I'm actually applying for a job for Wal Mart right now. I already know and am very confident and very comfortable in taking the upcoming pee test I am about to receive. Now, I recently turned 18 so I can finally apply for a REAL job and like I said, I'm not worried about my urine. I smoke blunts all the time, and I just figured I'd help all the people that don't wanna risk their job or freedom on some bull shit some ass hole is spewin' out of their face and they know nothing of they're talkin' about. I got off probation recently and before getting off had to take 3 urine tests testing for EVERYTHING.
I did my research, as should everyone else, and you can see the structure in my design if you look up everything I'm talking about.
It's EXTREMLY simple and doesn't require you to go out and buy some bull shit drink that costs 50$ at the store.
Remember if I didn't pass these tests, I wasn't going to get off probation on my upcoming court date, not only that, I would be locked up again, this time for 84 days. Naturally, I REALLYYYYY didn't want that.
I stopped a little less than a week before the test, which I don't believe is required.
You'll be surprised at how simple this almost completly NATURAL method is.
1. Purchase Aspirin and Vitamin B-Complex from your local drug store.
2. Buy enough RED MEAT to eat dinner for 3 days straight before your test.
3. Eat dinner as usual with your red meat, constantly and always drinking water. The explanation of the red meat covers the dillution method you will use in your test. It's a commonly known fact among those on probation that Dilluted tests are considered positive to probation officers. You WILL dillute your test when it comes up, and the ONLY way the test detects if it's dilluted is by measuring the creatine levels in your urine. Eating plenty of red meat 3 days straight before your test will balance your creatine levels in your urine although it will actually be dilluted and what you think will be clear. This is what the B-Complex is for.
4. 4-6 hours before your test, take 5 aspirins. Your stomach will be a little upset, so pop two Tums a few minutes after. Try not to eat a lot on the day of the test. This can complicate digestion. Eat enough that your stomach won't bleed, LoL. 2 hours before your test, take another two aspirins and another two tums and continue drinking PLENTY of water. Urinate frequently. Take the B-Complex as well. Up to this point you will notice your urination is clear. The B-vitamins are exact necessary vitamin used to color urine back to yellow. After taking these and continuing to urinate frequently, you will notice your urine has returned to it's normal color, only it's still dilluted! Take that, bastards!! Some may doubt me saying "Oh yeah right, aspirin, gimme a break." But like I said, my freedom was on the line, and I wasn't going back, so I did my research. Aspirin is not as commonly widespread knowledge as it should be. It has been scientifically proven that the aspirin malfunctions a part of the test called the NIT, and it reads as clean urine. The test cannot detect if you have aspirin in your urine, BECAUSE it malfunctions it. It's a common flaw in drug testing that has yet to be fixed. Take advantage of it while you can.
5. Take your urine test.
I've used this method 3 seperate times and there's NO WAY I got lucky on 3 seperate occassions. Think of the STRUCTURE. It's a fail-safe plan. You dillute your urine, balance your creatine to prevent detection of dillution, and take the aspirins as an extra measure of precaution which malfunctions the test as is. I've tried many times to convince people that it's worked for me and it's so simple but most people won't risk it because it sounds too good to be true. If you doubt it, buy yourself an at-home drug test kit and try the method yourself. You'll see, just as I did.
Hope I helped out someone out there.