Party Cup Pre Registration Thread

I will probably do my usual of popping 1 fem bean of whatever I've got
Don't hurt your brains too much trying to over analyze this
Strain I don't feel is the determining factor in this situation and my 49W home brewed spectrum led is gonna clobber you all anyways :bigjoint:
Looks like 24 Crazy Azz Growers Who Think They Can Compete With The Dawg Father Himself :hump:I Would Wish Yall Good Luck But Theirs No Luck In The World That Can Help Ya Now Peace And Opossum Grease :weed:

1) @Evil-Mobo
2) @OneHitDone
3) @Maine_Coast
4) @FranJan
5) @sixstring2112
6) @Socalrob
7) @GrowUrOwnDank
8) @werm11
9) @GreenSanta
10) @CobKits
11) @Psyphish
12) @VenomGrower6990
13) @needsomebeans
14) @Bbcchance
15) @farmasensist
16) @Sevren
17) @Hybridway
18) @bicit
19) @wildfire97936
20) @ McGaKilLerMAN
21) @ ISK
22) @BM9AGS
23) @JorgeGonzales
24) @Grifter.
25 ) And Of Course The Dawg Father :hump:
Theirs Only 23 Hours And 34 Minutes Left K-Mart Blue Light Shoppers To Register For The Party Comp. At The Stroke Of Midnight CST Registration Will Close And The 14 Day Germination Period Starts. All Party Cup Contestants Must Show A Germination Process By Midnight Of Nov. 2nd. Peace Out Pussy's :peace:
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