Passing a drug test?


Well-Known Member
I know for a fact that water will work because I've had to do it with only one day notice until the drug test! I must have drank about a gallon and a half. Make sure you piss a couple times the same day before the test though. You can also take a B-Complex vitamin to give your urine some color. It looks kind of neon but what does it matter? Vitamins are not illegal. Or you could chalk it up to an energy drink.


Well-Known Member
All i can say mate is you must smoke once in a blue moon. There is no way you can flush your system in a day. Must have been a dud test. I know the facts through experience of failing tests. If your employer opts to send your sample to a lab, and if you have been trying to flush your system there will be high creatinine levels in your piss, they will look further, and levels that would not give a positive dip test, will show up.


Well-Known Member
There is no way you can flush your system in a day. Must have been a dud test.
Definitely possible the test was no good, but im not kidding when i said I only had one day notice. fortunately for me it didnt get sent off to a lab and we both watched for the results right there in the temp agency office! I think it was a fairly simple test. Being for Marijuana/cocaine/& opiates or something...


Well-Known Member
Yeah and i wish the tests they do in front of you were all that they did too! Would still be in a job i loved, but i love my weed more!


Well-Known Member
Testing your piss must be some kind of breach of peoples rights, it must be hidden away in some law book somewhere. There were guys in jail in scotland pissing in buckets and they got compensation for it. So why should us otherwise law abiding citizens be humiliated having to stand and pee in front of someone.


Well-Known Member
Testing your piss must be some kind of breach of peoples rights, it must be hidden away in some law book somewhere. There were guys in jail in scotland pissing in buckets and they got compensation for it. So why should us otherwise law abiding citizens be humiliated having to stand and pee in front of someone.

Agreed... unless something VISIBLY affects your job performance, like being an alcoholic or something. I dont see the justice there for the passive cannabis user.


Well-Known Member
I know for a fact that the water thing works. Drink as much water as you can that AM and make sure you piss a few times before and that it's completely clear. Your body can only process so much water before it just starts dumping it without giving it a chance to pick up any toxins in your system. DO NOT work out at all the day before your test. THC is stored in your fat cells and working out will burn fat and release it back into your urine. The test will come back inconclusive and most of the time they'll make you piss again but it buys you another week or so clear your system out for real. My wife did this twice and both times came back inconclusive but the company didn't want to pay for another so they just called it good. Definately not a perminate solution but it keeps you from pissing hot.
You got it. Same for me. I usually go for a run, pop some vitamins, and drink lots of water. I've never failed a drug test and I have taken 3 within 24hrs of smoking and I mean consistent smoking. I never go a week without smoking.


Well-Known Member
I used one of the Rescue Detox drinks with good success a few weeks ago. I smoked the day before and pissed clean the next day. It wasn't one of those "THIS COVERS YOUR STOMACH LINING OR WHATEVERBS" that makes you piss clear. The Rescue products are banned in a bunch of states for a reason. It's worth paying the whole 18 bucks each time I need to piss clean.