Patience is a virtue? BAH HUMBUG!!


Active Member
Hi Guys,

Having just removed some of the lower branches from my proud crop, I'd like to know one simple thing..

Is it possible to smoke, or consume the leaves of the plant and get high?

I have no grass to smoke, but could really do with a joint to celebrate the harvest.
I have a small handfull of leaves here and the plants themselves are doing just splendid, but as I say, with the lack of dealers in my phone book and the need for a smoke... need to get a lil' caned I'm kind of buggered!

Please help



Well-Known Member
you can smoke them and get alittle buzz. but I wouldnt... it dosnt sound like you have enough to make hash either.


Well-Known Member
i have smoked it and i gives me a banging head ake but my girl frend loves it and smokes it al the time, wich is very good for me,,,lol