Passthatsh!t23 2nd Grow


Well-Known Member
Very nice passman! We are close timewise. My babies went into 12/12 tonite/tomorrow. Asleep now is what I mean.Now all I need is girls, lol. I will keep up with this to see how ya make out.
thanks man.
Goodluck! yah i got one plant that im crossing my fingers on.
Lookin good man i wouldent worry about only pulling 15gz off ur first atleast its some bud and it looks dank man my first i only got a quarter and i had to split it with my buddy lol.. anyways ill subscribe to this looks like u got ur method worked out, srry if u already said tho what bulb are u using for flower?


Well-Known Member
Lookin good man i wouldent worry about only pulling 15gz off ur first atleast its some bud and it looks dank man my first i only got a quarter and i had to split it with my buddy lol.. anyways ill subscribe to this looks like u got ur method worked out, srry if u already said tho what bulb are u using for flower?

I said 15gz for a different persons grow. i hopefully hope to get a good oz, maybe oz and half. and a good 1/4 on my smaller plant.
thanks man, um i didnt say it yet, but its the bulb for flowering not veg. So i would imagine a bulb along that nature. haha.


Well-Known Member
Good news!

I went to court and i got my charges dropped. :D
im so happy now i can get medicated again. :D
:leaf:+ :joint: = :D
Small Update.
My method of just putting the cutting in the water is working. i see very very small improvements. but it appears to be working.
My Fem. church is coming along on day 3 of flowering. Im looking to see the pistils anyday now.


Well-Known Member
Good news!

I went to court and i got my charges dropped. :D
im so happy now i can get medicated again. :D
:leaf:+ :joint: = :D
Small Update.
My method of just putting the cutting in the water is working. i see very very small improvements. but it appears to be working.
My Fem. church is coming along on day 3 of flowering. Im looking to see the pistils anyday now.
Congrats bro, you must be relieved??? puff one for me homie...


Well-Known Member
it will root in just water but it will take really long and thats if it does. also you want you clones as healthy as they can be when they root, and most clones rooted in water dont look to good when they finally root. but they do root sometimes. i hope she roots for you.


Well-Known Member
it will root in just water but it will take really long and thats if it does. also you want you clones as healthy as they can be when they root, and most clones rooted in water dont look to good when they finally root. but they do root sometimes. i hope she roots for you.
Yah well im not in a rush! :D
Hopefully i can have her root better, will a dash of superthrive to regain full strength in rooting again, only a experiment.


Well-Known Member
i think i saw a femal pistil but i am not sure, if i were you i would stay away from fem seeds, they cost to much for a hermie plant most the time. reg seeds are better to start with and just weed out the males witch isnt hard to do. or just clone female plants


Well-Known Member
i think i saw a femal pistil but i am not sure, if i were you i would stay away from fem seeds, they cost to much for a hermie plant most the time. reg seeds are better to start with and just weed out the males witch isnt hard to do. or just clone female plants
i didnt pay for a friend gave it to me.
but i hope so that she is female. becuase im gonna have to start over again...from seed.


Well-Known Member
i didnt pay for a friend gave it to me.
but i hope so that she is female. becuase im gonna have to start over again...from seed.
well at least if it is a male you didnt waste cash, but im wishing for you that it is a female, you cant find anyone with any clones.


Active Member
What up? Glad to hear about you situation, you must be relieved. I went through that same bullshit, except they didn't drop the charges. Where I live, it's a money maker for the State. They treat you like a fucking lowlife for smoking weed. Makes me sick. When are people gonna wake up and smell the Ganja??? Your Church looks Female to me. the only pic that may look male is the last one. You will know if it is male, believe me it is not that hard to tell. Anyways, have a good one.


Well-Known Member
Fem. Church is male!

Chopped him. Got 2 sandwich baggies full of the plant material.

The apolloxaurora is a female gonna re-veg her now to make her bigger. i topped this plant a while ago, just tyded down the plant now. Letting the middle side branches shoot up.
im gonna reveg 2 weeks. then on to 12/12 again.
Also repotted her too.

Is Germing 2x hindu skunk seeds!

Pics comming soon!


Well-Known Member
sucks about the male, but atleat you still have the apolloxaurora..hindu skunk is some fire i use mine for hash makes some gooey tasty bubble:)


Well-Known Member
sucks about the male, but atleat you still have the apolloxaurora..hindu skunk is some fire i use mine for hash makes some gooey tasty bubble:)
Yah bricked its lame.

Imn germining the Hindu Skunk now its on day 2.

My apolloxaurora is growing but slower then i want her too.


Active Member
sorry to hear about ya church bro, I also found 2 males in my outdoor grow, the other 2 female and they have the tops in them lol one has 7 tops the other has 5, so I should get some off it if I can keep the bugs off lmao!!

also got my seeds in for my next grow, an also have that one blueberry from that friend of ours, I am going to work with it as well this grow, I would love to try out some of that.


Well-Known Member
Hey subscribers,

Sorry that i wasnt on recently, i had to just lay off and watch her grow. So
My apollo x aurora was topped early and LST late. So after my fem seed turned out male. I had to chopp and then i was left with my 2nd plant that didnt get enough attention became my #1 priority and i have a decent plant to work with. I re potted her in a nice 3 gallon pot.

i also have a hindu skunk growing currently just broke two days ago.:leaf:

Both seeds cracked and 1 is awaiting to brake soil.:leaf:

But i also have a picture of some gdp i got from my friend who gave me the hindu skunk seeds. Im Germinating 2 mystery dank seeds.

Any ballpark range on this plants harvest? would love a estimate.

Enjoy the pictures.

P.s. those spiders are in my back yard... crazy right.
Clonex{ or some rooting gel } and dirt....on my list and will be getting very soon. is that all i need..correct?



Well-Known Member
wow them spider pics are awsome nice job. and as for a estimate on yeild on that one plant i say you could get anywhere between 2-5 ozs off her but im saying close to 3 and i hope you can get 5. my last grow i did 2 plants under my 600 and got 4 ozs per plant.


Well-Known Member
wow them spider pics are awsome nice job. and as for a estimate on yeild on that one plant i say you could get anywhere between 2-5 ozs off her but im saying close to 3 and i hope you can get 5. my last grow i did 2 plants under my 600 and got 4 ozs per plant.
thanks mcpurple.
Yah how close should i get the tops to the bulb. i have a cooltube.