the dog I put em back in the cups under a mixture of 2700k and 6500k lights to see if they will still grow. I'm thinking they will be fine being a weed and all haha. But one is totaly leaned over to the side so we'll se if it's like super cropping.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
im thinking im gonna tie one of my plant/cups over aswell.w/only 2grows/harvests under my belt,im really not sure what to expect w/these party cups.should be fun!!!


Well-Known Member
20 Days already! My how time flies when your having fun :hump:

These White Widow tykes were in seedling propagation for 9 days under 24/0 T5 6500k

They have now been under a 400watt HPS for 11 days :mrgreen:

No signs of girlies yet though! Maybe in a week or two I'll know which one is the official contestant, keep your fingers crossed for a girl!


They are getting the 12/12 stretch now, I'm having to water daily. They will be starting 1/4 nutes 10-30-20 at day 30


Well-Known Member
i think i finally figured out what one im going to enter...this is the smaller of the 2 that im ccob training...but it looks prettier then the other...its a female but has been revegged to get some extra growth before it goes into flower...which will be in about 1-2 weeks...was just tied down for its last time last hoping to get around 10-15 colas out of this one.....but here she is


and pay no attention to the date on the pics...i have to change the year..damn kodak

randy leopard

Active Member
you forgot to add me as an entry. heres my one and only clone. just noticed 2 little sprouts coming up on either side of the clone. i used some old dirt.
i think they are peppers.
i really hope she pulls through. ive never cloned before and i didnt do anything correctly. pretty much just snipped it and stuck it in the dirt.
its been in there for about 10 days or so. ive been foliar feeding with tap water a couple times a day. anyone have any opinions on her?

randy leopard

Active Member
just discovered 2 of my 3 girls that were only 2 weeks from harvest went hermie. F*CK~!
guess thats what i get for using bagseed. oh well, its my first grow and i feel like ive learned alot.
puffed a popcorn bud and got a pretty nice uppy high. cant decide if i want to just let them finish and have a ton of seeds or pull em now and switch back to veg for the party cup. well shit, now that i think of it, my clone is from these plants that all went herm, so it will probably too.

im gonna germinate some real seeds here tonite.
shiva & dumpster.


Well-Known Member
After some of the pictures I feel like I belong in the getto growers thread. lol Are maybe use the 3 plants I have had in cups since october and just put them in to flower. Some very nice looking plants all good luck.