Passive cooled 3w DIY LED Halo


Awesome, thanks for the reply. I was reading your grow with the missus a few days ago, we were very impressed with the halos. I'm thinking of supplementing lighting in a similar way on my next grow as well. Only smaller scale and not as good looking, probably.


Well-Known Member
Awesome, thanks for the reply. I was reading your grow with the missus a few days ago, we were very impressed with the halos. I'm thinking of supplementing lighting in a similar way on my next grow as well. Only smaller scale and not as good looking, probably.
Glad to help. Post a picture or two of your creation whenever you get it up and running. I love seeing the neat stuff we diy sorts build.


So, I pulled the trigger on two lots of 20 3w leds. So I will have, in the next month or so, 20x 3w Warm White Epistars and 20x 3w Cool White.

My reasoning is that my MK1 Hans panel already produces all the red and blue spectrums I need, and I can supplement the inbetweens with 20w warm whites and 10w cool ones. So I'm thinking just 30w extra lights from that, and I use the rest of the diodes to create a small growbox for herbs (oregano, thyme etc) for my mother, so that she can do a bit of indoors gardening herself, now that winter is coming..


Well-Known Member
Cool! How do you intend to cool them? Here is the best supplier of heat sinks I have found. That 1.813" wide is what I would use today if I were building a new bar type side light. When it comes to heat sinks bigger is usually better.


Well-Known Member
Just a bit over a week to go. The tops are dense and frosty and bottoms are almost bulked up enough. Reserva Privada Kosher Kush. DSCN0242.jpgDSCN0243.jpgDSCN0244.jpgDSCN0245.jpgDSCN0246.jpgDSCN0247.jpgDSCN0248.jpgDSCN0249.jpgDSCN0250.jpgDSCN0251.jpg


Well-Known Member
Whoa amazing LED grow. Look at those buds they are just amazing. So frosty white. Stick I know. Man you have got a knack for putting this one together with the side lighting. Made a big difference. Good great fuckingawsome!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks! My grow is small but its productive! In my state, as a mm patient I am allowed only 3 in flower and 3 immature. So to stay within whats allowed I just keep 2 in each veg and flower and 1 mother. The only way for me to get a great yield with only 2 plants is to get a little height and light up the entire plant top to bottom. The side lights are a result of daydreams of nice buds all the way down.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Green in the Garden. I'm pretty pleased with the latest yield. In the past I ran 3 plants in this system but I found that it's just as productive with 2 plants. Easier to manage too. I plan to run my diy led chamber for as many hours as the leds will go to see if I can really get 50,000+ hours before they begin to noticeably dim. So far, so good. Only 7+ years to go...